Part Six: Regret, Broken Glass And Broken Hearts

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Zoya stood up from the bathroom floor, her legs numb from the position she had been sat in. It was the first time she had ever drunk, and this was the outcome.
She loathed herself, but more so than that, she hated Aditya.

She pulled open the door, Aditya looked up from the floor, allowing his laces to fall sloppily to the floor.
"Look about last night" he went to speak
"You took advantage of me" she interrupted "I was drunk and you should have stopped me, I wasnt in my senses"
Aditya stood up, his jaw clenched "What, and you think I was, because trust me, if I was, I would never go near someone like you" he spat, knocking into her shoulder as he stormed out of the room


Aditya sat on a bench, a bottle of Jack Daniels in hand, he downed some and looked up at the bright sun, it was in this moment he realised just how much he hated himself, for marrying Pooja, for trusting Zoya, for sleeping with Zoya, she was without a doubt the root of all of his issues but she would never admit her own mistakes, instead he was always to blame, but he knew that last night, she wanted it just as much as he did.

They could never turn back time, what was done, was done. Permanently etched into their memories, their touch lingered on eachothers skin. Nothing could ever wash away that night, that moment. But there was desperation, a hunger neither of them expected that had let all of the pent up tension to release in that moment.


Zoya looked up at the clock, Aditya had been out for atleast fifteen hours now and she was starting to worry.
She stood up, deciding to look for him when her hand touched the door handle, she flew back, electric jolting through her body, she yelped as her head knocked into the edge of the cupboard.
She tried to push herself up from the floor when she felt something pushing into her ankle

"He is mine"
Zoya froze, her heart racing, her skin cold and clammy from the pure fear instilled in her by those three words.
"Please, dont I" she screamed as the woman shoved her foot down hard onto her ankle
"Why are you doing this" Zoya sobbed, she wasnt ready to die, not yet
The woman bent down "Because you tried to take what is mine" she hissed, pulling Zoya up by her hair

She shoved her forward into the mirror, making her collapse on top of shards of glass
"I wont kill you yet, first I will torture you, so you understand my pain, everytime I will stop at the point of near death, and then one day it will be over"
She walked out of the room, slamming the door behind her
Zoya lifted her head slowly "Help" she shouted, her vision blurry as her head fell back onto the glass

Aditya walked up the stairs nearly tripping he jumped to the top and began to dance, he nearly fell forward and let out a laugh as he began to dance even more.
He reached the hotel room door and slid his key card in.
"Where is the light" he shouted
He slammed his hand on the light, sobering up straight away at what he saw
"Zoya, Zoya" he pulled her unconscious body away from the glass
He tapped her cheek "Zoya, wake up"
When he still received no reply he turned his head "Help, I need an ambulance"


Zoya opened her eyes slowly, she groaned painfully, Aditya jumped up
"Ill get the doctor"
Zoya shook her head and grabbed his hand "The killer, she came for me, said she is going to kill me, but not yet, and she knows about last night, I think"
Aditya frowned "Did you see her face"
"No, I went to leave the room, but I got an electric shock from the door handle, then when I fell back, the lights went off"

Aditya nodded "So, she is here, that means we can find her"
The Doctor walked in "Zoya, you're awake, you really have Mr Hooda to thank for that, without his blood, you wouldnt be"
Zoya looked over at Aditya "You gave me blood, even though you hate hospitals"
Aditya shrugged "Dont make a big deal out of it, I cant find the killer alone"
Zoya's eyes filled with tears "Im so sorry for everything I said"
Aditya shook his head "Oh dont be, its just like Yash's wife to try and paint me as the bad guy"

The Doctor stepped back and walked out of the room, leaving them alone
"I didnt mean to, its just"
He pinched the brim of his nose "You never mean to do anything, nothing is ever innocent Zoya's fault, do you know what you are, poison, everything you touch, you ruin, and I wont allow you to ruin me with those shy expressions and innocent eyes and the whole save me act, because I" he pointed to his chest
"Am not buying it, you seduced me to okay, I wasnt the only one last night, this is as much your fault as it is mine and you know what"

He laughed loudly "You know what, I feel dirty for even looking at you, let alone having sex with you"
Zoya let out a broken sob at his words "How could you be so cruel" she asked, utterly dismayed
He grabbed her arms "Cruel, me, you basically accused me of raping you, yet I am the cruel one, before you go around spitting out baseless accusations, maybe you should look in the mirror"
He let her go, making her fall back into the pillows on the bed and made his way toward the door

He stopped, not turning around "And if last night was anything to go by, I dont blame Yash for cheating on you or for looking for better"

Sorry its late! Ive been super busy but I hope you enjoy!
This story is 113 in Mystery/Thriller

Thank you all so much!

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