Chapter 15

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Few minutes before last chapter

Frisk's P.O.V

Chained to another wall. A barred window above my head instead of a dangling light bulb. I was trapped in another dusty, abandoned building, and so far, I had seen no sign of my sister. I gazed blankly at the ground, and barely paid attention to when my arms fell to the ground. Not until I heard her voice.

"Frisk! Snap out of it!"

My eyes widened and I looked up, but instead of my sister, I saw a shadow looking expectantly at me with its red eyes.

"Ch... Chara?" I hesitantly asked the shadow.

"Yes, it's me. Come on, I don't have time to explain. We have to get to Heaven immediately!"

"But I can't-" I cut myself off as Chara's shadow grabbed my hand, pulled me up off the ground, and hurried to the door. She phased through the door, and I believed I had just imagined it until the door unlocked, opened, and her shadow was on the other side.

"Don't you know how to hurry! This is our only chance!" she scolded me, grabbing my hand again and rushing down the hallways, turning every now and then. We reached the building's entrance without interference, surprisingly, and I blinked in the bright sunlight as we burst through the doors. I started slowing down, causing my sister to do the same, as I saw a fence surrounding the area, too high to jump and with barbed wire at the top, so climbing wasn't an option either. Chara's shadow looked angry and frustrated, as though she didn't know about the fence. However, before either of us could do anything, a voice spoke behind us.

"How did you get out?!" We whipped around, and a gray wolf angel was standing in the doorway, his chest rising and falling with anger. His eyes were the only thing familiar.

"He's a monster, an angel, the one who captured us," I murmured breathlessly, my sentence a jumble of words.

"That's right darling. Now, how about you two come back inside, and no one will get hurt."

"You lying bastard!" my sister's shadow shouted, and in one swift movement, she had her arms under mine and I was lifted off the ground. Surprisingly, even with my weight added, she flew fairly quickly. Below, I saw, and heard, the wolf angel howl and fly after us.

"Chara," I said, seeing him get closer.

"We just have to get to the clouds!" she said, her wings flapping faster.

"Chara!" I called again, seeing him reach for my feet.

"Yes!" she shouted, a bright light surrounding us, and I knew we had made it; we were going back to Heaven. The air under my feet became sturdy ground, and I gratefully collapsed onto it, Chara on her knees beside me. "Mom! Dad!" she called.

I looked up when I heard footsteps. Standing in front of us was Undyne, Asriel, Toriel, and Asgore. Tears cascaded down my face. I felt so happy to see them again after being exiled, and then after being captured.

"My children?" Mom questioned, putting her hand to her muzzle. I could see tears come to her eyes as well as Dad and Asriel.

"Get her something to get her energy back!" Chara's shadow interrupted, pulling me to my feet once again. "And while doing so get her to Sans!"

"How do you-" Undyne started to ask.

"Wait what's wrong with Sans?!" I burst out.

"Do it! We don't have time to chat!" She pulled me into the building, running down hallways with the others following us. We passed by an open doorway, and I saw Papyrus and Mettaton inside, sorrowful looks on their faces. I followed my sister into another open room and saw Alphys and Dr. Gaster moving frantically around one of the beds, a loud beeping sound almost blasting my ears off.

"Stand back and get something for Frisk's energy immediately!" Asgore ordered, being the first to follow us in. Chara and I stopped beside the hospital bed, and I felt tears fall down my face again as I saw who was in it.

"S-Sans?" I stuttered, reaching a hand to his skull. It felt cold. "Sans!" I said more franticly. "Sans, come on, wake up!" I felt a sharp pain in my arm, and instantly felt my energy come back. I glanced over and saw Dr. Gaster now taking out the needle from my arm, though his attention was on his son. I turned back to Sans and placed both hands on his skull. "Sans, please. Don't die on me." My voice shook as tears continued to fall on his face, and I got no sort of reaction. I placed my forehead on his and closed my eyes. "Please, Sans. Please, please, please..." I kept murmuring that over and over, feeling so alone as nothing happened.

I opened them again as I heard a chuckle, and my eyes locked onto the white specks hovering in the dark eye sockets.

"why ya cryin', beautiful?" Sans asked weakly, feeling his bony fingers wipe away my tears. I smiled happily and kissed him, only feeling more tears fall down. He kissed back, and I felt his strength come back to him as he wrapped his arms around me. We broke off as someone else came into the room, out of breath and angry. I looked over my shoulder and felt fear consume me. He was here. In Heaven.

"You know princesses, it's going to take a lot more than escaping to get rid of me," the wolf angel said smoothly, his gaze going to everyone before stopping at me. A dark smile spread across his face. "Looks like I don't need that information, after all. You brought me right to him." He howled, which seemed to actually be an attack, as it caused the far wall to explode, leaving a giant hole. Dust filled the room, and when it cleared, the wolf monster wasn't to be seen. Neither was Sans.

I glanced around the room, and caught sight of the two outside. I pushed through everyone and leaped out of the hole, spreading my wings and flying to Sans as fast as I could. Attacks were cast at each other, and I barreled into my boyfriend before a hidden sneak attack could get him.

"thanks, frisk."

"Still relying on others, Sans? But, of course, you always were the weak one of the family," the wolf sneered. A knife flew past him, grazing his muzzle. We looked over at the direction it came from. Everyone was in a battle stance, and Chara was readying herself to throw another knife.

"Leave now, Luke," Asgore ordered, his grip on his trident tight.

"Fine. I have business elsewhere." Light surrounded Luke, and when it was gone, he disappeared with it. Someone patted my shoulder, and I glanced back at Sans.

"can we get to more stable ground?" he asked, looking drained. I nodded and pulled him back over to the hospital, the others crowding around us.

"Where were you, punk?!"

"Are you alright my child?"

"Are you hurt?"

"Everyone, please shut up!" Chara shouted above everyone. "Can't you see the lovebirds need their space?" she added teasingly, making Sans and I blush deeply.


"While I'm sure they need their alone time," my father said right after me, semi relieving me of embarrassment, "I think we should all be informed of what happened. Starting with why you are a shadow, my child."

"This shadow is the only thing left of my sanity. Those fuckers broke my being, but not completely."

"Speaking of which, why did that guy recognize you, Sans?" I asked, turning to my boyfriend.

"He also mentioned 'the family'," Chara added, all questioning eyes turning to Sans. "Not yours, for he would have said 'your' instead of 'the'."

"i... uh... dunno what ya mean," he answered after a pause. I knew he was lying.

"Sans. Who was he?" I repeated, stronger this time.

"He was the guy in charge of the group that captured us!" my sister snapped. "Not telling us means that you had some part in their plan!"

"What are you hiding, Sans? If we can't get the answers from you then I'm sure we can get it from your father," I pointed out, having noticed the look on Gaster's face change when this... interrogation, started. One that proved the both of them guilty of hiding valuable information.

"look, i swear, none of this was 'spose to happen. please understand that."

"Then tell us the truth, Sans the skeleton, and maybe we will," Chara said angrily.

"luke was what i considered a friend back when i was younger. no offence to you and alphys," he added, glancing at Undyne.

"None taken," she said evenly. "I could see why you were never around for the cooler stuff. Though now I'm beginning to doubt that reason."

"it was to keep you two from finding out me and paps were love angels," he agreed, explaining to the rest of us what the reason Undyne mentioned was, "but you are right to also doubt it. truth is, my father and i joined a gang when we fell on tough times."


;P Lol

Anyways, sorry for the late publish, my guardians. If you read the recent chapter of my other Frans story, then you know why it was late. If you have yet to read it, chapter or whole story, or aren't going to, just because, then here's the reason why it was late:

I got distracted by new games that I downloaded on my phone, and family, and didn't have much motivation in between events.

Again, sorry for it being late, and sorry if the beginning was a bit fast paced. I kinda was in an excited/motivated mode after I finished the last chapter and wanted to continue with the story before flipping back to my other story. I went back to it afterwards to see if I could slow it down a bit, and I might have, a bit, but I think it might be too fast, still. I'm not sure.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed, and I'll see ya later, my guardians!)

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