Love at First Sight ♥♥

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It's an OS. It's my first time writing an OS but I am writing for my dearest duffer my Siva Siva_the_Sidneetian. P.s. that above song is Dil duffer doesn't mean it's for her it's for story. 😒😒

Happy Birthday my duffer. You are a complete duffer, but my dearest duffer. You are a complete blackmail queen, drama queen, angry bird and what not. But I love youuuu sooo much. And I will miss youuuu soooo much. Thank you soo much for always supporting. I am very sorry that I am saying this today but I have already left. Don't cry please. 

So this is a small gift for you ♥. And my last writing.

Lets start,

A boy was shown sitting on the bench of the park lost in his thoughts. He was smiling dreamily. His thoughts were occupied of a beautiful girl whom he saw just now and who took his heart away in just a sight. He was not able to think of anything else.

A man is shown coming towards him who shook him and brought him back from his dreamland.

Man - Sid why are you sitting here? And where are you lost?

(So the boy is revealed to be Sid.)

Sid - Jai vo I saw a girl before sometime. She was soo so beautiful. Her eyes looked like a ocean. Never have I ever seen such beautiful eyes. I just wished to get drown in them. Her hairs were flying and I just wanted to play with them. Her laugh was amazing and she looked soo pretty while laughing. It sounded like a music to my ears. Her smile killed me. The jingle of her earings is still playing in my ears. She looked like a fairy who descended from heaven to earth.

(Sm1 was revealed to be Jai who was Sid's best friend cum brother. They both shared everything with each other.)

He said dreamily. It was like his description had no ends. She looked way too beautiful to her and he knew he fell bad for her just at first sight.

Jai - Bro what are you saying? From when did you starting noticing girls so much? And why are you behaving like a love sick puppy?

Sid - Because I am in love. I fell bad for her. She is my love at first sight.

Jai (shocked) - What how and when?


Sid came to park for jogging. He loved jogging in evening time. He was just jogging when he saw some kids playing football in the park with one young lady. He couldn't see her face as her back was facing him. He heard the children running around her calling her didi didi. The girl was trying to do a goal and others were encouraging and helping her.

Sid stopped jogging and looked at the scenario there. For some reason he was very curious to see the face of that lady. Suddenly he heard children shouting goal goal and cheering for that lady as she did the goal. She jumped seeing that and all the children hugged her tightly. She laughed seeing them. Suddenly she turned and Siddharth saw her. His breath stopped seeing her face. His heart skipped a beat as he saw her.

Sid - Wow what a beauty. Angel.

He kept staring at her. It felt as if he was not able to breathe. Suddenly that lady looked towards him and they shared an eye lock for a second but soon she broke it and said under her breath.

Girl - Pervert.

And with that she started leaving. Sid wanted to talk to her but it felt as if he can't speak anything. Before she could leave he took a picture of her. He took the phone with him and sat on the bench thinking about her, his angel.

Flashback ends

Jai got shocked hearing this.

Jai - Do you know her name?

Sid - No

Jai - Do you know her address?

Sid - No

Jai - Then how you are going to find her?

Sid - Do one thing I am sending you her pic. You try to find her address and name.

Jai - Do you think it's that easy?

Sid - Bro you only think if she has come to this park then she must be living somewhere near this park only na. Obviously she won't come here if she would have lived somewhere far.

Jai - Okay Sid I will find.

Sid sent him her photo and he left. Sid too went to his home lost in his angel's thoughts.

Next day,

On call

Jai - Bro I found her information. Her name is Avneet Kaur and her address is ___________________. And she is single.

(Kuch bhi ho hamein kya karna hai address ka)

Sid - Thank you so much Bro. I love you a lot.

Jai (teasing) - Keep these I love you saved for my bhabhi.

Sid blushed hearing this.

Sid - Shut up and bye.

Call ends.

Sid - Haaye Avneet!!! What a beautiful name just like her. You are Avneet Kaur right now but soon I will make you Mrs. Avneet Nigam soon. I love you my angel.

Time skips
Next morning,

Avneet was shown sitting in a bus enjoying the wind. She was looking out when she saw someone running behind the bus. She assumed him to be someone who has lost the bus. So without seeing him properly she made the conductor stop the bus for him. She was good at heart 😌😌

A person entered the bus and thanked the conductor. He was panting. Avneet was trying to observe him as she thought that she had seen him somewhere but she couldn't see his face properly as he was facing the conductor.

Boy - Thank you so much bhai.

Conductor - Say thank you to her. She told us.

He said pointing towards Avneet and the boy turned and smiled widely at her. Avneet widened her eyes seeing him.

Avneet (shocked + muttering) - Pervert.

(So the boy is revealed to be Sid as you must have guessed.)

Sid came towards Avneet while she ignored him. He went and sat beside her. She looked away.

Sid - Hi. Thanks for telling the conductor to stop. I am Siddharth Nigam.

He said and forwarded his hand.

Avu - Welcome

She said looking away ignoring him as much as possible.

Sid - Vaise you are very beautiful.

Avu (in mind) - He is a flirt as well.
Avu - Thanks

Sid - I love you.


She shouted getting hell shocked. Everyone in the bus looked at them. One man asked.

Man - What happened? Did he do something?

He said pointing towards Siddharth.

Avu - nothing. Sorry for shouting.

Everyone started minding their own business. Avneet turned to Siddharth.

Avu - What the fuck did you said?

Sid - I said I. L.O.V.E. Y.O.U.

He said spelling each letter.

Avu - Are you mad? You just met me today not even properly met and you are saying I love you.

Sid - I didn't see you today for first time. I saw you yesterday in the park.

He said blushing and hiding his face in his hands. Avneet was looking him like he had grown horns.

Avu - Ofcourse I remember you staring me like a creep. You pervert.

Sid - Wow what a unique name you have given to me. Pervert. It sounds too good from your mind. Vaise bhi I am yours only you can call me anything you want.

He blushed again and Avneet was staring at him hopelessly.

Avu (in mind) - He is mad as well. Ohh god. Where I am stuck?

Sid - I fell for you at the first sight.

Avu - Ohh hello Mr. Pervert I don't believe in love at first sight at all. And just tell me how can you fall in love with me without knowing me. Do you even know my name? What you know about me to fall in love with me? It's not love it's madness.

Sid - I do believe in love at first sight and I know it's love only. You are my angel.

Avu (super irritated) - You pervert you need a doctor.

Sid - Nope I need you angel. You are the only medicine to this illness.

Avu - Shut up.

The bus stopped and Avneet took the bag annoyingly and was going when Sid shouted.

Sid - I will prove you that I love you. And I will make you mine angel. It's my promise.

He said and gave a flying kiss to her. Avneet made a disgusting and annoying face at him and left 😂. While Sid was looking dreamily at the door of the bus.

Sid - Haaye. Her sweet talks.

(He is thinking all that as sweet talks 😂😂😂)

Time skips
In evening,

Avneet was at her home. She loved painting like anything. She had gifted her entire house with beautiful paintings on the walls. Just by entering her house you can tell her love for painting.

Besides she loved kids. That's why that day she was playing with kids. She always become a kid while being with them.

She was standing in front of her wardrobe deciding what to wear as she had to go out with her friend. But the problem was that she wasn't getting anything suitable to wear. Suddenly she heard the ringing of door bell. She looked outside but no one was there. She found a gift on the door with a note attached to it. She took it and went inside.

She opened the gift and saw a beautiful dress just what she wanted to wear right now. It was so beautiful. She was very happy seeing it but then she thought who gifted this.

She took the note and read out.

"A beautiful gift for the most beautiful girl. This dress will suit perfect on you. I am sure about it. Hope you like this. And please if you like this even a bit keep it with you. And remember one thing I will make you mine soon angel. I love you.

From your pervert."

Avneet got annoyed seeing that note.

Avu - Ugh what does this pervert think of himself? He can do anything. How the hell he got to know my address and this dress.

She was about to throw it away but stopped and looked briefly at it and smiled slightly.

Avu - Vaise this dress is very pretty. He has a nice choice.

She said and smiled more.

Avu - Why should I take his anger out on this dress? I will keep it. 

She smiled again thinking about him for a minute but then shook her thoughts and then went out wearing that dress with her friend unaware that Sid had seen her in that.

Sid - Yayyyyyyyyy. Yessssssssssssss. She wore it and I can't be happier. It means she like it and soon she will like me as well.

Next day,

In morning Avneet got ready for her job and went outside. She was waiting for the bus at bus stand when she saw Siddharth coming towards her. She made an annoyed face seeing Siddharth. His hands were at back as if hiding something.

Sid - Hi Angel. Do you liked the dress?

Avu - How the fuck you know my address?

Sid - I have my ways.

He said and winked at her. She made a disgusted face.

Avu - I threw that away.

Sid - Don't lie angel. I might have  seen you yesterday wearing that dress.

Avneet mentally smacked at herself.

Avu - Vo..vo.. I kept it because I don't disrespect gifts or else I would have thrown.

Sid - You don't disrespect gifts na angel. Then accept this as well.

He said and forwarded a beautiful flower bouquet towards her. Avneet was stunned seeing it. She didn't know how to react so she said.

Avu - Umm..vo.. I have flower allergy.

Sid - That is why your whole garden is full of flowers whom you water two times a day. Right Angel?

Avu (in mind) - Ugh this pervert. How does he know everything? Plus this Angel. Stop with it. But it sounds good. Shut up Avneet what are you thinking.

Avu - Whatever I am taking it but that doesn't mean that I accepted your stupid proposal. It is impossible.

Sid - Nothing is impossible Angel. You never know what may happen in future.

He said in her ear. He was dead close to her. Her breathing hitched for a moment. He stepped backward and said.

Sid - Good bye Angel. See you soon. I love you my angel.

He gave her a flying kiss as she sat in the bus that just arrived. The bus started and Avneet was smiling continuously she didn't know why. While Siddharth was also looking at the going bus dreamily.

Sid (to himself) -  My Angel

Few days passed with Siddharth following and meeting Avneet everywhere she goes - sometimes outside the office, sometimes cafeteria but bus stop was his favourite place to meet Avneet. Avneet grew feelings for him in these days but she isn't realising. She acts like before only with Siddharth but with a little improvement giving Siddharth a hope that he can win Avneet, his love, his angel.

One day, Avneet was crossing the road and Siddharth was at either side of road. While crossing her heel broke and she was having difficulty to walk. Siddharth saw that and came towards her so as to help her. She was stumbling. Suddenly while coming Siddharth saw a car coming towards her and she was stumbling. He quickly ran towards her and pushed her but the car hit him. Avneet looked at him shocked. She screamed.

Avu - Siddharthhhhhhh.

She immediately went towards him and took his head in her lap and said. She started crying seeing him like that.

Avu - Why Siddharth why?

Sid - Coz
He said and fainted while Avneet looked at him and cried. She hugged him.

Avu - I love you too my pervert.

The crowd immediately called the police and took him to the hospital. Avneet was sitting on knees in front of God's idol and praying.

Avu - Someone well said that you realise how much you love a person when there is a fear of losing him. I love him. I realised when I saw him lying lifelessly. He loves me a lot that he risked his life to save me. Please please god I can't lose him the day I realised that I love him. I need him coz I am love him. He needs to wake up na for hearing what he wanted to hear since days. Please please god save my pervert.

She prayed for a while and then rushed back near the operation theatre. Doctor came after a while. She rushed towards him and asked.

Avu (hopefully) - Doctor how is he? Is he alright?

Doctor smiled seeing her concern and said.

Doc - He is out of danger and he has regained conscious. You can meet him.

Avneet's happiness had no bounds. Happy tears started flowing through her eyes.

Avu - Thank you soo much doctor. I can't be thankful enough to you.

Doc - It's okay Beta. You both are lucky to have each other.

She smiled at the doctor and rushed inside the ward to Sid.

She saw Sid and rushed towards him and hugged him. He smiled looking at her and hugged her back. She started sobbing in his chest. He rubbed her back and said.

Sid - Shh. I am okay.

Avu - Why the hell you put your life in danger? Why you saved me?

Sid - I already told you Angel I love you. If something had happened to you then I won't be able to live.

Avu - And what would I have done if something had happened to you haan. I love you too my Pervert.

She cried out confessing her feelings. He broke the hug out of shock.

Sid (shocked) - What...what did you say?

Avu - I said that I love you too my pervert.

She said and kissed his cheek. Sid was completely shocked. She chuckled seeing him. She caressed his cheek with her hand.

Avu - I am sorry Siddharth. I didn't trusted you when you said that you love me. I even behaved very bad with you na. I always thought that love at first sight is madness but now I believe in it. I am sorry but I really love you.

Sid - Shh . Angel don't say sorry. It was not your fault. I was really behaving like a pervert and you gave me that reaction which is expected from every girl. And I am so so so lucky that I have my love at first sight with me. I love you a lot. You mean the world to me Angel.

He said and looked at her lips. She understood and closed her eyes giving him the permission. He too closed his eyes and leaned closer. Soon their lips met. It was a slow and gentle kiss which showed their love, care and fear to lose the person. They broke the kiss and joined their forehead.

Sid - I love you forever.

Avu - I love you too forever.

The End

How was this OS?

Why I wrote this type? Basically I wanted to write a sweet crush story from a long time. So here it is in the form of one shot.

How was Sid's character?

Approx 3000 words

Do tell your reviews.

Love you all. ♥♥ And I am missing you all.


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