Part 5

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Hi guys hope you'll like today's song.

Y/n:Mom, dad see I won a lucky draw to go kim taehyung solo fanmeet can I go please?

Y/n dad:Look my dear daughter these lucky draws are nothing but scams you shouldn't fall for it.

Y/n:But dad it's not a scam I won the lucky draw and we don't even need to spend a single paise they are willing to pay for us that too for free so we all will go na it will be like a family trip and I'll meet my bias too?please naa!

Y/n dad:I am so sorry my daughter I can't accept your lucky draw offer and we aren't going anywhere you're exams are coming soon so it would be better if you start preparing.

Y/n:Mom please Mom atleast you can tell for dad na please?

Y/n mom:Sorry daughter in our house your father's words are final I can't do anything.

Y/n:(Immediately runs upstairs and locks the door. Starts crying tears flowing from her eyes)while crying :- god gave me a chance to meet my Tae but my parents aren't allowing me what a life is mine?fu*k my life.

Nitya:(Makes a call to y/n and y/n lifts the call.) Yaaaah y/n how dare you forget me after getting a new friend.Yaaah why aren't you speaking anything?

Y/n:Crying during the phone call

Nitya:Y/n? what happened why are you crying did that watpadd boy bastard do something ?

Y/n:No he is a very good person. He even booked me kim taehyung solo fan meet tickets he booked a hotel for me and invited my family and friends too.I wanted to go there with you really.As my parents shouldn't get doubt  he did a lucky draw poster for me .

Nitya:It's good thing then why are you crying?

Y/n:My parents thinks that lucky draws are scams.And they aren't allowing me to go.This is my biggest dream I can't loose the chance.

Nitya:But see y/n your parents will only do good for you right.So you should listen to them and make them happy.

Y/n:yes you're right hey my dad's calling me I'll call you later bye(cuts the call and goes down).Yes dad tell why did you call me?

Y/n dad:If you really want to go there I'll allow you.

Y/n:What? really? thankyou so much daduuuuuuuu.

Y/n dad:But only on one condition.

Y/n:What is it dad?

Y/n dad:I saw the date in the poster you showed me it's on June 12th. But your exams are on May 3rd so if you get 80% well  go there as you wish.

Y/n:(In mind omo I'm an average student how can I score that much?) dad I'll not score 80% I'll score 80% above.

Y/n dad:Hmm let's wait and watch.

Y/n :Immediately runs upstairs and calls Nitya.(Nitya picks the call)Yaaaaaah Nitya I fu*cked up everything.

Nitya:Huh what did you do?

Y/n:My dad allowed me to go to Tae's fanmeet.

Nitya:It's a good thing why are you so tensed?

Y/n:But he will allow me only if I get 80% in my final exams.
I told him that I'll get more than 80% but you know how dull I am.

Nitya:Shut up you're not dull you're a good student but you need some concentration on your studies and youll get 80% above okay don't be tensed first make a time table and follow it until exams make revisions by doing this all you'll get 80% above I'm sure you'll get.

Y/n:Hmm thankyou so much for inspiring me.I'll follow your words and be ready babe we're going to Tae with our both families and don't worry Ill tell to your parents ok I'll call you later bye.

Nitya:Okay bye. Fighting!


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