Award or Punishment?

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After having a golden moment with that sexy skeleton, everyone is back to Taehyung's room cuz Yoongi had to say something to both Taehyng and Y/N. On the bed were Tae and Jin, Yoongi on the sofa in the room and Y/N sitting beside him. The skeleton was placed on the chair adjacent to the bed and Jin kept throwing glances at the Skeleton and then at himself in the mirror assuring that he's more handsome while Yoongi had a 'wtf!' face and Taehyng was busy poking the skeleton and throwing glances at you which you didn't notice. Everyone had some snacks and Eliza joined too. Then Yoongi leaned forward with a serious face about to state his reason for his arrival today.

"Ok so Y/N Taehyung is totally fine now right?"

"About that Mr. Min, Taehyung has almost recovered. He's damaged tissues have healed, the crack in his rib cage has healed too. Everything is fine but there's one problem."

"What is it?"

"Before he went for the surgery, the scan reports said that he has pulmonary embolism. Due to the force of the bullet his chest experienced immense pressure and a small blood cot formed in his lower lobe of left lung. He was lucky that it didn't effect the heart, the heart was really close to where the bullet penetrated. The blood clot won't be affecting him much unless he stresses and gets physically tired. That's why he's still forbidden to move around much. He did say that after walking he gets breathless easily."

"Yeah I remember you said something like this but does this need a surgery."

"It does Mr. Min, we thought to remove the clot when we were removing the bullet but his body almost gave up so we didn't take the risk."

"Alright then when will he get operated."

"I thought of having a final check up of his whole body and then proceed. I would inform you when it will be."

"What?! You are gonna open my handsome chest again?! Hell no I ain't letting that happen!"

"Taehyung-shii I won't be opening your 'handsome' chest again. We'll just make a small opening and pass a tube through it., that's it."

"You call that hairy chest handsome? Eww"

"Yahh Yoongi hyung-"

"Pfttttt- Hahahaha!"

Taehyung was turning red while Y/N was laughing hard.

"Yaah, Taehyung-shii why are you getting embarrassed? I've already seen everything."

"You have seen my everything?(raises an eye brow)
So how was the view? Enjoyed?"(smirks)

"I- no I didn't mean it like that. I meant to say I've already seen ur chest u pervert!!"

Now it was Taehyung's time to laugh.


Yoongi clapped his hands and raised his voice just like a typical commander.

"The thing I'm about to say is, the war had almost came to an end with a peace contract, I guess Taehyung already know this. The military community has organized a social event in memory of the people who gave up their lives and awars those who fought bravely. You as the general who put his own life in threat will be awarded too. Discussions about your promotion is still on hold since we all are busy about the peace contract. And this isn't just about the military people. Y/N, you fought bravely in this crisis too. I heard you used to barely sleep  and often gave up on sleep and served the injured warriors here. Because of you I believe, Taehyung is doing well. Hence you will be awarded  too along with the hospital staffs you worked with and you will be representing the hospital community for now. The event is day after tomorrow and I'll come with my car to take you both there. Alright?"

"Woah I wish I get this much of respect too. My juniors don't even respect me that much."

"Wait what? What you saying is true? I will be awarded for real? I thought my colleagues were fooling around about this but this is really happening."

Y/N was squealing in happiness while Taehyung was admiring her. He knew this would be happening so he was silent. He felt happy to see her excited and energetic. Everyday he used to see a tired Y/N who never looked after herself and served the patients as her first priority. Both Eliza and Y/N used to have frequent arguments on how Y/N wasn't looking after herself. He really felt guilty as he added  more to it since he noticed how she often comes at night several times and check on him instead of sleeping peacefully. She always had a tired face but used to hide it. They indeed had silly arguments too but they both used to enjoy it. That was their entertainment in this tough situation.

"Taehyung-shii what are you thinking?
Never mind. Listen, since your clot still hasn't been removed you still have a bit of risk. If it wasn't this, I wouldn't have allowed you to go. But since I'll be with u, you can go with extreme care. I hope Mr. Min's car is big enough to take some medical equipments in case of any emergency."

Yoongi nodded.

"Yaah you don't need to carry those. See I'm totally fit. Nothing will happen."

"No Taehyung-shii as a doctor I can't take risks like this. The stress is still here unless we remove your clot. And I'm thinking of removing it next week. Is that ok for you?"

"Yeah sure"

               On the day of the Event

Yoongi already arrived with his car and was helping Taehyung to get dressed.

"Yaah now I need to zip your pants too? Wtf!"

"I can't help it hyung, I'm forbidden to bend down as it might pressurize my chest. Please, last time help me in this."

Yoongi sighed and bent down to zipped his pants.



"Shall I take the skeleton with us? I heard you will be awarded too, so it as your family will cheer on you." (Giggles)

Yoongi gave a sharp glare which made him stop.

"I don't need it. If you want you can take it for yourself."

"Nah. No need. I have my Y/N to cheer on me."

Casually saying this he went to the living room to check on Y/N

"My Y/N?" (Raises an eyebrow)

"Yaah, are you done? Omg I'm so sorry."

Taehyung entered Y/N's room without knocking only to see her struggling with her zip.

"You really don't have the decency to knock on the door no? Get out!!!"

Taehyung was flustered and immediately went away.

"Aish, I need help to zip up this. As long as I remember Eliza went to buy some medicines I gave her. (Sighs) I don't have any choice."

Meanwhile Taehyung was standing outside totally flustered. He was about to go and when he heard the door knob open.

"Taehyung-shii can u help me?"

"W-what is it? Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean to barge in like that."

"It's fine. But can u help me zip up this dress?"

"W-what?!" Uhh fine."


"Wtf. Few minutes ago you were talking so timidly and now u r being a wild cat. R u bipolar or something?"

"Aish, stop talking and get inside and zip it up. I'm so done with this."

He came inside with hesitation and nervousness. He noticed the messy bed which indicated how much she struggled to choose a dress and get ready. He gulped and closed his eyes while his hands went towards her back to zip up the dress. Indeed it seemed like he closed his eyes but they were partially open to Taehyung so he could see everything. His hand touched her back and he immediately zipped up the dress and backed away.

"T-thank you."

He nodded and went away in rush being flustered.

Few minutes later...

They already arrived and the ceremony has already begun. Yoongi was in the front while Taehyung and Y/N were in the middle row together. She was busy listening the speech and admiring the place while Taehyung was busy admiring her.

                    Taehyung's POV

How can someone be so pretty. Neither she did any make up or dressed heavily. This simple white floral dress, her hair open and neatly brushed, a slight red tint on her lips, she looks so simple yet beautiful. I agree that her parents did a good job on her. I've never been like this about a woman. Am I falling for her?

                       Author' POV

Taehyung was admiring her simple beauty and then looked at the front to concentrate on the ceremony. Suddenly he felt a pain in his left side of the chest as he started feeling tired. Indeed he walked more than usual and had to climb few steps. Y/N was extremely cautious when he was climbing those small amount of  stairs as if he was new to walking like a child. His chest was feeling a bit heavy too but he shrugged all this off thinking all these will go away if he rests after this. He heard his name being announced and he noticed Y/N grabbing his arms excitedly and telling him to go. He smiled heartedly towards her and stood up and went towards the stage. The more steps he took, the more heavy his chest started feeling. Still he shrugged and climbed up to the stage. He was panting a bit and Y/N noticd the sweat in his face. He bowed down and took his medal and when he was about to take his memento, he felt a stinging pain in his chest just like he felt when he got shot. His vision started darkening and soon he collapsed.

"TAEHYUNG!!!!!!! "

Phewww! I updated after ages. I'm sorry everyone. Things are hard here as I'll be giving my boards soon. I have to concentrate more on my studies now. I hope you like it. I'm still an amateur in writing so pardon me if I do any mistakes. Hope u all stay safe, happy and healthy!!
Take care everyone! Borahae!!

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