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Y/N managed to cook something decent for the 3 including for her and Eliza. Y/n being pretty good in cooking is quite unusual since she's a doctor who barely gets time for herself. She used to help her mother cooking when she was a little kid and she mastered some of her skills that helps her even today. She organised the trays and entered Taehyung's room not having any idea what they were doing. She was engrossed in balancing the juice glass so that she doesn't spill but an unwanted kick blew the tray away and Yoongi and Y/N showered in orange juice.

"What the fucking fuck?! "

Yoongi yelled while Y/N stood like a statue still processing what happened just now.

"Omg Y-Y/N I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to kick like this. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me."

"It's totally okay Mr. Kim, I know it  was unintentional. I'll tell Eliza to serve the food while I go and change.
I guess Mr. Min has to take a shower too. Mr. Min come I'll show you the way."

"Yes please, thank you very much. I feel like a living, walking orange now."

"Pffft- HA HA HA omg! Hyung!! Y/N u both look so funny and Jin hyung your scared face is the hot moment of the day."

Taehyung was literally rolling on the bed laughing while Yoongi was throwing some curses in low voice while Jin's soul just left the world. He felt so embarrassed causing the accident and how funny he looked while showing his karate skills that too in front of Y/N for a moment. Y/N went to shower in her room and showed Yoongi the way to the second washroom which was attached with the living room.

Y/N came out and went to help Eliza for arranging the foods and make some juice again, while Yoongi went towards her room thinking she was there to ask what shall he do with the stain clothes.
Note:- Yoongi wore Taehyung's clothes,, HE ISN'T ROAMING AROUND NAKED

                         Yoongi P.O.V

I knocked twiced on her door to ask what shall I do with this stained clothes of mine. Y/N really has a friendly vibe or else me showering and being this frank in some strangers house is a total no no for me. We exchanged quite good words in call several times when I used to check on how's Taehyung's doing. That punk was lucky that when he was fighting in the battle field I arrived. Or else arranging an ambulance and admitting him wouldn't have been that fast.


'Idiot how could you get shot like this. I don't know who made you the general.
( ch- Wounded )

Back to present:-

He was lucky , a person like Y/N was his doctor or else the others won't give two shits about where he would stay in the hospital after having a surgery. I was always insecure and hesitated to approve her request, when she asked me to take her to her house but I had a bit of confidence looking at her face that she didn't have any odd intention.

Well, I guess she isn't here and oh the door seems open. Curiosity got the best of me and I entered the room. It perfectly seemed like a doctors room. A single big bed with a bed table aside with so many medical books. A table in the opposite corner where many medical equipments were kept in an organised way. Her white coat was hanging on the wall right beside the door. There was another door which I guess was the other washroom she has. Certain pictures and charts were hanging on the wall too. One where it was written what vitamins and nutrients and food a person should take to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Others were something about exercises was written. Other's had famous quotes on it which a doctor might highly relate too. And one think that caught my attention was a skeleton placed on a chair in between the wardrobe and the table with those complicated equipments. I've seen some medical students having a Skeleton since my cousin was one too. My hands itched to observe the Skeleton closely so I went forward and took it in bridal style as if it's my wife and I'm taking her towards our bed on our first night.

"I never knew Skeletons were this beautiful. You are more beautiful than humans you know what. Aish, can I just marry you? People suck you know. Marrying a skeleton won't be a pain.
Oh sorry I shouldn't call you 'a skeleton' , it might offend you hehe."

                         Author P.O.V

"Y/N where is Yoongi hyung? Did he left or something? I did give him my clothes and the washroom is open too."

"I don't know Taehyung-shii, maybe he went to my room in search of me. Let's check."

Y/N and Taehyunh both headed towards Y/N's room. The door was half open indicating someone might've entered. Taehyung pushed door further and saw this time his Yoongi hyung talking with the skeleton holding it in bridal style.

Both of them got a shock of 5000 volt hearing what he was saying. Yoongi was so engrossed in admiring it that he didn't even notice their presence.

"Y/N I guess your Skeleton is very attractive. See it seduced my hyung."

With that Taehyung bursed out laughing. Y/N couldn't control her laugh too. Like what? Marrying a skeleton? Obviously anyone would laugh.

Yoongi flinched hearing Taehyung's voice and he went red due to embarrassment. He couldn't even move an inch as he made such a fool of himself that too in front of a girl, which hurt his self pride.

"What's so funny going here? I thought the house was crashing hearing Tae's laugh"

Taehyung gave a playful glare to Jin. Then Jin's eyes landed on the skeleton which was now back in the chair.

"What's that? A skeleton?! Who's is this?
Y/N do you preserve bones and organs if any patient dies or what?"

Y/N facepalmed herself.

"It's an artificial Skeleton which you can't marry."

She said "can't marry" indicating Yoongi who just happened to leave her room back to Tae's.

Taehyung was still laughing and explained what just happened and even mentioned how he caught Y/N too like this. Jin also gave his windshield wiper like laugh too then suddenly turned serious. Y/N and Tae noticed but we're clueless on what was happening.
Jin then went towards the skeleton, lowered down a bit till he faces the skeleton with a serious and challenging look.

"You might be attractive but I'm the most handsome man here. U got that?"

With that, his hand went through his hair, and he gave a flying kiss to the skeleton."

"Seriously you all share the same brain cells aish."

Both Jin and Y/N went away and our poor Tae was left behind. He looked around to make sure nobody was there and then he too took the skeleton in his hands placing the pelvic girdle in his right palm and holding its neck gently with his left hand.

"Hmm so you are Y/N 'the most famous bff' and the one whom my Hyung wanted to marry. Not bad, it's good to get you as my sister in law. As you won't scold me like the others do.

"Now who is getting attracted to the skeleton huh? You caught us now we caught you."

Y/N and Yoongi both were standing beside the door with a smug look and caught Taehyung who was talking and pouting towards the skeleton!

Taehyung flashed them his cute smile and said,

"Your bff is really attractive Y/N hehe"

With that ge too left the house while both you and Yoongi giggled.

Uffff!!! Done with this chapter too. Heyya mah sweet lovely readers, hope you all doing well, had good laugh and getting enough sleep. Take care of yourself always. I'm sorry I'm very inactive here. The reason may include my mental health which is quite unstable but I'm surviving and doing well I guess! Other one is I'm fucking lazy! Lazy to even drink water. Anyway, my book crossed 1k already. I'm really very happy and grateful to you all.
Honestly when I first published I doubted whether it'll cross 100 or not but I was wrong. I really loved how you all support my work. I'll try my best to entertain you all and give better contents. Till then See Ya! Take care. Borahae! Fighting!!

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