Untitled Part 54

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Sidharth heard all these through the phone.He became happy by hearing that.

R : what happened Sidharth?Why are you laughing?

S : our plan is working dear.

Ridhima looked Sidharth questioningly.

S : they are fighting.I heard it through the phone.he forgot to cut my call.

R : Really??

S : yea.i heard it.Om don't like that i am talking with Gauri.

R : that means our job is more easy.

S : but i didn't expect this.

R : okay.Then we can meet tomorrow.

S : okay.Good night.

Sidharth left from there.Om and Gauri was happy in their room.

In the next morning

Om and Gauri was sleeping peacefully on their bed.They hear that some one is knocking the door.Gauri opened her eyes.

G : Omkaraji,someone is knocking the door

O : who is disturbing our sleep??

G : I think it is Ridhima..

O : Are you sure?

G : yea.I think so.

Gauri get up from the bed to open the door.

O : don't go gauri.

G : no.she is knocking i want to open the door.

Gauri move towards door.Om get up from the bed and went to wash room.Gauri opened the door.She saw that Ridhima is standing infront of her.

R : Good  morning gauri

G(without interest) : Good morning.

Ridhima looked around the room.

R : where is om??

Gauri looked back.She saw that he is not in the bed.

G : I don't know

R : why?yesterday you two were in the same room.

G : so what?I don't know anything about him.

R : But Gauri..

G : pls Ridhima stop it.I don't want to talk about him.

Ridhima smiled by hearing this.Gauri too smiled by seeing RIdhima's reaction.

Ridhima saw that Om is coming out from wash room.

R : Good morning Omkara

O : good morning dear..

R : what happened Om?did you fight with Gauri?

O : leave that topic.you are looking very beautiful today

R : Oh ..Thank you

Om looked at Gauri.Gauri made an angry face

G : where is my mobile Omkaraji??

O : I didn't saw it

G : I know that you hide it somewhere.

O : I don't want your phone.

G :  I am sure you took my phone.

O : stop it Gauri.why are you always fighting with me??

G : not me.You are always fighting with me.

O : I have the right to take your phone.I am your husband.

G : I don't like anyone checking my phone.

Ridhima was happy to see their fight.Gauri looked at Ridhima.

G : Why are you standing here?I want to talk to him.will you pls leave.

O : she is my friend.so she have the right to came my room.

G : this is my room too.I don't like anyone stand in my room.so pls leave Ridhima.

O : You are irritating me..

R : guys pls stop this fight.I don't like that you two are fighting with each other because of me.

O : look at her.she is trying to stop our fight.

G(looking towards Ridhima) : Ridhima pls stop your drama.i know who you are.

O : don't say anything about her.

R : leave it Om.I will go now.see you later.

Ridhima left from there.Om closed the door and turn back.he saw that Gauri is trying to control her laugh.

O(low voice) : don't say anything.she will be in out side.

Gauri sat on the bed.Om moved towards Gauri and hold her hand.

G : what ar e you doing Omkaraji?leave my hand.

O : don't make sound Gauri..

Gauri get up from bed..

O : when you get angry you look very beautiful Gauri..

G : oh.seriously?

O : yea.

Om looked at her eyes.

G : why are you looking like this??

Om moved towards her.she moved back.they heard that some one is again knocking the door.

O : what is this ? Again she..

G : go and open the door.

Om opened the door.It was Sidharth.

S : Hi Om.

Om smiled.

S : today we are going for exhibition. So get ready soon.

O : okay.

S : where is Gauri??

O : she is in wash room.I will tell to her.

S : okay.

Sidharth left from there.Om closed the door.

G : Omkaraji are you seriously jealous??

O : No

G : don't lie Omkaraji.I know that you are really jealous.

O : How do you know that?

G : I noticed that yesterday during the dinner.when he hugged me then you became sad.

Om smiled.

O : yea.you are correct .I don't like his attitude.there is no need of hugging you.he was my friend.not your's.

gauri started to laugh.

O : why are you laughing?

G : my jealous Kara is really cute.

Check out SandeepSandhu768's new story..I like this story very much.Nice bonding with siblings.I am sure you will like it.

This is today's second update.pls comment and vote

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