Chapter 14

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A year later

"Good Morning dad." Isabella greeted her dad while coming down the stairs. Her hair was a mess and she didn't bother to fix it. It was a day off for her, she had planned to sleep all day apart from taking meals.

"Morning sweety." The old chirped and looked up from his newspaper. Unlike her, he was ready in his formal attire which was nothing but a pair of black pants and sky blue shirt above. "I can see how you're planning to spend today's day." He chuckled seeing her state and she gave a sheepish smile.

"The past days were too tiring." She explained and their cook Martha served her some breakfast. She smiled at the lady and started munching on her food.

"Sure was, take rest for today, its back to the job from tomorrow." He reminded and she nodded.

"It is." She replied and continued munching. It was a year ago she left Alex's company. It wasn't due to Justin leaving but the fact that the air had become way too awkward with Alex.

Her father was more than happy when she told she was coming back. For him, his daughter working states away when she can have a stable job right at his restaurant was a foolish idea but he never restricted her from doing what she wanted.

With her mother passing away two years ago after battling with breast cancer for about three years, he had realized she needed an escape from her memories. That time finding a job far away seemed the best option so he never stopped her.

A year ago she had come back, Robert was more than happy to see his daughter but even he could sense something wrong. No matter how hard he tried she never told and it disappointed him that she didn't trust him enough but he was patient with her until she told everything.

Her father was too heartbroken to see her daughter cry over a guy so much. He asked her to talk to Justin but he seemed to just cut off all ties with her. Isabella was completely blocked by him from everywhere, whether it be social media or normal calls he was completely unreachable.

"You going out tonight?" Robert asked and his daughter eyed him.

"I don't want to but I don't think I have a choice." She shrugged and her father laughed.

It was her best friend Josephine's birthday, from the past two years she had been missing it for some or the other reasons but this year she was not supposed to give any excuse, just get her ass up and show her face to the club, Josie's words they were.

"Okay, but be back before twelve got it?" He reminded and she shrugged.

"I'll be back before nine. She would for sure be busy with her boyfriend all I am gonna do is show her my face then disappear." She grinned and her father chuckled.

"As you wish sweety, okay now I gotta go. See you at night." He gave her a hug and left picking the car keys.

Time flew fast in sleeping, watching Netflix and texting Josie and before she knew it was seven at evening. She searched up her wardrobe and picked out a black lace dress with some matching heels.

Getting ready she picked her car keys and went out. Driving through the way she hummed along with the lyrics of Sober by Charlie Puth and she remembered once when Justin had mentioned how much of a fan he was of him.

She wasn't still hopelessly in love with him, waiting for him to come back but she accepted she misses him a lot. A part of her believes if she hadn't messed up and acted a bit mature she wouldn't have lost him.

For now, it was like she had lost interest in men all over knowing what havoc it caused in her life she thought it was just better to be off them. Her father did try to set her up with some guys for he thought she was old enough to settle now and she got tired explaining to him that she didn't want it. Her father always denied saying she can't always stick around one guy but there was no way he could win an argument against her.

She parked the car and the noise of music came so loudly outside the gate too that she recognized how wild the club was. Typical Josephine things.

She showed her id and got inside. Moving her gaze here and there she searched for her friend but was met with a sight that made her heart clench.

There was the guy of her dreams sitting gracefully, looking more handsome than ever flirting with a bartender. The petite brunette blushed at something he said and he laughed while kissing her knuckles.

Isabella clenched her teeth and her hands formed fists as she twiddled with the hem of her dress.

"Bellie!" Someone shouted and she recognized. No one called her by that except her.

"Josie! Happy birthday, bestie." She wished and hugged her keeping the hurdle of emotions aside. She can't destroy her birthday for him.

"I thought you were gonna ditch me."

"I was about to." She replied and Josie glared, "What? Sleep is life."

"Boringass." She commented and rolled her eyes, "Come on."

She dragged her away and they went to where her boyfriend was waiting. Isabella talked to him for a while and soon they were drinking way more than they should have. Josie joined them and among drinking soon they started making out and Isabella left from there catching up on her other friends invited there.

She laughed along with them but all her eyes focused on was the guy who still continued to be busy with the same brunette. It seemed the girl had to go for which she left and he started drinking more.

It fuelled her. She felt a pang of jealousy and she went back to the counter. She took some more drinks, to the extent where she wasn't able to see straight.

One of her friends dragged her to the dance floor and she started swaying her hips. She danced along the music and soon felt a pair of arms wrap around her. She looked up to see the face of a random stranger and she didn't protest. Her head was filled with the thoughts of her lover and she didn't care if the guy was feeling her up.

But it wasn't soon when the guy was pushed away and a new pair of arms wrapped around her. The arms turned her around making her crash into a hard chest and she looked up. Her vision blurred and she blinked to be able to see straight.

But her vision did clear a bit and she saw Justin.

"Hey, ex-girlfriend or ex-fling?" He grinned and her smile dropped.

"Leave me please." She pleaded softly.

"You didn't say that to the guy earlier, is it what you all want? Hands on your body?" His voice held anger and a large amount of jealousy which didn't go unmissed.

"You were the doing the same with the bartender." She commented and he laughed.

"Keeping an eye on me? Is that jealousy I hear?" He asked.

"Yes, I am jealous. I am so jealoussss..." She was drunk.

And he raised an eyebrow at her condition. It was going to be a long night.

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