Chapter Eight: Old Friend

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Your POV

It's been about two months since I've become a vampire. Things have been totally easy and accident free. Well, except that time I didn't feed for a week because I was upset and I almost killed this girl named Jessica...

But that was hardly anything to worry about!

Edward was worried about the Volturi coming to get me, but Carlisle said they would have no reason to since I haven't made a scene. The Volturi intrigued me. They held so much power, I couldn't help but be interested in them.

Especially Alec.

His power was something I couldn't even imagine possessing. Everything about Alec intrigued me. I wanted to meet him but Carlisle said no.

I finally had a hold of this vampire thing. Life was finally becoming a breeze.


I lay flat on my bed and glance over at the clock.

2:07 a.m.

"Ugh! This whole not sleeping thing is totally killer!"

I stare at the ceiling and think about everything that's happened. More importantly, what the boys told me that night. The one thing that's absolutely crushed me about becoming a vampire.

I can't see Jake anymore.

This is complete and utter bull crap. He's been my bestfriend since I was four. How can I just not see him anymore? But they did seem rather serious about it..

I let out a loud groan.

I sit up and sling my legs over the side of the bed. I run my fingers through my hair. I throw a hoodie on a pair of shorts. I slip on shoes before tying my hair up. I walk over to the window and jump out, landing perfectly onto the ground.

Might as well go back to my real home.

I speed through the trees and within minutes I'm on the Cullen's doorstep. I can hear Jasper writing in his room. Emmett throwing a baseball in the air. Edward sifting through his cds. As I open the door all the sound stops. In mere seconds all three boys are standing in front of me with confusion written across their faces.

"Are you hurt?"

"What happened?"

"Is this a booty call?"

Both boys turn to Emmett and smack him. I let out a small giggle and roll my eyes. I brush past the boys and walk towards the stairs.

"Don't flatter yourself. I was just bored out of my mind at home, so I was thinking we could have a sleepover in my room."

I turn back to face the boys with a sweet smile planted on my face. I watch as huge grins form along the boys' faces.

"Uh yeah, totally," Emmett replies first and starts walking towards me. My smile grows as I shift my gaze back onto the other two boys.

"So are you guys just going to let me and Emmett go alone or-"

"NO!" They both yell in unison.

I laugh and speed to the top of the stairs.

"Then let's go."

I shoot the three boys a wink before walking into my bedroom. The boys arrive a single second after me, shoving each other to get in the door. As they barge in they all walk over to my bed and plop down on it.

I was the only one in this house other than Carlisle and Esme that owned a bed. Speaking of Carlisle and Esme...

"Guys, where's Mom and Dad?" I ask, a little confused.

"They said they needed a vacation," Jasper says, sensing my worry.

I look over at him before I look down a little.


But I'm still young, what if I do something-

"Don't worry, we're here to look out for you. Besides, you're hardly even a frenzied newborn anymore."

I glance at Edward, who had read my thoughts. I give him a soft smile and sit in a chair facing my bed.

"Oh please, the vacation was just an excuse so Carlisle could get lai-"

He was cut off by the two boys smacking him again.

I laugh and shake my head. I stand up from the chair and walk over to my bookshelf. I grab a book and turn around to see the boys wrestling on my bed.

God they're such children.

"Hey! I heard that!"

I laugh and open my book up. I begin reading and finish the novel in mere minutes. Ah, the joys of becoming a vampire. I look back up to the boys, who are now all laying on my bed talking about random things. I check my phone.

2:48 a.m.

Ugh. Time is so slow.

"Tell me about it. Try being alive for 102 years. You've only been alive for 17."

I look back up to see Edward smirking at me. I roll my eyes and toss my book back on the bookshelf. I walk over to my TV and turn it on. I pop in a random movie and join the boys on the bed.

We continue to watch a few more movies and before I know it, it's already 6 in the morning.

I stand up from the bed and slip my shoes back on, knowing I have to be back home before Charlie wakes up. I say bye to the boys and run home. As I enter my window I hear Charlie in the bathroom, taking a shower.

I let out an exhale and sit on my bed for a little while. The boys said that there may be a chance of rain today, so that means I am not doing anything with my hair.

I throw my hair up in a messy bun. I walk to my closet and pull out a pair of dark jeans. I sift through my clothes until I find a white t-shirt. I throw them on and pull on a pair of converse. I check the time again.


A few minutes later I hear my dad pull out of the driveway. I grab a purse from my closet and as I'm putting the notebooks in I hear a familiar car about a mile away. I walk downstairs and a few minutes later, Edward is in my driveway.


I walk out and shut the door. I turn to see Edward standing right in front of me. I look up at him and smile.

"Good morning."

Edward doesn't answer. Instead he places a hand lightly on my cheek. I feel my brows furrow slightly as I watch him.

What is he doing? He's acting different. Almost nervous.

He continues to stare at me for a few moments. I can feel my nonexistent heart beating out of my chest as he slowly moves a piece of hair out of my face.

"May I kiss you?"

The breath hitches in my throat. I feel my eyes widen slightly and my lips part.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

"I need you to say it out loud."

I snap out of my trance and my eyes refocus. I see a soft smile on Edward's lips as he stares down at me. I hadn't realized our height difference until now. I let out a small exhale and nod my head slightly.


He lightly presses me against the front door as he slowly leans in. He places his hand under my chin and tilts my head up a little more. I can feel his breath on my lips right before he closes the gap. I snake my arms around his neck, trying to bring him closer to me. As if we could get any closer. The second his lips touch mine, my thoughts run wild.

This is so good. He's so intoxicating. He was so holding out on me. This is not at all how I expected it. He's so shy. How could someone so shy kiss like this? It almost makes me wonder what else he can do...

Just then, I feel Edward smile into the kiss. As he pulls away, with a smirk on his face, I realize what he's smirking about.

My hand flies up to cover my mouth. I look down to the ground and brush past him, towards the car.

Oh God. He heard everything I thought about.

"Oh (Y/n). Come on, don't be embarrassed! It's not a big deal!"

I ignore him and get in the car, slamming the door. I bring my knees up to my chest and bury my face in them. I hear Edward get in the car and laugh.

"(Y/n) look at me."

I lift my head slightly off my knees and peek over at him. I see him smiling at me sweetly and reaching a hand up to tuck a few pieces of hair behind my ear.

"You have nothing to be embarrassed about. You should've heard my thoughts."

I feel myself smile as my nerves ease. I raise my head all the way off my knees and sit my feet back in the floor.

That makes things a whole lot easier.


The whole school day went by fast. Our school work was slimming down since Christmas was coming up. We really didn't do much. After it was over, Jasper dropped me off home. I told him I would drive over later. I seriously needed to do some laundry and take a shower.

When I walked in I pecked Charlie on the cheek and headed up to my room. I grabbed all of my dirty clothes and carried them to the laundry room. I started the cycle and ran back upstairs. I grab a change of clothes and walk into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.

I'm about halfway through my shower when Charlie knocks on the door.

"Hey (Y/n), I just got called out. I'll be back later tonight. Let me know if you go over to the Cullen's."

"Okay, see you later."

I hear Charlie's cruiser drive off as I finish off my shower. I dry off and pull on some shorts and a t-shirt. I run my towel over my hair, soaking up the excess water. I brush it out and let the long, wet hair hang over my shoulders.

As I walk out of the bathroom I text Charlie telling him I'm heading to the Cullen's. I slide on some shoes and head downstairs.

As I open my front door, nothing could prepare me for what was on the other side.

Or rather, who was on the other side.


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