Chapter 9

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Snow stood up just as he hit the ground. She realized immediately what was happening and her beast took over. Picking him up by the shoulders she looked into his amber eyes. "Stop before you kill him. Your not ready to make yourself known. I promise as soon as he's ready you can have me all of me however you wish." she demanded her bright yellow eyes peering deeply into his bright amber ones. She felt bad that she had put him through this, through the pain. But she hadn't known what was going to happen. "I'm sorry Tenebris I didn't mean to cause you pain." she whimpered looking at his pain stricken eyes. She pulled him close to her trying to calm his aching pain.

Snow seemed to know exactly what was going on, but her words didn't make any sense. Nothing did at the moment with his brain so rattled from the pain. It was only because she held him was he even up; otherwise Tenebris would be curled up on his side in the mud. Another cry escaped him, this one broken sounding and more drawn out from his pain as a shudder went up his back. But that was the last attempt his animal made; finally settling down in the recesses of Tenebris' mind. The amber disappeared from his gaze and the man felt so sore and aching all over, even as Snow held him close it hurt. "What's happening to me?" He asked again, his voice shaky and out of breath.

Snow picked him up gently as his pain finally subsided. She carried him into the barn and placed him back on his feet. She picked up the towel and dried him off. "Tenebris you are now a griffin. I guess when I marked you, you had started changing. I'm sorry I caused you so much pain love." she explained as her voice low and filled with regret. She helped him dress before she herself dried off and dressed. She laid the blanket down on the hay. Walking over she helped him lay down before joining him. She pulled the blanket over them allowing him some space as she wasn't sure if he wanted her too close.

He was a griffin? His foggy mind could only grasp onto that as she helped him and when it was over and she lay beside him; not touching him with space, it made him wonder if she no longer wanted him? Tenebris chased that nervous thought from his mind, realizing he would no longer be the weak link and that he wouldn't feel the burden anymore. Tenebris would soon be equal to his mate rather than a hindrance. "Are you happy, Snow?" he finally asked after some time of silence. Turning his head to peer over at her with his blue gaze yet some amber flecks lingered.

Snow turned to face him as his question seemed to tug at her heart gently. Her face softened as a gentle smile crossed her features. "Yes I am I was never disappointed in you love. I am simply upset with myself for hurting you. Yes I will miss taking care of you as now you are my superior. But perhaps its best since we will have young ones to teach and defend." she told him leaning up to place a gentle kiss upon his forehead. She drew herself closer being careful not to hurt him but just snuggling up to him to feel his warmth.

Tenebris tried not to flinch as she cuddled up with him, but even if he did he also wrapped his arms around her so she couldn't pull away. "I will never be your superior. We will be equals." He murmured as he rested his cheek on top of her head. Exhaustion crawled at him and he let out a soft sigh. "I need a nap.... and then we can continue our travels." He said, the end of the sentence starting to slur as he was already falling asleep.

Snow released a frustrated sigh as she felt his body tense when she got close to him. She almost pulled away when his arm wrapped around her stopping her. 'Equals?' she thought to herself. That would depend one the species of griffin he would become. When he yawned and his slurred words entered his ears she knew he was fast asleep. She didn't bother to answer as she knew he was gone instead she remained awake. If he wasn't up to going when he woke up they would remain here or turn back and head home.

When Tenebris woke up he felt like he had the worse case of influenza of his life. He felt like he was freezing yet his skin was super hot and sweaty. Feeling something smothered, Tenebris pulled away from Snow gently so he wouldn't wake her. Crawling over to the doorway, he sat down with his back against the doorframe and closed his eyes and he breathed in the fresh air. Barely able to open his eyes again as they wanted to stay closed, he glanced her direction again before looking away. He had went through so much to be with her; his drug addiction and all. Not that he wanted anything to happen to her, he did wonder why it was always him. Body aching, he crawled out of the barn and into the mud. It wasn't raining anymore which would have helped his overheating body but he didn't seem to notice. A low groan escaped him, his back arching up as he bowed his head in pain. As it passed he gasped for air and sat up, pulling his shirt up over his head as his body shuddered and his back arched again, forcing his hands back down onto the ground. The bones along his spine crackled as they attempted change and this time they held the change and the rest of his body began to follow. A load cry escaped him despite how he hadn't wanted to wake Snow but the pain was too intense and it rattled his brain. Suddenly a feeling took hold of him and as it faded Tenebris was no longer in human form. He was massive in size, making Snow's griffin look tiny. His entire body; fur and feather was so black it looked blue. Tenebris's wings were outstretched and limp, the span seeming to reach forever as his muscled frame lay motionless in the mud; all save the rapid rise and fall of his flank as he took fast shallow breaths.

Snow hadn't realized she had fallen asleep until she heard a pain filled cry that echoed into the sparsely filled barn. She jump to her feet and search frantically for Tenebris. She knew that he must be in a lot of pain to have cried out like that as he had always tried to hide his pain from her. Once she finally located him she and barely seen his human body disappear as a massive black griffin took shape. He was huge compared to herself and definitely her superior. Shifting into her griffin she proceeded further creeping along on her stomach as the muddy ground brushed her feathers. "Tenebris?" she whispered as she watched his side heave with breaths of air. "Are you okay." she whimpered hating that he was hurting and wishing to take away his pain.

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