Untitled part 41

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O : so many times I told you that don't cry.

G :Omkaraji, I can't control my tears

O : why? We solved all the problem
Then why are you crying?

G : I didn't expect that from Arjun.he is my teacher

O : leave it gauri..

Om hugged her.gauri is still crying. They hear that someone is knocking the door.Om opened the door. It was Rudy.

R : where is gauri bhabhi?

O : Rudy,now she is not well.now you go and come later.now I am consoling her.

R : OK Om.now I am going.if you want any help then call me.because I will do anything for my bhabhi's  happiness.Tell her  that we all are with her.

Om smiled and hugged him.

R : Om what happened? Why are you hugging me?

O : this is for your support.I am sure your words are give more strengths to my gauri.

R : excuse me.you become formal.she is my bhabhi so I am always with her.I don't like that anyone hurting her.I will do anything for her.understand??

Om smiled.

R : OK. Then I will come later.make her happy it is your duty..if she cry again then I will show you who is Rudy.

O : don't worry Rudy.I will not hurt your bhabhi more.I will make her happy.

Rudy went back to his room.Om closed the door and saw that gauri is sitting in the bed.she is thinking something.Om get a cup of water and move towards her.

O : Gauri,drink this water.

G : no Omkaraji.i want nothing.

O : if you like me then drink this.

Gauri drink the water.

O : Gauri go and take a bath.that will give you some relief.

G : no i am not interested.

O : gauri listen to me..

Gauri went to the wash room and closed the door.

O : how can i make her happy??i want my old gauri back.i will bring her smile back.

After the bath gauri came out from the bathroom.Om was waiting for her.still she was absent minded.Om saw that water is dripping from her wet hair.

O : gauri..

No response.Om stand up from the bed and placed his hand on her shoulder.by his touch gauri get her real sense back.she looked at Om.

O : why are you always thinking?

G : nothing.

O : look your hair is still wet.

Om took a towel and rubbed her hair.

G : its OK omkaraji I will do it.

O : I know you will not do it.because now you are thinking about some other matters.so I will do it and I am enjoying this to do.

Gauri hugged him.Om hugged her back.

O : come on gauri.it is the time for dinner.

G : omkaraji, I don't want anything?

O : why??all are waiting for us.

G : omkaraji I have no hunger.

O : you are lying gauri.I know you are hunger.come with me otherwise they all are came here to call us.

G : OK then I will come.

O : one minute..

G : what ??

Om took the vermilion and filled gauri's hairline.

O : I always want to see like this.you are mine.

Gauri smiled.

O : what a beautiful smile!!I want to see this smile on your face every time.

Gauri didn't say anything.

O : OK.let's go

Gauri gone with him for dinner.all are were waiting for them.

Gauri sat near to Om.she didn't mind the other's.Gauri couldn't eat anything. She was still sad.Om noticed that she is eating nothing.after sometimes gauri get up from her seat and went to the room.

S : Om ,she is still sad.

O : yea shivaay. She didn't recovered from that shock.

A : what will we do?

O : don't worry I have some plans to make her happy.

R : what is that Om?

O  : I will say it tomorrow.

Gauri enters the room and get ready for sleep.suddenly she saw that om is coming.Om entered the room.he is with the food for gauri.

G : omkaraji ,what is this?

O : this is for you gauri.because I saw that you didn't eat anything.

G : no I didn't want anything.

O : this is made by me for you.

G : but omkaraji..

Om made her sit on the bed  and feed her with his hand.

G : omkaraji you too eat this.

O : no I already ate my dinner.

G : don't lie to me.I know if I didn't eat then you too didn't eat anything.

O : yea you are correct.

Two of them eat from the same plate.
After that they lay for sleep.Om saw that gauri is not sleeping.

O : gauri why are you not sleeping?

G : sleep is not coming.

Om hugged her.gauri placed her head on Om's chest.in that position she feels more happy.

In the next morning

Gauri wake up and saw that Om is packing their dresses.gauri get confused.

G : what happened omkaraji, why are you packing these.where are you going?

O : actually not me.we two are going .

G : where? For what ?

O : we are going to Goa.

G : Goa!!!??

O : yea.we are going to Goa todaso

Thank you so much my dearest friend SandeepSandhu768 for your ideas...

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