Love at First Sight

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Love at first sight nga ba?

I was walking on the porch of Trinoma one Saturday afternoon to unwind on my favorite store in my whole life – the bookstore. Today, I’m going to National Bookstore to pick up the book I ordered yesterday… the second book of Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan which I’ve been addicted to since Fourth Year High school.

I passed through some establishments and now I was heading through my next stop -- Blue Magic, to buy some gift for my friend who is about to celebrate her birthday on Wednesday next week when I bumped into someone accidentally.

“Ai!” I screamed in an average voice. The shopping bag I was holding slipped on my hand and when I vowed to pick it.

“Let me do it for you” A masculine voice said. When he picks it up and faced me

“I’m sorry” he said as he handed me the plastic bag.

He was wearing this black round-neck t-shirt, a tattered jeans, a slippers, brown jacket. From a not so far distance, I saw two men in their blue uniform, like security guards following him maybe.

“It’s okay, it was an accident” I look deeper into him, if I wasn’t mistaken I already saw him before but I don’t know where.

“Hey! I hope you won’t mind if you remove your sunglasses. If I’m not mistaken I’ve seen you before but I don’t know where”

He looks on both sides of him like checking if someone is looking at us, when he removed it...

“You’’re...” I said in shock that my words didn’t come out in full sentence

“Yes I am model of SM and only son of the owner. I am Will Sy” he put his glasses back and when I was about to scream he covered my mouth and put me aside, only to find out that we were standing near the hall way to the girls comfort room.

He pulls me and lean me against the wall.

“Please, I don’t want to get attention. Here is my calling card, can you give me yours?” he said.

I write my number on the paper he gave me. Wow! I didn’t expect to bump with a son of one of the elite families here in the Philippines and in addition to it he even asked for my number!! What can I ask for!!! I’m so happy that I wanna scream on the top of my voice!!!

“Would you like to hang out sometimes?” he asked again

“With you?”

“Who else?”

“Yeah, sure why not?!” I answered as I smiles on him. Now I’m back to my normal thinking.

“Was that the Heroes of Olympus Book 2?” he asked pertaining to the plastic bag which is a little bit transparent that’s why he saw the label of the book.

“Yes it is.” I answered simply

“You’re a Rick Riordan addict too?” he asked that his voice changed into excited tune and seems like he became more interested to our conversation.

“Yes I am. I don’t know why people don’t understand me; I just love reading his books especially Percy Series Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief, The Sea of Monsters ...”

“....The Titan’s Curse, the Battle at The Labyrinth and The Last Olympians” he continued. I look at him in awe because I don’t expect someone like him reading those books. “That’s why I came here to buy the second book”

I cannot look for an answer that’s why I give him a nod.

“Where is your next stop anyway?” he asked finally

“Blue Magic, to grab some gift for my friend”

“Can you accompany me to the Bookstore to grab my own copy, you know…. Para hindi mahalata. In exchange I’ll accompany you too to Blue Magic if it is okay for you”

“Yeah sure”

I go with him on the Bookstore to buy his own copy and in exchange he really accompanied me to Blue Magic and because I don’t have a car he gave me ride home. Which makes me “kilig” all the way :))

After dinner I set out to start reading the book I just bought when my phone beeps. It was placed in the small table beside my bed.

I picked up the telephone; only my friend Yzel, Enina, Mei, Kin, Kris and Marie knows my telephone number.

“Hey! What’s up?” I called

“Hey! Steph! It’s Will.” He answered

“Will Sy? How did you know my number?”

“You gave me awhile ago. Don’t you remember?”

“Oh! Sorry. Why did you call anyway?”

“Just to say hi!”

“Just to say hi? Why not send me a message na lang.” I said as I sit on my bed and lean on the headboard.

“uhmm... I want to tell you something” he said

“What is it?”

“Steph lights out. It’s already 11pm!” My mother called.

“Opps... I need to go to sleep now”

“Okay, good night”

“Good night. Bye”

“Bye and sweet dreams”

The following day as I was waiting for the school bus to pick me, a black Accord car park in front of me I don’t know anyone who got a car like that in this subdivision that’s why I take few steps backward, Will get out of his car and walk towards me with a smile.

“Hey!”  I greeted. “Why are you here and wearing the same uniform our school boys wear?”

“To pick you, I’m on my way to your school now”

“What do you mean?”

“I checked what school you are entering and when I found out, I enrolled myself there”

“What?! Why the heck you enrolled there? You belong to the elite family, why do you want to study in my school? You didn’t even tell me your plan.”

“I called you last night. Please we will be late”

“No, I’m going to wait for the school bus. In a minute it will pass here”

He holds my hands, so tight, and then with a force he let me inside his car.  

When we are on our way I start to think…

…what is he up to, why is he doing such things to me, getting my number, entering the same school and fetching me up to school.

When we reach school, he walks me to my classroom. Some of my girl classmates start to bellow when they saw him.

“Did I just saw that?” Enina asked when I put my bag on me desk.

“Pinch me am I dreaming?” Mei said

“Will you stop it, you’re over reacting guys. Yes you just saw it En, and you are not dreaming at all, Mei”

“Who is he?” Kin asked

“Is he Will Sy, the SM Model and son of the owner?” Mei asked excitedly

“Yes he is”

Yzel approach me and asked “Is he your boyfriend?”

“Huh? What do you mean? The one with space in the middle or the one who does not?”

“The one without”

“No, he is not. He is just s friend whom I bumped on yesterday in Trinoma”

“Wow! He is a big catch!” Marie exclaimed.

“No, he is not”

“Please introduce him to us” Janine said

“Sure, why not”

After the last class in the morning he again fetches me on our classroom.

“Hi” One of my girl classmates greeted

“Will!” I exclaimed to gain his attention

I walk toward him and my girl friends follow me.

“Meet my friends, Kin, Enina, Marie and Mei. The others where over there, that was Yzel and Kris” I said as I point on them which they make a wave to say “hi/Hello”

“You look like Taylor Swift” he said to Marie

“I do? Well, I’m used to it, they always say it to me” she answered as she laughs a bit

“Wanna grab some lunch? My treat!”

“Why not, if it is okay with you” Kin answered.

We are on a restaurant few meters away from the school.

“Will, are you busy on Wednesday night?” Marie answered

“No, why?”

“I want to invite you sana on my birthday party sa bahay”

“Sure I will come. Sunduin ko na lang si Steph so that I know where to go” he answered as he stops on eating his meal “What is the attire pala?”

“You can use Jeans and Shirt. I want a simple party if possible” Marie answered

My phone on my bag vibrates…

“Please excuse me, I need to answer this call” I said and stand up from my seat. I chose the comfort room to answer my call... it was from Yzel

“Hey!” I greeted

“Steph, where are you?”

“In a restaurant near the school, I’m with Will, Enina, Kin, Mei and Marie. Why?”

“Someone is looking for you”


“A boy, according to him he is Steven Tan, your cousin daw”

“Yeah! Steven. Yes I know him, tell him we will be there in few minutes. Thanks for calling Yzel”

“Bye. Ikaw ha mag-ingat ka sa Will mo” she said as she giggled.

“Oo na! Bye”

I give myself a quick retouch and rushed on going out of the C.R.

“Steph, Will is a funny talker. He tells a lot of jokes” Mei said still laughing while holding her stomach

“I know it, he did the same to me yesterday” I answered as I smile on them “Now, can we just go back to school?”

“But it was too early, it’s 45 minutes before the time” Enina answered as she looks on her watch.

“Someone is looking for me in the school, he was my cousin” I said as I look on Will

Thank God I’ve convinced them to go back to school in a short period of time.

Steven was in the guard house with Yzel and Kris.

“Steven, why are you here?” I asked as I gave him a hug. Steven is my first cousin; he was younger than me in 2 months. His parents are both working abroad and lives in my Grandmother’s house..

“I ran away from home, ate. Kasi si Lola pinagalitan niya ako ng sobra nung mabasag ko kanina ung gift ni Lolo na vase sa kanya”

“Tapos ngayon kailangan mo ng mauuwian. Pumunta ka na lang sana sa bahay”

“Your maid doesn’t want me to enter, stranger daw ako. Buti na lang alam ko kung san ung school mo”

“Don’t you have a class today?” I asked

“I have asthma this morning that’s why I get absent” he answered and wave his hand to say “hi” to Mei.  

Mei gave him a smile.  

Steven was also a first year college like me, studying on a nearby town.

“You are a Tan?” Will asked

“Yes I am. But I am not the son of Lucio Tan or relatives with them” he chuckled

“Ang cute pala ng pinsan mo” Enina said

“It’s in our heir, cute, maganda, gwapo” Steven said “What’s your name?” he asked

“I’m Enina, this was Kin, Marie and that was Mei Uy”

“Beautiful name, Mei Uy”

“Will, I hope you won’t mind. Can we give this cousin of mine who is getting in love with my friend Mei Uy a ride home?”

“I won’t” he answered as he smiles on Steven

“Ate naman eh. Kung ikaw nga may BF dapat ako din merong GF”

“Steven, watch your words. He is not my boyfriend”

“Who wants to come with me?” I asked

“No one.” Yzel answered.

“We want to give you time with your very precious new “M.U mate” together” Kris answered as he laughs.

“Kayo talaga”

On the way home, Steven and Will get along with each other easily. Like they have been friends before and they shared the same interests too.

“Pare, dalaw ka lang dito sa bahay” Steven said when he climbed out of the car.

As usual, Will gave me a ride home ulit and calls me in the night.

“Ate, pwede ba ako matulog dito?” Steven asked. I was standing in front of my door and he was on his boxer and Superman t-shirt… it was a gift from me on his birthday last month.

“Sure, ikaw pa. Ever since naman, you always sleep in my room, even in Lola’s house”

He pulled the bed beneath mine and arranged it.

When the light is already out…

“Ate, are you already asleep?” he asked.

“Not yet, why?”

“Can I visit your school after my school tomorrow?”

“Why? You want to see Mei again?”

“Uhmmm… sort of. What is the other term for Cupid again in your Mythology?”


“Eos shoots me with his silver arrow that’s why I suddenly fall in love with your friend Mei”

“Wow naman. I didn’t know na ganyan ka pala if you get in love”

“Kaya nga eh. It feels good, like a big part in my heart which is missing is already filled in because of her”

“Corny mo dude”

“Ate, How about you? What do you fill when Pare Will is in your side?”

“With Will? well, to tell you frankly when I’m with him I feel so secured but I don’t feel any crush on him. Why did you ask?”

“You look so good together kasi. When I and Pare Will is waiting for you in the car awhile ago, he told me that you just met in Trinoma yesterday”

“Steven, napaka-lalaki mong tao pero chismoso ka” I said “Tulog na tayo. You will travel in longer time than your usual time of travelling tomorrow pa”

“Di bale, tito will drive me tomorrow. May appointment daw siya sa town na un”

Wednesday night.

“Ate, are you sure Marie wants me to go on her Party?”

“Yes. I told her last night.”

“I’m nervous. I’m sure Mei will be there” he said as he went back and forth the whole-sized mirror

“Of course she will be there.”

“Do I look good now?” he asked again for the 6th time. 6th times!!!

“Oo na nga eh. You already asked me that for the 6th time now”

“Sorry, just nervous. I’ve practiced whole day the lines I’m going to tell her”

“Steven please just calm down.” I stand up and put my both hands on his shoulder and face him

“Steven, just be who you are. Tell her whatever feelings you have inside for her. You should do it tonight, now or never isn’t it?”

“Thanks ate”

After a while, Will’s car already signals that he is here by a honk.

On the party…

“Good thing you come.” Marie greeted. She was wearing a pink Sunday dress. “Make yourself at home. I’ll catch with you later”

Will hold my hand (for the first time) as we head through one vacant table. I look at him then to my hand he is holding. I feel the warm coming from his hand that is getting inside me like an electric current.

When Enina saw us, she ran towards us.

“Hello, if you want to join us we are there” she said as she point on it. Kin wave on us.

“Where is Mei?” I asked

“She’s with your cousin”

“Will, do you want to stay there?” I asked

“Sure.” He answered.

We were talking about things when Steven and Mei came out of the dark.

“Hey! So what’s up?”

“Kami na!” Steven exclaimed

“Paki ulit” Kin requested

“kami na” Mei repeated.

“Are you sure?” I asked

“Oo nga”

“pare congrats” said Will as he held up his hand and shake it with Steven’s hand.

“Grabe I can’t believe. My cousin gets his first girl friend in the person of you” I said to Mei

She gave in a small laugh “He told me that he fallen in love with me the first time he saw me and I do the same too, E di ako naman, grab the chance” she said

“pero in fairness lang ha, bagay kayo” Enina said as she chuckled

“Ui ikaw, never mong sasaktan or papaiyakin ‘tong friend naming ha. Pag nasaktan to we will kill you” Kin said

When Marie check us we told her the news about the new relationship of Steven and Mei and her reaction like us SUPER HAPPY for them.

“Prepare yourselves, in countdown I will blow my cake then go in the stage for pictorial after it is a 15 minutes fireworks display” she said, without waiting for our answers she walk to the stage and the countdown begins…

“10…9…” the Emcee said over the microphone the other visitors start to count with him and I do too.

“8…7…6…5….4….3…2… and 1”

The Happy Birthday song filled the air as we join the singing of it. From the stage I can clearly see that Marie closes her eyes as she blows the candle of her cake and a sounding applause followed. We her friends gather on the stage for the pictorial after it, the Emcee announces the preparation for the fireworks.

A romantic slow music filled the air a couple of boys and girls make a dance on the dance floor. I’ve spotted Mei and Steven on one side.

“Care to dance?” Will asked


His hands went over my waist while mine is on her neck.

“I’ve been waiting for this moment” he said in a very soft voice as he whispers it on my ears. I didn’t make any answer until the colorful fireworks filled up the clear sky. We stop as we watch it…

“It’s beautiful” I said in admiration

“As beautiful as you are” he said. I looked at him and only to find out he is also looking at me. Our eyes locked on with each other. His one hand is still holding my waist.

“Steph, I love you since the day that I’ve met you in Trinoma” he said “You are the reason why I transferred in to your school and you are the only one that make me feel like this” he paused for a while “I’ve met a lot of girls before you but you are very far different from them. And since then, you are the only girl that makes me feel important and you are the reason why I need to go to school every day and being with you I feel so strong”

“Will, why are you telling me this?” I asked

“Because of 3 words. I love you. Can you be my girl please?” he asked as he went back on looking on the fireworks. I know that he is nervous on my answer; I can feel it on his trembling arms.

“Yes” I answered. He looks at me smiling, not the usual smile he always wears every day.

In my shock he hugs me, very tight. “I love you” he said again.

After he gets over it, we continued to watch the fireworks. Suddenly he gave me a kiss on the cheeks.

“You ha, you’re bad. You are kissing me without my permission” I said but with a smile.

When the fireworks is about to end, he hands me a small red box and when I opened it; it was a shining diamond silver ring.

“Come on wear it, let’s see if it perfectly fit you. It was my sister who picks that for you”

“Your sister? You mean she knows about this?”

“Of course, she gave me even advises. She likes you a lot, especially when I gave her a picture of yours”

After the party, Will gave me a ride home. And the next day he picks me again in the house. Kenneth well, after saying a lot of apologies to our grandmother he was ordered to go home.

“Good Morning” he greeted.

“Hello” I answered. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheeks as she opened the door for me.

In the classroom…

“Steph, Mr. Principal is ordering you to meet him in the gym right now!” Yzel said

I ran in a hurry because I know how important it is. When I entered the gym the lights were turned off.

“Sir!” I called but nobody answered.

“Sir!” I called again.

Suddenly, one light turns on and it was the middle light of the gym. But no one is there…

“Please don’t scare me” I said

A mellow song started to pile up the air. A voice followed the song until the lights went on and I can clearly see the whole gym. Marie was singing the song “I’m only me when I’m with you” I walk towards her where she is facing the other side of the gym. She holds me in the waist as the rolled tarpaulin is untied.

A big “I love You Steph” is written on it and tears of joy run down on my face. A number of red petals come down like a snow or like confetti on me and Rizelle and someone cuddle me up on my back when I faced it was a direct lip kiss that takes 1 minute or more. When our lips separated, Will gave me a hug and gave a dozen of red tulips (my favorite flower).

“I love you” he said “and I will until tomorrow and I will always say this to you”

“Tomorrow? Why not always or forever?” I asked and my tears as a result of joy changed into upsetness.

He laugh a little bit as he wipe my tear with his finger “because tomorrow never ends. It always comes and it is non-stoppable.”

“How did you know about my favorite flower?”

“Ano pa ang silbi ni Pare Steven kung hindi ko alam di ba”

“Do you know what this red tulips means?”

“Of Course, I’ve research for it”

“What is it then?”

“Undying love. That’s why it was the first flower I gave you, the first flower for my very first love at first sight” 

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