Chapter 19: Revenge

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"11:48, when the clock strucks twelve I'll make my move." A familiar voice said.

In an unfamiliar location, Y/N stood there and turned around to see the last person he wanted to see, Taiyang. He couldn't comprehend what was going on in this situation but all he knew is that it is something sinister. In Tai's hand was a familiar object that he's been searching for, he felt shocked when he saw that it was with him this whole time.

"How about you make a move right now? So we can still have time to take them to the warehouse." Another voice spoke.

This time it was the demon who was trapped inside the book spoke. Judging by the looks of it, Y/N already knew that they are working together.

"We could and we're still a bit far away from, so might as well do it." Taiyang said to the demon.

"Good, after you take them to the warehouse make sure you give them pain first before they die."

"Oh I will. They deserve it anyway."

And soon, he left to go to their next destination. After seeing all of this, Y/N began to panic which cause him to wake up. He was breathing quickly and louder than normal, he found out that the dream was an omen. So he acted quickly and got out of the bed and wore is attire. He grabbed his weapons and immediately rushed out of his room.

His footsteps caused Raven to wake up and began to wonder what was happening. As Y/N arrive at Ruby and Yang's room, the same time that the clock strucks twelve, he noticed that they were gone and the window was wide open causing the wind to enter inside. The moment he saw that they're gone he felt something, a feeling that he hasn't felt for a long time, an emotion that he rarely uses. Anger.

Raven saw him stand by the door of the room. She had a worried expression on her face, the more that she gets closer, the more worried she is when she saw his face. And then, she saw the reason why he was like that. Her eyes widen, she was completely shocked.

"Y/N! Where are Yang and Ruby?!" Raven asked him holding his shoulders.

"He..... He took them...... He's gonna f****** pay for this." He said in anger as he rushed down the stairs.

"Wait! Where are you going?!" She shouted.

"I'll go and get them back, you stay here and don't follow me or call anyone else." He said about to leave.

"No I'm going with you." She demanded.

"You aren't going anywhere near them, or you'll die. He steps out of the house.

"I won't die okay?! So let me go with you!" She said.

"I already told you, you are not going anywhere. I'm not going to risk another life for nothing." He said in a monotone voice.

This made Raven stop as she watches her lover leave. No matter what he said about not going, this didn't stop her. She immediately transformed into a raven and flew to a certain direction. While flying, she looks below her and saw where Y/N was going and decided to follow him. He ran as fast as he could then used his semblance to turn invisible which made Raven have no idea where he is. She lands on top of a roof and transformed back to normal. Her hand grabbed her scroll from her pocket and contacted someone.

"Qrow, I need your help."

While in the middle of chasing down the enemy, Y/N seems to not know where are they now. But he didn't give up and continued to search, he had searched every area in the city from buildings, stores, houses and rummaged every warehouse there is but sadly, nothing. He couldn't contain his anger so he punched the wall causing the loud thud to echo within the area. While his fist was still in contact with the wall, faint footsteps were heard in the distance as it gets louder until a voice spoke.

"Y/N!! There you are!" Karra's voice was heard.

She was running towards him along with Arthur.

"What are you two doing here." He said in a bit darker voice.

"We heard what happened so we immediately got ready and looked for you. Are you.... all right?" Arthur asked.

"I'm fine, let's go home for now.... There's no point in finding him tonight." Y/N said in rage as he began walking.

The two of them followed him and made their way back to their home. When they arrived, John, Raven and Qrow were outside waiting for them to come back. Qrow was about to talk to him but he was was the one to talk first instead.

"Have you guys have any idea where he is?" He asked in a serious way.

"I'm still trying to find it but for now, we have to wait." John responded.

"We don't have much time left, for who knows what will Tai could be doing to the two of them right now." Y/N walks passed them and entered inside the house sitting on the couch.

"Hey everything is going to be fine, Y/N. We'll all make sure to get your daughters back make Tai pay for what he did." Arthur said.

"I guess this wouldn't all happen if I hadn't left Summer to die." He said.

He was obviously guilty by this which made everyone worried about him.

"It's not too late Y/N, we can still save them. As long as you don't give up, there's still hope." Karra said.

"Yep, you still have to give them something right?" John winked at him.

"I guess you're right. We should hurry now, we might be late." Y/N stands back up and grab his dagger.

All of them then went out of the house again and scattered through the whole city then the next. They aren't giving up just yet, because they knew they will save them.


Meanwhile as they search for them, Taiyang along with Ruby and Yang are inside a warehouse. The two girls' hands were tied behind their backs while sitting on the cold ground.

"W..... Why did you do this?" Yang questioned as her voice and expression was filled with fear.

"Isn't that obvious Yang? You and that worthless sister of yours are far more of a nuisance to me than anything. If it weren't for you two, I wouldn't be like this." He said.

"Me and Yang did nothing wrong to you!" Ruby yelled.

"Oh is that so?" He looks at her with a smirk.

Taiyang then slapped Ruby so hard that she ended up lying sideways on the floor with her cheek reddening and her eyes starting to water. Yang looks her them at Tai with wide eyes. He then gaze at her and smirked.

"Do you perhaps remember that? If not should I recall it again?" He said.

"N.... No.... please...... don't hurt us." She began crying.

"Hey Taiyang, you should try and scout the area first. We shouldn't let our guard down even in a second, those two won't be going anywhere anyway." The demon spoke to him.

When Yang heard of this voice she looks at the book and saw that it was the same book that was shown to her in her dream.

"W-wait..... you were that voice from my dream." Yang said.

"I am, it was finally nice to meet you little Yang. But, I'm afraid you that have to die soon." It send.

Yang was left speechless as Tai exits the warehouse. Ruby's sob was all she could hear.

"Y-Yang..... I wanna go home.."Rubh said still crying.

She just looks at her with teary eyes and looks away. She remembers all those things that Tai did to them and doesn't want it to happen to them again.

"Mom........ Dad....... Please save us...." She cried silently.

On top of a building, Y/N was standing there looking out at the area in hopes of finding where they are. He was nervous and at te same time afraid, but this won't stop as he keeps searching.

"(Don't worry Yang, Ruby. Please wait for us a little longer)"

Next: The Final Chapter

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