Untitled Part 49

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recap: Om,Gauri and Sidharth at air pot

S(thinking) : Gauri is doubting me.so first i want to solve it.if she doubt me then my plan will not work.

O : Sidh what are you thinking?

S : Nothing Om.

O : Sidharth I forgot to say one thing.Gauri is afraid to fly.

G : don't worry.today i am not afraid to anything.I am ok

O : are you sure??

S : don't worry gauri we are all with you.if you have any problem then you can tell to me.

G(thinking) : what a sudden change.now he become very caring?don't act Sidharth,i will find your real face soon

After a long time of journey they reached at Germany.

During the journey Sidharth acts like a good friend towards gauri.But gauri is still doubting him.

S : Gauri,are you ok??

G : yea. i am ok

O : sidharth why are you always asking this question to her?

S : because she is also my friend and I am concern about her.

O : ok.then let's go to the hotel.

S :ok.

They reached at the hotel.Sidharth went to the reception.Gauri and Om waited for him.Sidharth came with three keys.he gave one key to Om and other one to Gauri.

S : this is for you Om and this is for Gauri.

Om and Gauri looked at Sidharth.

O : what is the need of two rooms?

S : one is for you and other is for Gauri.

O : we only want one room.we are husband and wife.

S : i know that Om.i think if you have a separate room then you get some privacy.

O : what you mean by privacy??

Sidharth looked at Gauri.He saw that Gauri is staring at him.

O : Look Sidharth i have no secrets.and i don't interested to hide anything from my wife.

S : Om i didn't meant that.

O : any way we don't want two rooms.

Om gave back the key to him and hold Gauri's hand and went to their room.

S(himself) : all my plans are getting flop.what will a say to Ridhima now?

when Om was opening the door he heard that someone is calling him.

R : Om.

He saw that Ridhima is standing in front of him.He get shocked by seeing her.

O : You??????

Gauri didn't understand anything.She looked at them.

R : what a surprise Om??you here

G : Omkaraji,who is this?

Ridhima looked at Gauri.

R : I am Ridhima.did you know me?

Gauri didn't say anything she stood numb and looked at Om.

R : who is this girl Om?

Om turned back and hold Gauri's hand.He entered the room and closed the door.

Sidharth came there.

S : Ridhima ,why you now came in front of him?

R : stop questioning me.I know what to do.

S : but Ridhima... Gauri is also with him.then how will we execute our plan.

R : don't worry Sidharth. We can make a new plan which is more interested than our first plan.and Gauri is necessary for this plan.

S : I didn't understand anything.

R : first I want to make a friendship with him. And I will separate them.

S : how do you make friendship with him??he is really angry with you.

R : i want your help for that.

S : I will help you.But don't think that we can separate them.Because their bonding is strong

R : i don't care and i want to separate them and i want my Omkara back.

S : that is not easy

R : I know that.

Inside the room.

Om is really angry.He was sitting on the bed.

G(low voice) : Omkaraji..

O : Gauri pls leave me alone for sometimes.

Gauri's eyes filled with tears.She left from there.Gauri feels very bad.

After sometime Om became normal and search for Gauri.He found that Gauri sitting alone.He came near to Gauri and placed his hand on her shoulder.

O : I am sorry Gauri.

G : It's ok Omkaraji.I can understand your situation.

Gauri tried to smile but she can't .Tears from her eyes flow through her cheeks.Om wiped her tears.Suddenly they hear that someone is knocking the door.

Om opened the door.It was Sidharth.

S : may i come in?

O : sure.

Sidharth entered the room.He saw that Gauri is wiping her tears.

S : What happened Gauri?are you crying?

G : no i am not crying

Sidharth looked at Om.

S : what happened Om??

O : nothing.

S(thinking) : i feel that they were fight with each other.it is a good sign.now we can separate them easily.

Gauri went to the washroom.

S : Om, actually i came here for inviting you for dinner.Today's dinner is especially for you and Gauri.

O : sorry Sidharth today i have no mood.

S : pls Om.it is a gift for you by me.

O : ok.we will come...

S : where is Gauri?

O : Don't worry i will tell to her.

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