Part 5

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O : Gauri, you can sleep on the bed. I will sleep in the couch.

G : No no Omkaraji, you sleep on the bed. I will sleep in the couch.

O : Gauri listen to me. You can sleep on the bed.

G : I can't do that Omkarajii.

O : Ok then, I have an idea. We two can sleep on the bed. I mean the bed is large na. So we both can sleep on one bed.

G : Okay

Two of them lay on the same bed on different sides. In the morning Om woke up first. He saw Gauri sleeping in his arms. Her face was on his chest. Om feels in that position she is more comfortable .

O : She is so cute.

Gauri woke up hearing his voice. She saw that she is sleeping close to Om. Om was still looking at her. Gauri looked at Om's eyes. They both have a cute eye lock. Someone knocked on the door. Both of them came back to their senses. Gauri opened the door. It was Anika.

A : Good morning Gauri!

G : Good morning bhabhi.

A : Good morning Om.

O : Good morning.

A : These are some dresses for you Gauri.

G : Thank u bhabhi.

A ; You go and freshen up Gauri. I have some work in kitchen .

Anika left. After that Om went to the hall. Shivaay and Rudy were present in the hall. Gauri went to the kitchen for helping Anika.

S : Good morning Om.

O : Good morning guys.

S : Come and sit here Om.

Om sat with Shivaay and Rudy. Om noticed that rudy looking at him and smiling.

O : What happened Rudy?

R : Nothing.

O : Then why are you looking at me like that?

R : How was your first night O?

O : Are you mad Rudy? What are you asking?

S : Actually what is your problem Rudy?

R : I just asked him about the first night na. Is there any problem?

S : Om is right you are mad.

R : I'm not mad.

S : Leave it Om. Where is Gauri?

O : She is in the kitchen with Anika bhabhi.

S : OMG! Is Anika making today's breakfast?

R : May be. What happened bhaiyya?

S : Nothing. You know na she is not perfect in cooking.

R : I know bhaiyya. But we have no other option. Please adjust for today.

Anika called them for breakfast. They all sat down for breakfast.

D : Gauri you sit near Om. From today onwards that is your place.

Gauri sat near Om. Anika served food for all.

O : Today's breakfast is very tasty.

S : You are right Om. I'm sure it isn't prepared by Anika,isn't it?

A : You are right Shivaay. This is not prepared by me.

R : Then who prepared the breakfast?

A : Your new bhabhi, Gauri.

R : Gauri bhabhi! Breakfast is delicious.

G : Thank you Rudy bhaiyya.

S : It's very tasty Gauri.

G : Thanks bade bhaiyya.

A : Om what's your opinion ? How is Gauri's cooking.

O : Nice. Really good.

Gauri smiles.

D : Gauri do you have enough dresses?

G : Yes dadi. Anika bhabhi give me some dresses.

A : But dadi it is not enough.

D : Then you both go for a shopping.

A : That's good idea dadi. But today I have some works. I can't go with her.

D : Don't worry. Omkara will go with her.

O : But dadi I'm busy. I have to do some painting.

R : I will go with her.

G : Dadi, I will go with Rudy bhaiyya.

D : No Om. She is your wife, not Rudy's. So you go with her.

S : Dadi is right.

O : Ok dadi. Then I will go with her.

Om and Gauri went to shopping together. She was sitting silently in the car.

O : Gauri, what happened? Why are you silent?

G : Nothing Omkaraji, I was just thinking about my mother.

O : You don't worry Gauri. She is fine.

At the textiles Om selected dresses for Gauri. And he enjoyed choosing dresses for her

G (herself) : Omkaraji is a loving and caring person.

O (herself) : She is so cute . I'm enjoying everytime when she is with me. I don't know if there's any unknown connection between us. I never had this feeling before when I was with Riddhima. One thing is sure, she is something special to me. Is this love? No no no. I can't love anyone.

G : ( waving her hand in front of his eyes) What happened Omkaraji? What are you thinking?

O : Nothing Gauri. Is your shopping over?

G : It's over Omkaraji.

O : Then let's go back.

G: Okay.

Om and Gauri returned to OM.
At night youngsters all gathered near pool.

S : How was your shopping Gauri?

G : It was good.

R : Did Om help you to select dress?

G : Haan Rudy bhaiyya.

A : Om, you are an ideal husband. Shivaay isn't like you . He won't come with me for any shopping. Gauri, you are so lucky to get a loving husband.

Gauri and Om looked at each other.

S : Leave it. I have a surprise for you guys.

Rikara : SURPRISE???!!!

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