Chapter 6

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Tenebris wanted Snow with her own kind and although he would be the minority; closer to food than anything, he was willing to suck it up for her. Moving over to his griffin, Tenebris lightly let his fingers run over her fur and feathers along her neck in the most affectionate way he could towards an animal. "How do you mark me?" He finally asked, his gaze turning up to study her face now rather than his hand that still rested on her. 

Snow closed her eyes as his fingers ran through her furthers along her neck. Finally opening them once his words struck her mind. "I'm not really sure." she said as she looked down at him. Her mind finally on just him again as she pushed the words from redtail from her mind. "I haven't been around others so I don't know what marking intells." she mumbles as she looks away lost in thought trying to figure out what marking might be. Since the redtail left she decided to shift back into human form. Stepping away from him instantly missing his touch she walked over to her changing space that offered her privacy to put clothes on. Once she shifted she pulled on a pair of loose fitting pants and a t shirt. Walking back out as her eyes searched for him before walking back up to him.

Her answer wasn't exactly the most telling, but it seemed she didn't have any more of a clue then him. A bite mark maybe? Some kind of talisman? He shook his head from the thoughts as she got dressed and was standing by the entrance again when she returned. Glancing over to her a new feeling began to bubble up in him; always a new experience leaving him dumbfounded. When she reached him, he reached over and lightly wrapped his arms around her. The redtail had without a doubt left Tenebris feeling unsure where before he had been confident. "Well.... do you think it would have anything to do with how I would claim you?" He asked quietly. "Would instinct tell you if it was right?"

She sighs contently as he pulled her close to him his warmth warmed her heart as she felt protected. Like her heart was protected were before it felt insecure and lost. "I think if we ever went that far instinct would take over for us both." she said as she smiled down at him. Her gaze turned slowly towards the beautiful rising sun as it was truly a new day for both of them. She want even sure if she wanted to mark him as she was afraid it would change him. But she needed to put her fears aside and let things happen as they will.

The idea of being changed into what she was never entered his mind. Tenebris wouldn't have cared though; to be more equal to her, to feel less of a burden would relieve some of his male tension. The pain of a change though, the very fact he might not even survive such a mutation of cells wouldn't detour him either. Slowly he leaned down, pressing his lips to hers as he pulled her flush with him. "Do you think its time we went that far?" He murmured against her lips. Tenebris wasn't filled out or recovered by any means, but at least he wasn't sick anymore. He was on the road to recovery.

(This is when a sex seen has been removed please continue.)

Tenebris turned his head so his cheek rested against her head, eyes still closed as he slowly drifted towards sleep. A thought then crossed his mind and he opened his eyes and glanced over towards his arm where she had held him, faintly recalling how it had beeen glowing at some point. 

Snow had been drifting off to sleep when Tenebris awoke and sat up. "Are you alright love?" she asked as she followed his gaze towards his arm. "Aww that must be your marking." she commented looking at the detailing of it. It looked like a fresh tattoo that contained an image of her. Very well detailed with her wings out spread and her mouth open in a silent calling. "Do you like it?" she asked hopeful as she worried that he would be upset about it. She was now wide awake as she admired it. Looking back up into his blue eyes hopeful that he was happy.

Tenebris had certainly never thought to have a tattoo like that. It was amazing he didn't have any at all; at least till now. He reached over and cupped her cheek and gave her a loving kiss. "There is certainly no mistaking who I belong too." He said softly before laying down and pulling her back down with him. "When do you want to leave?" He asked knowing the marking is what they were needing before leaving. 

Snows heart swelled with happiness as he had nothing but love and admiration in his bright blue eyes. "No there isn't and I belong to you now as well." she smiled licking her lips slowly as she tasted his kiss. Allowing him to pull her down with him as she was ready to rest now. She turns her head to look at him when he asked her about leaving. "Um I wasn't really planning on leaving Tenebris. Please don't tell me you only did this so that I would go?" she asked as small amount of hurt crossed her features. She was both hurt and touched that he would go to such lengths to have her join her own kind. But he had to know that she would only be happy as long as she was with him. And that they were safe.

Tenebris let out a sigh before he glanced over to her as she looked up at him. "Yes and no." he replied. "I wanted you and have for some time. This only gave me the push to go ahead." Tenebris admitted before he reached over and lightly brushed his hand over her cheek. "You need your own kind, Snow. And now that I'm marked I should be safe to go too." he said. 

Snow laid back down beside him. She had alot to think about now as she laid there. "Alright love we'll go but only if that's truly what you want to do. I don't need my own kind to be happy love so long as I have you. You truly make me happy and you give me a reason to live." she told him as she pulled him closer savoring the soft touch he provided. She wondered though what it would be like amongst her own kind though yet it seemed that she was going to find out soon.

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