A Silly Dare...

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A/N : " Here you guys go! Okay, I might use this idea in my main book, Kamisama Kiss: Tomoe's New Goddess?, But...Not exactly the same...SO I decided to put this version in here. Enjoy! XD 

Truth Or Dare?

Tomoe sighed in annoyance. He tugged at his school uniform and swore. He felt like an idiot, coming here and trying to learn things like his master. The only reason he came was because she needed protection. The fox tugged at his top button and opened it. This shirt was like a stinking collar!

He felt like he was choking or something... He sighed as the button became undone and he stood up. The bell had just went off and everyone was going to the lunch room.

He looked for Nanami and noticed that she was still sitting at her desk. She had her lunch box out and she was chomping away.

The fox furrowed his brow, What was she doing? The classroom cleared out and the only people left was Nanami, Her friend Ami, Kurama and him. He rolled his eyes and looked at her

"What are you doing?"

Nanami smiled will she stuffed some crab into her mouth, " I'm eatin."

"I can see that..But why here?"

Before she could answer Kurama laughed, " I asked her to stay. We're all playing Truth or Dare. You can play if you want to.."

Tomoe looked at the Tengu and ground his teeth. Stinkin Idiot! This guy always ticked him off.

"Whats Truth or Dare?" Tomoe spat out.

Nanami smiled, " Its just like the name! If you pick truth you have to answer the askers question; if its a dare you have to do the dare; Or you can do a chicken. Which is like..Scaring yourself in public."

Tomoe felt himself smirk, That sounded risky. He liked risky...

"I'll play."

Kurama and Nanami looked at him in shock. They both nodded and Ami came up.

Kurama smiled, " Okay, Lets start this thing!"

Ami smiled, " Kurama, Truth or Dare?"

The man smiled, " Truth."

"Do you hate your fans?"

The tengu grew quiet and Tomoe tried not to burst out laughing. Oh this was was rich...

"Yes, Next question!" Kurama said rather quickly. Ami was shocked and a deep pout formed on her mouth.

"Nanami, Truth or Dare?" Kurama said with a smile.


"Why do you not like Mushrooms?"

Tomoe nodded, " I too want to know that."

"They're rubbery and they have this taste that sticks to the roof of your mouth! Its just nasty!" She gagged and Tomoe rolled his eyes.

Kurama turned his glare to Tomoe and smiled, " Truth or Dare?"

Tomoe smiled, " I will choose what you all don't want to choose..Dare."

Kurama smiled and seemed to ponder something, " Okay then. Kiss Nanami with your tongue for two minutes straight!"

The fox suddenly felt dizzy. Oh Crap, He was not expecting that! He swallowed as his breath left him. It was fun..Until now. He felt his stomach turn.

"If you don't want to you can do a chicken."

Tomoe shook his head. He was not doing that...Mostly because looking like a fool right now was not going to happen! Ami was shocked by the dare and had her face covered, her cheeks flushed. Tomoe looked at Nanami from the corner of his eyes, She was frozen stiff.

He bit his lip and looked at Nanami.

"Your going to do this!?" Nanami nearly screamed.

"I chose it, did I not? I will not give up on a dare."

Her cheeks turned a rosy color and Tomoe felt his face heat. Oh man...What was he going to do?! Nanami looked down embarrassed. She was sitting on top of her desk, her legs dangling freely over the edge. Tomoe leaned over her and Kurama tried hard not to laugh.

The foxes mouth went dry as he leaned his mouth close to hers. Her hot breath fanned his cheeks and he sighed. What was he doing? Maybe he should do the chicken and never play this game again.

No...He couldn't do that..Not now. Their mouths came close and Nanami blushed. Oh gosh....

"Remember," Kurama laughed, " It has to be a french kiss!"

Tomoe cursed under his breath and pressed his mouth onto Nanami's softly. Then to follow through with the dare he stuck his tongue in. Nanami gasped and Tomoe ran his tongue over the roof of her mouth. His heart was beating quickly. He was a familiar..But that didn't stop him from being a teenager and having these feelings.

They had to kiss for two mintues. Crap, that was going to be hard giving that Tomoe couldn't breath already. He massaged their tongues together and blushed. A moan escaped him, Probably from the lack of air.

Nanami pressed her mouth onto his and Tomoe gasped. She was kissing him? What the CRAP!? His eyes grew wide and he could've sworn he heard Kurama snicker in the background. The fox opened his mouth a bit and sighed, His eyes closing in pure plessure. Ugh...He felt like a pervert! Why was he enjoying this!?

"Your times up.."

Tomoe pulled his mouth away; gasping for air. He couldn't breath... That was...So....The fox blushed and looked away from the crowd.

Ami sighed and removed her hand, then with a sad look in her eyes she said, " I want to see so...Tomoe I dare you to do that again!"

Tomoe glared at her and she hid behind a laughing Kurama. Nanami blushed and Tomoe growled. He was not going to do that again! He turned his head away, considering a chicken. Thats when Nanami pulled his mouth onto hers. The fox gasped as her tongue touched his and he moaned. Ami blushed at the scene but refused to cover her eyes.

To Tomoe's surprise Nanami bit down on his lip and he let out a feral growl. The dare was to kiss, But not to do it so passionatly! Their lips moved against each others in an unknown bliss and Tomoe muttered her name; kissing her softly but firmly.

The foxes face burned as the two minutes were coming to a end. They continued to kiss until the homeroom teacher walked in; embarrassing the two teens.

"Your Two! Right there! That behavior is not accepted in the classroom! Do that somewhere else!"

Thank god the two minutes were over because Tomoe pulled away instantly; breathing heavily as he did so. Oh Crap!

"I am calling your parents young man! Not yours Momozeno because I know your situation."

Tomoe coughed and looked at the teacher surprised. Kurama wasn't laughing anymore and he quickly pulled Ami and Nanami out of the room.

"Come Here Mr.Mikage." Tomoe swore under his breath and walked up to the teachers desk.

"What is your parents nearest contact?"

Tomoe sighed. He would just have to face it. He could not get out of this one, " Inari Okami,"

The fox ratted off a number and watched the teacher dial it down. Then he placed it to his ear. Tomoe heard the phone click and he leaned against the desk. He folded his arms and pretended he couldn't hear what they were saying.

"Hello Inari Okami? I have a very urgent matter to talk to you about Tomoe, I do believe your his gurdian in the present time?"

"I am, What seems to be the problem? Did he get into a fight?"

"No, Just the opoisite. He was caught kissing in the empty classroom."

Tomoe rolled his eyes, This man was making it out like something wrong happened. Teachers were so stupid.

"Oh I see.."

"Yes, Such immoral conduct is not allowed in this classroom. He can kiss in the hallways or anywhere else on campus but he wil not kiss here. I want you to come for him soon."

Tomoe almost lost his composure. Inari was coming to get him? Oh crap...He was SO dead.


Inari nodded for the fifth time as the teacher started to talk about what he saw. He said it didn't look right while Tomoe said it was a dare from a childish human game. For some reason he believed Tomoe, but this was a rare opportunity to tease him.

"They were over there." The teacher pointed, " The girl was on top of the desk while Tomoe was kissing her and who knows what else!"

Inari nodded while Tomoe's hair bristled, " IT WASN'T LIKE THAT!"

"Oh I see.." Inari smirked, " So your saying he had his tongue down her throat?"

Suddenly the room grew quiet and Tomoe looked down, blushing a bright red color. Inari smiled, Bingo. He got it right.


Inari nodded as Tomoe's blush grew brighter and brighter.

"What girl?"

Thats when Tomoe's body stiffened and he looked at the door, " C-Could we leave?"

"Nanami Momozeno."

Inari paused, " He had his tongue down...HER? Mouth?"

The man nodded and Inari slowly looked at Tomoe with an evil grin, " I see, Don't worry. Things will be taken care of. Come on Tomoe."

The teen nodded and nearly bolted out the door. The harvest god laughed and followed after him.

"Want to talk about it?"

The teen ground his teeth and shook his head, " No, There is nothing to say.."

Inari laughed and Tomoe kept quiet. In fact the next few days was quiet and it was extrememly awkward between Nanami and the fox.

Inari smiled at Tomoe's flushed face and looked up at the sky, " Yo Mikage? You should hear about what Tomoe did....All for a stupid Dare......."

End Of Short Story, Oh Yeah!

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