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"What if we see the Frostwolves?" I asked as we walked next to our worgs the drums of war still sounding loudly.
"Well you just be careful, they dishonoured you for throwing you out like you were nothing. You were lucky we stumbled upon you. Grommash is very pleased to have you riding with us." He told me. We both mounted our worgs, mine being the smallest, we then headed towards the Hellfire Peninsula. When we reached the gate it was dusk, we saw many Orc clans many of them green just like my clan, Grommash and I were the only two who were still brown skins. "Stay close." Dagg'rak whispered, his great tusks clacking as he talked, his long black mane fell down his back in a sea of silky, sleek waves, he lumbered as he walked but when it came to me this Orc was gentle and took care of me.
We reached our area of where we were to camp, I wasn't allowed to explore with out Dagg'rak or Grommash. I helped them set up the camp when a familiar Orc wandered in with his clan, it was Durotan the now chieftain of the Frostwolves. I wanted to hide behind Dagg'rak but he told me to be strong, regardless I found myself shuffling closer to the Orc. I noticed my clan just glared at them as they wandered through, I could see the discomfort growing with in them, Durotans eyes met mine for a moment Dagg'rak followed my eye line and he huffed at the chieftain. "Keep moving!" He growled. Durotan turned his head away and kept walking as soon as they passed we finished setting up the camp. Dagg'rak sat with me attempting to calm me, I was sat on his knee with his arm around me, we weren't mates but we were close.
Night came and the camp was filled with the sound of snoring Orcs, Dagg'rak wouldn't rest till I was soundly asleep. "Go to sleep Ruk I'll be here if you need me." He whispered. I lay my head down, its not long till I feel Dagg'rak lay down next to me, he lay his arm protectively over me. I began to slip off and dream of a hunt with the Frostwolves, I was leading with Durotan, both riding our Frostwolves into one another we came to a ledge but our wolves skidded on the ice and went over the edge.
I awoke with a start waking Dagg'rak in the process. "Ruk, what's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing." I lied shaking my head, causing the braids in my black hair to swing.
"Then go back to sleep." He whispered. I nodded and lay back down. But still I could not sleep I was surrounded by Orcs who would gladly defend me but still I worried, I kept shifting and fidgeting hoping that lying in a different position would help. I ended up laying on my back staring at the stars.
I heard voices and when I raised my head to look, I noticed there were cages and cages of Draenei.

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