Prologue 1 | Aria

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Friday, August 16th, 2019

Friday, August 16, 2019

Dear Brenden,

Hey babe! I can't believe you're going to college soon, it just seems so surreal still! Meanwhile I'm still stuck in high school, but at least I get to be the big senior while you're the baby freshman up at UC Berkeley.

Just kidding, I'm sure you'll still scare everyone with how tall you are.

Kidding again! Sorry, you know how I love to tease.

So what's going on besides college stuff? I feel like our letters lately have been shorter, which is partly my fault, but with trying to apply to colleges and trying to keep my friends from making bad decisions before the school year and keeping my mom from finding out that I applied to a college in California, it's taking its toll on me.

We dropped Connor off at James Madison yesterday and it was pretty chill. They're not super strict with move-in day and I think that Connor was really just ready to get out of the house, since his classes don't start for another week. I think he also just wanted to go see Sydney. They're actually the cutest couple and I feel like Sydney's my big sister, which I know I tell you all the time, but it's because I've always wanted a big sister, and you already know Sydney, so it makes sense to you.

Also, I don't want to be the crazy girlfriend who's upset about you having friends, because I'm totally not like that and you know that, but I was just noticing something recently. You know I'm chill with you having girl friends (notice the space between "girl" and "friend", that's space for the friendzone that you have put her in), but I feel like Emily has been especially clingy to you on social media recently. Am I being paranoid? It doesn't help that we live across the country, but I was just noticing a subtle change on there and wanted to know if you noticed the same thing or if I'm being totally crazy.

Anyways, I'm gonna go to bed and I'll text you in the morning! I love you and hope you have a great rest of your summer before college!



A/N: Welcome to Love, Aria! The prologues (there will be two, one for Aria and one for Brenden) will take place two months prior to the beginning of the first chapter. I hope that this first real upload met your expectations!

Also, let me know what you think of the trailer, cast, etc.!

I will try to read all the inline comments every night to answer any questions you guys may have as the story gets going, so if you have any questions just leave a comment and I will try to get to them

Also, if you didn't see...Dear Sydney hit 100,000 reads, then 200,000 reads, and now is up to 260,000 reads...all in a matter of three weeks! It was put on the Wattpad Featured List for Teen Fiction about three weeks ago and has absolutely skyrocketed with the amount of attention it gained, and I couldn't be more excited! Thank you guys for reading and for being so supportive, and I hope you enjoy Aria's story just as much as you enjoyed Connor and Sydney's!

For now, make sure to vote, leave a comment, and come back Wednesday for the first chapter from Brenden!


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