Ch. 2| Regroup

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Adventually, the team was able to portal out of New York and back to the kingdom of Katolis. Waiting for them was a young woman with dark brown hair with white bangs, brown eyes, and was wearing a purple shirt with a magenta skull on it, bluish purple mini vest, short jean skirt, black leggings, and black boots. Her name is Claire Nunez, Douxie's best friend.

With her were 2 young half-elf children. The first one was a young girl with white hair, hazel eyes, and was wearing her pajamas. Her name is Riley Casperan. Rayla and Douxie's daughter.

The second one was a teenage boy with brown hair, olive green eyes, and was wearing a dark red shirt, dark gray pants, and brown boots. He also wears an old red scarf around his neck that belonged to his father. His name is Callum Jr. or just Junior for short. He is Rayla and Callum's son/Douxie's step son.

"Thank you so much, Claire." Rayla said, still holding on to Douxie to help him stand. "We really appreciate you."

"No problem, but what the hell happened?!" Claire asked in shock at the sight of her friend's condition. "The kids don't need to see their dad like this."

"Oh, he was nearly killed by the leader of a gang." Shane said honestly which caused the others to just glare at him. "What? It's the truth."

"Yeah but the kids are right there." Twilight said seriously.

"It's fine. . .I'm fine." Douxie said weakly as he slowly let go of Rayla, still covering his wound to stop the bleeding. "Really, it's just a small stab wound. I've survived worse."

"Auntie, Claire?" Riley asked, concerned and a little scared. "Is Daddy really going to be okay?"

"Ha! Please, your dad got his ass kicked. By thugs, I'm assuming, based on the weapon of choice." Junior said as a matter of factly before giving a disbelieving scoff. "And you're supposed to be a master wizard? Pathetic."

"Junior!" Rayla snapped. "Don't tell her that!"

"What? It's true, isn't it?" Junior said as he rolled his eyes. "Douxie is nothing compared to father, who by the way, would be very disappointed in you, mom."

Douxie was taken back by the comment as he didn't really know how to respond. Rayla, on the other hand, let out a small growl in anger as she didn't like how her son was acting.

There was silence for a moment before Claire knelt down to the white haired girl. "Uh, don't listen to them, Daddy will be just fine." Claire said honestly as she picked up the girl. "Let's go to your room, while Mommy and Junior figure things out."

With that said, Claire walked away with Riley leaving Rayla, Douxie and Junior alone.

"Look, I know Douxie isn't your father and that's okay. I never expected you to call him dad." Rayla said once she was calmer. "And I know you miss your father, but you still need to show him respect."

"I don't want to talk about this right now." Junior said seriously as he started to walk away before giving a small sigh. "But I will say. . .I'm sorry, Douxie. And I really hope you're okay. For my mom and sister's sake."

With that said, the brown haired boy walked away and Rayla sighed as she walked back over to Douxie and started to help wrap up his wound. "I'm sorry about him."

"Don't be, I know he just misses his father." Douxie said with a slight wince from pain.

"Oh, sorry, too tight?" Rayla asked.

"No, I'm fine just a shock that's all." Douxie said with a small smile. "Anyway, yeah it's been a little over seven years, but everyone grieves differently. I still get emotional about Merlin every now and again."

"What about your sister?" Rayla asked honestly as she finished tieing the bandage and stood up. "Do you ever think about her?"

Douxie paused for a moment before taking a deep breath. "Yeah, I think about her all the time. Especially, during our missions when we could need her help the most."

"I'm sure she would be proud of you." Rayla smiled as she put her hand on Douxie's shoulder and gave him a small kiss on the forehead. "Now let's go, Shane and Twilight are waiting for us in the meeting area."

"Right, let's get this over with." Douxie said as they walked into a big room with a round table in the center.

"Douxie! You're okay!" Twilight exclaimed as she ran up to give the wizard a hug. "We were worried!"

"Ah, easy, I'm still in pain." Douxie said, returning the hug. "But thanks, Twi."

"So, what's going to happen now?" Shane asked as the others walked to the table. "I mean, the purple dragons got away. We failed."

"Look, I know we've failed that mission but that doesn't mean it's the end for The Shadows Of The Moon." Douxie said as he casted a projection spell to show the plan. "The next place we're going is none other than my home town. . .Arcadia Oaks."

"But, Arcadia hasn't seen any supernatural activity for years now." Twilight said honestly. "What woukd we possibly find there?"

"Who said this was going to be a mission?" Douxie asked with a smirk.

"Uh, I don't understand." Twilight said honestly.

"Wait, are you saying that we finally get some time to relax?!" Shane asked excitedly.

"Yep, Doux and I thought it would be nice to go and visit his home town as a way to chill out and relax." Rayla explained. "Besides, there we'll be able to step out of the shadows for a while and just be ourselves."

"No more hiding?" Shane said with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"No more hiding." Douxie said with a smile as music started to play and Rayla began to sing.

Rayla: "I spent my life
in the shadows
Creepin' round the corners
Trying to find
a home to land
I've spent my
nights feeling lonely
Dreaming of
what could be
But this is where
I take my stand

I might be nervous,
but I'm an optimist
It's an adventure,
ready to take the risk
Looking for new friends,
looking for family
Could this be what
I've been waiting for?
This is what I've
been waiting for

Here I am, I'm comin'
out of the dark
Not afraid to show my
secrets or my scars
This is where I'm finally free
This is where I'm meant to be
Here I am, I'm comin'
out of the dark
Out of the dark"

During the song, Claire managed to overhear the conversation. "So, you guys going back to Arcadia?" She asked.

"Do you think you can help us out?" Douxie asked. "You know, which the whole portal thing?"

"Don't have to ask me twice." Claire smiled and she conjured up a shadow portal. "Arcadia's my home too, so I'm coming as well."

"No problem. I'm sure Junior can watch his sister while we're gone." Douxie said honestly as the three of them walked through the portal and quickly arrived in Arcadia.

"It's good to be home." Douxie said with a deep breath before he started to sing as well.

Douxie: "So this is it,
Seven plus years, still
Trying to live up to him
How can I find some
air to breathe?
I'm not the master, that's him,
and I never told him: No
I just need a chance
to find my wings

I might be nervous,
but I'm an optimist
It's an adventure,
ready to take the risk
I see trolls and aliens,
they look like family
This is what I've
been waitin' for

Here I am, I'm comin'
out of the dark
Not afraid to show my
secrets or my scars
This is where
I'm finally free
This is where
I'm meant to be
Here I am, I'm comin'
out of the dark
Out of the dark"

Twilight: "I might be nervous,
but I'm an optimist"

Shane: "It's an adventure,
ready to take the risk"

Twilight: "I see the creatures,
they look like family"

Shane & Twilight: "This is what
I've been waitin' for!"

All: "Here I am, I'm comin'
out of the dark
Not afraid to show my
secrets or my scars
This is where
I'm finally free
This is where
I'm meant to be
Here I am, I'm comin'
out of the dark
Out of the dark"

When the song was over Claire left the group to go and see her boyfriend while the others wondered around.

"Shane, Twilight, welcome to Arcadia." Douxie said proudly. "Now, shall I show you guys to my living quarters?"

"Aww you're so cute when you're trying to sound sophisticated." Rayla said with a playful smirk. "Don't you live in a bookstore?"

"A bookstore! You live in a bookstore!?" Twilight gasped, getting all excited. "Showmeshowmeshowme!"

"Woah calm down, Twi." Douxie said with a chuckle. "Yes, I live in a bookstore. But it's pretty cosy if you ask me."

"Douxie! Thank goodnesses you're here!" A voice suddenly said which caught the team off guard for a moment. When they looked, they saw a young man with brown hair and was wearing a white shirt under a blue jacket, jeans, and white shoes. His name is James Lake Jr. Or just Jim for short, Claire's boyfriend.

"Jim? What's going on?" Douxie asked, confused. "I just got here."

"I know, Claire told me." Jim said trying to catch his breath. "But you guys have to help us. The town is under attack!"

To be continued. . .

Song is a slight parody of "Out of the dark" from Monster High

Tales of Arcadia and The Dragon Prince belongs to DreamWorks

MLP EG belongs to Hasbro

Riley Casperan and Callum Jr. belongs to me

Shane belongs to Bakshane93

All rights reserved

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