Chapter 12

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(A/N: A lot of blood and violence (kind of(?)) in this chapter! I'm warning you now, since this chapter starts off bloody)


Frisk's P.O.V

My screams filled the room, maybe even the building I was trapped in, as my captors whipped my exposed back, blood slowly falling down my legs. Tears fell down my face, leaving little clear streaks on my dirtied cheeks.

"That's enough, Guss," the other guy in the room, in charge of the one whipping me, ordered. I always hated this part; the pain is just as bad as during the whole ten minutes of the whipping. My back stung all over, and it hurt more when I moved. Guss untied the rope attached to my chains and I slumped to the ground, unable to keep myself up. I gasped in air during my crying, seeking the one thing keeping me sane and holding onto it, hoping that it might somehow ward off the pain, at least a bit.

"Come on, won't you stand up for us, angel?" the guy in charge asked, squatting down nearer to my eye level. "I want another look at those curves."

"G-Go to hell, you b-bastard," I muttered through clenched teeth, bracing myself for the punishment of speaking like that.

He sighed. "You never learn, do you, angel? That kind of language will get you killed. And you still haven't said anything about the information we need. Guss," he then said emotionlessly and briefly. Pain exploded from my back, and I let out a small cry, falling onto my arms from my more upright position.

I heard a faint knock on the metal door, the only exit and entrance to the concrete room, and it opened, two other males coming in. They released me from my chains, lifted me up, each hooking one arm under one of mine, and started dragging me out. I was deadweight in their arms, and they treated me as such. The two brought me over to another door, one of them opening it, and threw me in, my body skidding against the rough ground.

"Frisk!" Chara shouted, coming over to me, fully clothed whereas I was stripped to my undergarments. She lifted my head onto her lap, and I heard the door close loudly, signalling that the two men had left. "They're extending it longer and longer, and each session is getting closer and closer together," she murmured, mainly to herself I think, while I sobbed into her tattered clothes, soaking them with my tears. Plastic scraped against rock, water splashed on the ground, water dripped onto water, and then pain shot from my back. I couldn't breath for a second from the shock of both pain and cold.

"Ch-Chara," I managed to say past the pain and freezing cold, shivering all the while, "h-how do y-you manage to st-stay so s-sane?" The soothing cloth gently going across my back stopped for a moment before starting again.

"I don't know, truthfully," my sister finally responded. "I'm wondering how you're not broken yet. They give you a much harsher... treatment, after all."

"I can't break, Chara. For Sans, I can't."

I heard a sad sigh escape her lips, but I didn't bother with it as the cloth was dunked into the bucket, coming out dripping wet a moment later, and then put on my back again. Fresh waves of pain throbbed my body as the cloth was gently and roughly wiped across the wounds on my back. I did my best to contain another scream, which I partly failed at, it instead coming out as a strangled whimper.

The cold suddenly was all across my back, and I opened my eyes and looked up at Chara when she shifted. A small pile of clothes was pulled over.

"Can you stand up?" she asked, already starting to help me up onto my feet.

"Y-Yeah," I muttered, although my muscles were screaming at me to stay lying on the ground. My legs shook badly, and threatened to crumple beneath me. However, I managed to stand upright and use one of the walls as support as my sister grabbed one of the pieces of clothing, a lilac tee.

"Chara, I can dress myself," I said, struggling to smile past the pain, as I realized what she was trying to do.

"You are in no shape to dress yourself," she argued, glaring at me in concern. "Now put up your arms."

She helped me dress, me wincing from my aches and pains and Chara from her own, more internal wounds, finishing by the time the two same guys who dragged me back here came in once again.

Chara stepped toward them, defensively and willingly, while I slid down to the ground, stopping every now and then from the pain. One of them swiftly injected a needle filled with a pale red liquid into her neck, the other going behind to catch her as she was knocked out from the fast-working drug. Then they both walked out, Chara in tow, without a single glance towards me, the heavy, metal door closing behind them.

I was scared. Not so much because I was now alone - I've grown used to that for the past few months - but because of how little resistance my sister put up, and how fast the drug worked. Usually, neither of the two gang members would walk out unscathed, and the drug would usually kick in later, at least from my experience. Our captors were planning something, but I didn't have the slightest clue as to what.

I wished we could escape to Heaven, but the people, the mortals, keeping us here blocked our energy intake and magic usage. I don't even know how I didn't detect them among all the angels on Truce Day when we were captured. One second, Chara and I were chatting, and then the next we were in some run-down, abandoned building. Luckily, but also unluckily, we could still hide and show our wings. I let mine appear, and weakly gazed at the clipped edges, my eyelids slowly drooping before I closed them and fell into an uneasy, uncomfortable light sleep.

"I don't understand, Chara. They're mortals. Their energies say so! How can they know about angels?"

"How do you expect me to answer that?! They must be blocking their true energy, masking it with a mortal's. But it matches up perfectly with how a mortal's energy is! No flaw in it, no upkeep for it, unique for each person. Either they are somehow mortals, or a very well trained love angel group."

"They can't be love angels. Their energies never change throughout the day, nor change the next time they check up on us. Besides, they're all human. I haven't detected a single monster energy, nor have I seen one. Love angels are only monsters, rarely ever humans."

"Well they can't be angels. We've never had a betrayal since that guy, and he was proven guilty; killed, Frisk."

"Then what can they be? They can't be mortals because they know of angels. They can't be love angels because they're human. And they can't be angels because there was never another betrayal."

"Sigh. This thinking is hurting my brain. I'm going to sleep."

"...Night Chara."

"...Night, Frisk."

I jolted awake, a loud bang echoing around the room for a second before fading. Standing in front of the door was my sister, her head down and her hands behind her back. I couldn't see any bruising or bleeding on her exposed skin, but I couldn't tell if there was any underneath her clothes.

"Were you in there long?" I quietly asked, wondering how long I slept. There were no windows in the room, just a single bulb dangling from the ceiling that gave off a little glow that flickered every once in a while. It was better than complete darkness, at least.

"Oh no, not long," she said flatly. An evil smile came to her face, and I felt fear's adrenaline kick in as I became fully aware of what happened. She looked up, her red gaze cold and full of hate, and let out a bloodchilling laugh. "But long enough for me to realize who the enemy is."

They had broken my sister a long time ago, and she hid it from me. They just needed more time to get me weak enough to get her to successfully kill me. After all, I was nothing now compared to her, after I was exiled from Heaven, thus no longer being considered a princess.

I stood up, my fingers gingerly touching the wall, my muscles tense and aching as I braced myself for her attack.

Chara came at me, drawing a knife from behind her. I narrowly dodged to the side, crashing into the corner as her knife scraped across the wall. A long, pale streak was left in it as she turned towards me and attacked again. I ducked and swept her legs out from under her, giving me the chance to go to the other side of the room. I looked into my sister's eyes as she stood back up, hoping for a second that there would be some kind of struggle deep within her. It faded as I only saw hatred and the pure intent to kill.

To kill me.

A loud, but muffled, crash sounded and shook the building, causing me to fall onto the ground. Chara managed to keep her balance, and took the opportunity to attack me. I rolled out of the way with my wings loosely wrapped around me like a cocoon, hearing and barely feeling the knife hit the ground. I leapt to my feet, spreading out my wings to help keep my balance, and saw Chara in front of me, already in her movement to strike me. I tried backing up out of the way, putting my arms up to protect my head, but I was little too late. The knife cut through the skin of my left arm, and I knew it was deep. I fell backwards, letting out a short scream from the pain, and held onto it with my other arm.

I looked up at my sister, teary eyed. She smiled and prepared for the last blow that we both knew I couldn't dodge. I closed my eyes tightly, tears falling down my face, afraid of my fate.

However, before the knife even came down on me, a shocking noise buzzed close by, followed by a loud thud. I opened my eyes and saw Chara lying on the ground in front of me, her rising and falling sides the only hint that said she was alive.

"I am terribly sorry for this to happen," a smooth, unfamiliar male voice said from the door. I didn't even notice that it was opened. I couldn't get a good look at the man; he was mostly shadow. "Looks like your sister couldn't follow simple, easy instructions. Oh well, we can always try again later." He tilted his head up and took a step forward, coming into the light. It wasn't his size or bulk that intimidated me, that sent chills down my spine. It was his eyes. Cold, hard, yellow, and saying oh so clearly that nothing good was running through his head. Like a wolf hunting and stalking his prey. "Grab them. We can't risk our plan to be comprimised by any other royals, now, can we?"

The two same guys came in, one going to pick up Chara, and the other coming over to me with a needle in hand. I tried backing away from him, but seeing as I was already up against the wall, that failed, and a sharp pain came from the side of my neck as the needle pierced through skin. However, that and everything else faded as I lost consciousness.

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