risk at its peak

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"Did you all do the x-ray and CT scan, how is his condition and mortality percentage?"

"Doctor that's a relief that the bullet didn't penetrate deep into the chest, we heard he was wearing a vest that prevented it. There are certain severe clots that can be treated, no organs are affected being heart the closest to the wound. The muscle tissues are severely damaged and the third rib has a crack plus he lost a lot of blood so we need to give him blood."

"Great! The patient can survive. By the way, I heard that the blood bank was lacking blood."

"That is the problem doctor. His blood group is AB+ and he is not allergic to anything. It looks like we need to find a donor and give him blood as soon as possible."

"AB+ blood isn't that much of a big deal. I have B+, I will donate for him".

"If you really wanna donate blood doctor, you have to take rest. Don't jump around immediately after giving blood."

"Yaaa- I'm not a kid to jump around and who is the doctor here. I know what to do."

"Alright alright haha, but you still act like a kid."

"Forget about it. I will donate blood  now so that I can rest before doing the surgery. Is senior Dr.Lee coming?"

"About that the surgery will start within the next 2 hours and yes Dr.Lee and you will be performing the surgery."

Y/N gave blood since she didn't want any risk for the patient

                During Operation

"Doctor, the blood pressure is falling. Same with the blood count!"

"Give him Air Support now!"

"Dr.Lee the bullet is successfully out!"

"Congratulations dr.Y/N, the surgery is going towards success."

                After 6 hours of surgery

(Clapping hands) Dr.Lee and Dr.Y/N went out of the operation theater after the surgery went successful. They congratulated each other and were seeking for people who might come for the general.

"Doctor, how is general Kim Taehyung now? Is he out of danger?"

"The bullet was out successfully but we can't say anything right now unless he wakes up. His one pair of rib is broken and he might have pulmonary embolism, so he might go through another surgery after recovering from the wound. Anyway may I know what's your relation with the patient?"

"I'm General Of The Army, Min Yoongie. A friend of General Kim Taehyung. Thanks for informing about his health. I need to go back and please take care of him."

"Doctor Y/N, there is a problem."

Aria called Y/N, stress clearly written on her face that something is wrong.

"Is the patient ok? What is it?"

"The patient's condition is same as you saw earlier, but doctor there aren't any beds available. He is a critical patient and he needs intensive care. Other patients were sent to other hospitals, but because of his condition we can't transfer him anywhere, it might harm him badly."

"Oh my goodness! What shall we do now?!"

"I don't know anything doctor, that's why I came to you."

"Hmm, looks like we have only one option left!"


Ok try to read whatever I wrote...I know its bad...but in above there is A Happy Tae to make you happy;)(ik the pic doesn't make sense with what I wrote but still )
Thanks for reading. Borahae!

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