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Hi guys here goes the next chappy.

Happy reading 😍


After having a heart full talk Shivaay and Rudra left to Oberoi mansion while Om went to the studio with Gauri.

In Oberoi mansiom, "Bhaiya so tell me what gift are you giving bhabhi?" Rudra asked in a teasing manner, shivaay smiled.

"What ever I give, it's my wish, why do you want to know about it?" Shivaay countered him, Rudra made a crybaby face.

"Bhaiya, Now you even dont want to share anything with me. Ahh god what happened to bhaiya? I known this is some imposter who is in love and not sharing secrets with me." Rudra blabbered in a dramatic way, shivaay giggled at his antics and smacked on his head.

"Shut up Rudra, don't be a child." shivaay said and left to his room.

After taking a hot shower, Shivaay got ready and went downstairs to meet khannaji but was shocked at the sight in front of him, he stood numb while rudra who has just come come there screamed.

"Oh my god!" Shivaay looked at Rudra and the sight in front of him all he could ask was, "When? how? where?".

Haider and Mallika who just entered the mansion was hell shocked at the sight in front of them.

"What the hell!" they screamed in union, "What is this Om?" Haider asked looking at their condition, Om sighed.

"Actually when we went to our studio, we just got a call to come to so and so place and deliver the painting, So I and gauri went their and found out that it was some place where couples get married, as we entered the place, we were forced to get married and they didn't even give time to explain. And now we are married, here is the marriage certificate." Om blurted and handed over the Marriage certificate to Shivaay and Haider.

Haider and Shivaay carefully studied the Marriage certificates while Mallika informed Anika about the happenings, Shivaay and Haider smiled.

"Ok if it's done, what can we do, already you both are engaged so that doesn't matter to us." Haider said.

"Ya that doesn't matter to us cause you both are happy with eachother, we were a bit shocked as all of this happened suddenly that's it." Shivaay added, Gaurika smiled and were about to take blessings when Haider and shivaay pulled them into a hug.

"You people forgot me." Rudra sulked, Shivaay smiled and pulled him into the hug.

After a while, Anika enters Oberoi mansion all jumping and screaming.

"How?when?" Shivaay who was sitting on the couch smiled at her excitement and pulled her on to the couch.

"Don't get so excited, Gauri is in Rudra's room while, Om is with Haider and rudra in his room." he informed, Anika smiled widely and sprang onto her feet.

"Ok then I'm going to Gauri first, then I'll go to Om. Bye" She chided winking at him, he giggled at her antics and left to Om's room while Anika left to Rudra's room.

"Oh my god! Tune shaadi Karli?!" Anika screamed pouncing on Gauri on her back, Gauri smiled and nodded in a yes blushing.

"Oh god! Mallika, she is looking like a red tomato." she commented while Mallika giggled.

"Haan haan! why not after all she is newly married." Mallika added and hi-fied with Anika.

"Aye! don't tease me like that nahi toh ek jaap pe diwar pe satgayebe." Gauri warned them, Anika and mallika giggled nodding their head in a yes.

"Ok then I will meet your Husband now." Anika said leaving to Om's room.

"How dare yoy get married Mr Omkara Singh Oberoi without telling me a word?" Anika scowled punching him on his back.

"Ani.. Ani.. Listen to me" Om tried to explain her trying to get rid of her, Haider, Rudra and Shivaay giggled at Om's condition.

"How dare you? Ok fine tell me, how both of you got married?" she suddenly asked him with a wide smile sitting down on the bed, Om smiled at her antics and told her what happened, Anika hugged him tightly.

"I'm happy for both of you." she yelled in excitement, Om smiled and pulled out of the hug.

"And yeah don't you even think of hurting her." she warned, Om looked at her nodded.

"How can I hurt my Jaan?" He retorted, Rudra giggled and sat beside Anika.

"Didi understand. How can he hurt his jaan, love, He can only love her right Bhaiyas?" Rudra teased him hi-fied with Anika.

Mallika entered with Gauri in Oms room, everyone started hooting while the couple blushed.

"Oh! both of your looking cute" Anika complimented resting her face in her palm looking at them dreamily, Shivaay smiled at her.

"Bhaiya, so now O has got married, we need to announce their marriage right?!" Rudra asked all of the sudden, shivaay and Haider nodded in agreement.

"So why don't we announce it tomorrow itself?" Rudra suggested, Haider and Shivaay thought for a second and agreed.

"Ok fine then Anika come, we will leave now and yeah shivaay, all of you reach Hotel Marina by 7:00, okay" Haider informed and left with Anika and mallika.

"O has also got married bhaiya now what about you?" Rudra asked shivaay, Shivaay winked at him and left to his room.

Hotel Marina, at 7pm, All of them reached the Venue except Anika, Shivaay was eagerly waiting for his lady love but she was now where to be seen.

"Haider, where is Anika?" Shivaay asked out of impatience, Haider giggled.

"Patience man. She is coming with someone special." Haider revealed, Shivaay looked confused but nodded. Gaurika took blessings from Tej and Jhanvi.

"Finally, we are happy for you guys." Tej exclaimed hugging both of them.

"Thank you Dad". Om and gauri  reciprocated the hug.

Shivaay was talking to Rudra but his eyes were staring at the entrance for his lady to arrive and finally Anika enters the restaurant laughing, His words stuck as his throat as he saw her.

Her angelic face with a minimal make up and her eyes with a spark glistening which shows that she is laughing heart fully, her cute little nose which is perfectly carved, her cheeks red as her natural blush due to the laughter and most importantly her pink luscious lips curved into a beautiful smile, he stared at her

As Anika walked towards the table, "Sumo!" Rudra screamed in excitement as he saw Anika and sumo coming together and by this Shivaay was also, Shivaay smiled to himself and smacked himself.

"You're going mad shivaay." He muttered under his breath, Anika sat beside shivaay while Rumya hugged eachother.

"I missed you sumo." rudra said, Saumya smiled

"I missed you too crybaby." she replied, Rudra sulked at her while other giggled at the word crybaby.

"You're looking beautiful love." Shivaay whispered making Anika blush at his complement.

"You too are looking Handsome and by the way same pinch." She complimented him pinching hard on his arm, he winced while she giggled.

"Anika, what is this?" he rebuked, she pinched him again.

"This is called same pinch cause you are also wearing blue colour suit." she explained innocently winking at him, he smirked.

"Oh! So, same pinch haan. I should also give same pinch right." saying so he he pinched her waist, she gasped and looked around sighing none noticed.

"Shivaay, You.. " she stopped in between glaring at him, he smirked.

"Fine didi lets cut the cake." Rudra said as the cake was placed on the table, Anika smiled and blew the candles, everyone clapped and she cut the cake, first she fed it to Tej and jhanvi but now the next person was someone who need to be decided.

Haider pulled Mallika and Rudra saying some discussion, Om went forward to eat but Rudra pulled him along with Gauri so only Shivaay was left, Anika smiled widely and fed him, he smiled and fed her back.

"Happy birthday my love." he whispered as he hugged her and kissed her cheek, She smiled and whispered back, "Thank you love."


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