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A/N Hello! I'm back, I hope you guys enjoy this book as it gets written! Season 2 is looking promising! :) 
3+ Comment/Votes for the next chapter! xo 


Every mother remembers their pregnancies with varying emotions. The very first time a woman is informed that she in charge of growing a whole new life inside of her, emotions will range from shock and joy to complete and utter terror. Because how can you care for yourself while also putting your all into another human being – a child at that? But as the nine short months progress, it becomes easier to breathe, because suddenly you're prepared – as prepared as baby books and doctor consultations can make you. But nothing, nothing you are ever told, or read, ever prepares you for that first moment, the initial discovery.

Jocelyn Fairchild had experienced this moment twice, and under very different circumstances each time.

With Clary, her second pregnancy, there had been that sense of terror most certainly, but the most prevalent emotion was relief, relief that she wouldn't be alone, that she could have a second chance at raising a child. That relief had quickly turned to worry of course when against everything Jocelyn had hoped and prayed; Clary began to exhibit signs of the sight. That feeling of worry only continued to grow as Clary grew, and rightfully so. Jocelyn's past could not only endanger her, but her daughter and everything they'd built, every friendship and bond they'd forged.

Her first pregnancy, when she'd been informed that she was not only expecting, but expecting twins, Jocelyn was sure it would be one of her fondest memories, one of the happiest moment in her life.

But as the months passed and the babies grew, Jocelyn began to suspect that something was wrong, and that her own husband was behind it. Jocelyn had long since stopped completely trusting Valentine, seeing his rapid descent into madness as his fascination with downworlders and their blood grew. It wasn't until her babies came screaming into the world that she realised how right she had been.

Jonathan came first, and though at first he screamed, hungrily gasping in mouthfuls of air, he quickly quietened down. Jocelyn peeked at her son; the smile slipping from her face as his eyes flickered open, soulless and black, staring directly at her.

She remembered handing him off to someone quickly, Luke probably, unable to look at the childlike monster. He was her son there was no doubt, but already Jocelyn felt a strange sense of detachment and repulsion, because her baby wasn't a baby at all, but rather a monster wearing human skin.

As her second baby, Adelaide, was born, Jocelyn was almost terrified to look at her. But unlike Jonathan, Adelaide entered the world silently, staring around with large doe eyes; warm brown eyes that made Jocelyn's heart flutter with love and adoration.

As the twins grew, try as she might, she could never truly bring herself to see Jonathan as anything other than a monster, and a part of her waited for the day Adelaide would reveal herself to be the same. There were moments when she glimpsed something in Adelaide that terrified her, but they never lasted long. But still, they were there.

Jocelyn Fairchild had watched her parent's manor burn to the ground in Idris, her children, parents and husband inside. And yet somehow, as she pulled away from her embrace with Clary, her eyes were drawn to the dark haired girl in the corner of the room.

'Mum, there's uh – someone I think you should meet.' Clary smiled at Jocelyn who frowned at her.


But Jocelyn's eyes shot back to the brunette, taking in her features, more specifically her eyes, eyes that once shined with mischief, now shining with maturity far beyond her years.

Jocelyn forced herself forward, trying to calm her breathing. After Luke sent her a nod that confirmed her suspicions, she embraced her eldest daughter tightly as Adelaide mumbled out a soft hello. The tears came thick and fast, and Jocelyn felt Adelaide hug her back awkwardly, unsure of how she should react.

'I don't... I don't understand... you're so beautiful, I could never forget that face.' Jocelyn smiled shakily at her daughter.

Because while Jocelyn could never forget Adelaide's face, she also couldn't look at her without seeing Jonathan and his dark eyes that haunted her for years after he was gone.

'It's nice to meet you.' Adelaide smiled politely, a small tear escaping her eyes.

'It's nice to meet you too.' Jocelyn smiled, her heart bashing against her chest as her eyes searched the room. 'Does this mean Jonathan...'

'That's a long story, one best told with a few glasses – or bottles – of wine.' Magnus answered casually, cutting her question off as tension in the room increased tenfold.

Jocelyn forced a laugh. 'Understood. My head is spinning.'

As she was lead to a room to rest and freshen up, speaking to the Lightwoods on autopilot, already her mind was making plans. Magnus' words were as good as confirmation, and if Jonathan was alive, it was up to Jocelyn to find him.

And Adelaide, Jocelyn would have to keep an eye on her too. Because even though everything about her seemed normal, she knew better than anyone that in a world full of magic, it is far too easy to pretend to be someone you're not.

For the sake of humanity, of the shadowhunter race, should her twins prove to be a problem –

Jocelyn would put them down herself. 

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