Chapter 13: Surprise

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Jimin's Pov
I was on the plane and I decided to call Jin hyung so I took my phone and called him.

End of Jimin's pov

Jin's Pov
So I was doing some work on my Laptop and I had a call and it was from JIMIN. I answered the call

On the phone
"Hey, Hyung," Jimin said

"Hey Jimin, I have missed so much, "I said

"Yeah me too hyung, "Jimin said

"So how is your work as a star then?"I asked

"Well, it's great, and what about you?"Jimin asked

"Well, we are doing great here. "I said

"So I'm coming back to Korea today so I wanted to tell you so that I will surprise Mia," Jimin said

"Wow, I'm so happy right now and so would Mia" I replied

"Yeah but I have to surprise Mia or else she be mad at me forever please do this favor, don't tell her okay, "Jimin said

"I promise, oh my God Mia is gonna be so happy right now, "I said

"So how is Mia then? "Jimin asked

"Well she's doing great and your little princess has grown up now, she is a lady now and she has a job as a personal assistant to Jeon Jungkook her boss" I replied

"Ohh really that's nice to hear that. Had she gotten someone that she loves?"Jimin asked

"Well yeah, Jeon Jungkook, "I said

"But he is her boss right?"He asked

"Yeah, when you come back to Korea I will tell you everything that happened to them okay," I said

"Yeah okay, I have to go now see in the evening okay bye," Jimin said

"Yeah bye safe journey," I said and ended the call

"I'm so happy I can't wait for Mia to be so happy"
I said to myself and continued with my work

End of Jin's Pov

Author's Pov.
Back to Jungkook and Mia.

Jungkook and Mia were working but Jungkook couldn't keep his eyes off Mia the all-time and Mia realized it and asked him

"Umm Jungkook are you okay?"She asked

"Oh yeah, I'm just admiring the beautiful and lovely person in front of me," He said

"Ohh Jungkook, just focus on your work okay "She smiled

"Oh okay beautiful whatever you say"
He said and went back to work whiles he was smiling

They continued their work and suddenly Mia's phone rang

"Who is calling now?"
She said and looked at the person who was calling her and it was Her Brother

On the phone
"Hi Oppa," She said

"Hey Mia, so how is work?"He asked

"Well is going great," She said

"And what about your prince charming?"He teased

"Oppa " She whined and Jungkook just chuckled

"I will be going somewhere this afternoon and I will be back this evening okay so if you get home, just make yourself dinner okay and wait for me okay," He said

"Okay, Oppa bye love you,  "She said

"Love you too, bye and tell Jungkook I said hi, "He said

"Okay, "She said and ended the call

"Hey Jungkook my Brother wanted to say hi," She said with a smile

"Ohh if you go home tell him I say thanks," He said with a smile

"Okay, "She said and they continued with their work

Time skip
4:48 pm
It was time for closing and Mia started packing her stuff in her bag whiles Jungkook was just staring at her.

"What?" She asked with a smile

"I can't believe I got the most beautiful lady ever"
He said and walked towards her

"T.. thanks, "She said whiles blushing

"You look cute when you blush," He said whiles holding her chin up softly

He pecked her forehead

"Come on let me drop you off"
He said as he signals his hands for Mia to go first from the office

He followed her to the exit door and Lisa just smiled at us and we went out to the parking lot

"Oh God let them be happy forever and don't let anything break them apart" Lisa prayed

They got in the car and Jungkook drove off

Silence filled in the car until Mia spoke

*So umm how are your friends doing these days is sugar still there?"She asked

"Yeah, an r e cool and Suga is still there why?"He asked

"Nothing I was just wondering that's all," She said and looked away

"Ok," He said with a smile on his face


"Okay here we are"
He said as he halts his car in front of Mia's house

"Thank you so much," She said whiles smiling

"You are welcome sweetie," He said with a smile

When Mia was about to get down from the car, she kissed Jungkook and got down from the car

"Thank you so much Bye I love you," She said and got down from the car

"Love you too My princess" With that and he drove off

Mia went inside her house and went to her room to change

15 minutes later
Finally, I'm done" She said

*Well I have to wait for Oppa then"
She said and went to the living room

She took her and texted Jungkook

On the phone
"Hi "She texted

"Hey Princess, what are you doing" Jungkook replied

"Well, I'm waiting for my Oppa now." She added

"Ohh okay" Jungkook texted

"So are you home yet?" She asked

"Yeah, just had my dinner with Taehyung and Suga and they even said hi to you. Now I'm on my bed talking to you." He replied

"Nice " She texted

"So have you eaten yet darling?"He texted

"No, I'm not that hungry." She replied

"Ohh okay." He texted

They continued to text each other for an hour now until Mia heard her brother's car parking outside

"I think my brother just came so I have to go now, take care bye." She texted

"Bye, beautiful."He replied

Then Mia placed her phone on the couch.

End of Author's pov

Mia's pov

I got up from the couch and went to open my brother

"Hey Oppa, "I said and hugged him

"Hey dear," He said and came in*

"What took you so long..."

An unknown person cut me off then I turned myself and looked at the familiar person in front of me.

"J.. Jimin" I was shooked

"Surprise surprise, did you miss me ?" He smiled.

To be continued.

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