Aniru convo.

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Happy reading.

"Shivaay, I want to eat Nachos." Anika cried out, slumping down on the couch, beside him.

"Nachos?" Shivaay asked, raising his eyebrow, side hugging her and she frowned pointing towards Rudra, who was munching them.

"But they are packed food, right?" Shivaay asked, cupping her face and she pouted, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Okay fine, I'll ask rudra to share it with you." He said kissing her forehead and she smiled widely.

"Rudra, Share your nachos with Anika." Shivaay said audible enough for Rudra.

"Nachos? I ate them all." Rudra chided, smiling sheepishly, throwing the empty wrapper in the dustbin.

"I want to eat it." Anika sneered, pulling up a poker face and Rudra smiled sheepishly.

"It's okay Bhabhi, I'll get you one. We will eat together." Rudra chirped, drawing a bright and genuine smile from Anika.

Shivaay smiled and dropped a kiss on her forehead, hugging her.

"Great then, I have an important meeting so I'm going to the office. Take care of yourself and don't eat too much of those packed, unhealthy food. I'm allowing you because of your carvings and Rudra take care of her, Okay?" Shivaay ranted and Anika, Rudra nodded, silently with out any outburst, rolling their eyes.

"Bye, Bye Rudra." Shivaay uttered to both Anika and Rudra, walking away.

"Come Bhabhi, Let's enjoy!" Rudra beamed, dragging Anika to his room, carefully.

"Here you go, bhabhi." Rudra uttered passing a packet of nachos to her, sitting opposite to her on the bed.

"Thank you, Rudy boy." She chided, munching the nachos, relishing them.

"Rudra, If you don't mind. Can I ask you something?" She asked, giving feeding him the nachos and he munched it.

"Go on, bhabhi. Why are you even asking me?" Rudra said, resting his head on her lap.

"Rudra, What's going on between you and Bhavya?" She asked caressing his hair and he frowned.

"What do you mean bhabhi? There is nothing between us." Rudra lied, looking everywhere but her.

"Well, Rudra. If you consider me as your mother then share it with me." She stated and Rudra sighed in defeat.

"Bhabhi, I don't know why but Bhavya's presence is bothering me." Rudra revealed, gazing at her.

"Bhabhi I'm not saying that Bhavya isn't a good girl, in fact she is pure, innocent soul. I know somewhere she has developed feelings for me, I can feel it too but you know about my past and I can't hurt her. So, I'm ignoring her." Rudra added and Anika face palmed herself.

"May I know, if it's easy for you to ignore her?" Anika questioned, drawing a faint smile from him.

"I'm trying hard, bhabhi." He replied without any hesitation, heaving a breath.

"But Why? What's the need?" Anika reprimanded and rudra snuggled, burying himself in her lap.

"Because I don't want to hurt her, bhabhi." He replied, his voice broken.

"Does it really matter you, if you hurt her?" She questioned and Rudra's head snapped up to her, facing her.

"Of course it does, bhabhi. She doesn't know about my past and whenever she nears me, I can feel my heart thumping in my chest. I just wait for her sight. I don't know Bhabhi, I can't see tears in her eyes and  I don't want to be reason for her tears." He replied, lamenting his heart out in daze and Anika smiled widely.

"Yippee, He is in love." Anika squealed in her mind, doing a mini dance.

"Okay, Can I know, why you loved soumya?" Anika retaliated, praying that he wouldn't cry over his past.

"Bhabhi, Her smile meant the world to me, just for her small little smile, I used to do all stupid things. I hate tears in her eyes and I would try hard not to hurt her knowingly or unknowingly..." He continued and slowly realized, connecting the dots. His eyes widened as the realization dawned upon him and Anika smiled, widely.

"Rudy Chachu is in love again." She whispered, giggling to herself.

"No no, this can't happen, not again." Rudra mumbled while he started shivering.

"Ssh, Rudra calm down. Drink some.  Water." Anika got down his nerves, bringing the glass of water to his lips and he gulped it down.

"Bhabhi, no I cant be in love with her." Rudra cried out, hugging her and Anika smiled.

"Why?" She asked simply, caressing his hair and his gazed at her, wiping his tears.

"Bhabhi, She doesn't know about my past. If she knows, she'll definitely reject me Bhabhi, I can't handle the pain again." Rudra revealed his insecurities, snuggling into the pillow.

"She is a pure innocent soul right?" Anika asked, irritated with his answers as well as her pregnancy hormones taking the lead.

"Huh?!" Rudra mumbled, glancing at her.

"If she is a pure innocent girl, then isn't it obvious that she would understand? and life also deserves second chances, Rudra." She explained, scrunching her face.

"Bhabhi but.." Rudra tried to interpret but Anika glared at him and he gulped down in fear.

"Rudra, just go and talk to her but don't propose her, Okay?" Anika scowled and Rudra nodded silently, pouting at her.

"Good boy." Anika beamed happily, kissing his forehead and he sighed.

"Rudra, Nachos?" Anika asked, pulling up a puppy face and Rudra giggled, nodding negatively.

"Bhabhi, too much aren't good for health." Rudra retaliated and Anika frowned, pulling up a poker face.

"But I want them." Anika yelled, her eyes tearing up. Rudra flinched at her tone and tried not to react.

She burst out into loud cries, shocking him. Caressing her hair, he tried consoling her but she jerked him, sobbing loudly.

"Bhabhi, I'm sorry. Please, listen to me." Rudra tried but she didn't even glance up at him.

"Okay fine, Take your nachos." Rudra offered and She snatched the packet from him, wiping her tears, smiling widely and Rudra sighed, smacking himself.

"Thank you, Rudy." She uttered happily, hugging and He reciprocated the hug, heaving a breath.

Precap : Shivaay compels Anika to stay back at home.

Guys vote! anyways Much love.

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