Chapter Five: The First Signs

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Your POV

"I told you to just stay in the back!" Edward says while we're walking over to Emmett and Jasper, who are already waiting by the cars.

"Oh come on Edward. I couldn't just let him be all cocky like that. It was ridiculous." I roll my eyes and wave my hand at him.

"(Y/n), you gave him a black eye!"

Emmett starts laughing and Jasper looks at me wide eyed.

"You did what?!" Jasper asks when we finally walk up to them.

"This guy named Chris was talking about how girls can't play basketball with boys, so I showed him up. He chose to guard me and I may or may not have elbowed him in the face." I shrug like it's no big deal and watch as Jasper's mouth falls open.


I turn to see Emmett looking at me with a smirk on his face. I smile at him and shake my head.

"Emmett, don't encourage her." Edward rolls his eyes at his brother.

"What did you want me to do? I have newfound power, so I plan on using it."

I walk over to the passenger side of Emmett's Jeep and start to get in.

"Uh, what do you think you're doing?" Edward asks while he raises an eyebrow.

"I'm riding with Emmett, since apparently he's the only one who approves of what I did. You can ride with Jasper." I climb the rest of the way in and shut the door.

"Sorry boys, duty calls." I hear Emmett say and watch as he winks at them before hopping into the driver's seat.

"I'm coming home with you," I say before turning the radio on.

"Well that was easier than I thought it was gonna be." Emmett smirks at me while backing out of his parking spot. I hit his arm and roll my eyes.

"That is not what I meant and you know it."

He laughs and turns the radio down a little.

"So, you're not really interested in Newton are you?"

I smirk and turn in my seat to face him. I cross my legs in the seat and lean my back against the door.

"Why? Are you jealous?"

"Me? Jealous? Please."

Emmett's a bad liar. Noted.

"Whatever. But to answer your question, no. I'm not interested in him."

I see Emmett smile and glance over at me. He has one hand on the wheel and the other on the armrest in between us.

He actually looks kind of hot right now..

Wait no. What am I thinking? This is Emmett I'm talking about. Emmett Cullen. That's weird. That would be like me-

I look down to see Emmett's fingers tracing circles on my knee mindlessly. His fingers start playing with the frayed fabric of my jeans. I look up to see him smiling to himself.

I don't even know if he realizes what he's doing.

I don't say anything. I just watch as his fingers play with the rips in my jeans. I lean the side of my head against the seat and pull out my phone. I text Charlie to tell him I'm going over to the Cullen's, just so he doesn't worry about where I am.

Emmett slightly shakes my leg and I look up.

"We're here." He smiles at me before opening his car door.

I take my legs out of the seat and by the time I turn around Emmett already has my car door open and is holding his hand out to me. I take his hand and jump out of the Jeep. I go to turn around to walk into the house but Emmett grabs arm. I turn my head back towards him.

"Yeah, Em?"

"Look (Y/n), I was just wanting to know if-"

"(Y/n)! You're back!"

I turn to see Esme running towards me before wrapping her arms around me. I hug her back and let out a laugh.

"Come in, I want to hear all about your first day."

I nod and watch as she turns to go into the house. I turn back to Emmett and give him a smile.

"What were you wanting to know?"

He just shakes his head and smiles back at me.

"It's nothing, I'll just ask you later."

I nod and run into the house after Esme, Emmett following close behind. I sit down next to her on the couch while Emmett sits in a chair across from us.

"So how was it? Was everyone nice?"

"Yes Esme. Everyone was nice." I let out a small laugh.

"Everyone?" Emmett asks sarcastically.

"What's he talking about?" Esme looks in between us as I glare at Emmett.

"Oh nothi-"

"She gave a boy a black eye."

I whip my head around to see Edward and Jasper walking into the room and sitting on the other couch.

Edward I am so going to kill you.

I see Edward smile at my thought before shaking his head.

"You did what?" Esme looks at me, concerned.

"He's making it sound worse than it actually is. It was an accident. We were playing basketball and he was guarding me. No big deal." I shrug my shoulders and Esme looks at me questioningly for a moment before turning back to Edward.

"No one likes a snitch Edward."

We all laugh at that as Edward rolls his eyes. Esme got up to walk off into the house somewhere, leaving just me and the boys in the room.

"So what do y-"

"(Y/n) do you want to come up to my room with me, I want to show you something."

I turn to look at Edward as he stands up.

"Oh. Sure."

I stand up and follow him up the stairs. I can feel Emmett and Jasper's eyes on me as I'm walking.

Once we get in Edward's room my jaw drops. Right in front of me is a bookshelf that covers the entire wall, floor to ceiling. There are so many books on it and just the sight of it makes me excited.

"I heard you thinking about going to the library earlier so I thought I'd show you my personal library instead. You're welcome to take and read whatever you want."

I turn to Edward and a huge smile forms on my face. I run up to him and hug him for a split second before running over to the shelf.

"This is so good. Thank you so much."

I grab at least five books and turn back to him with a huge grin on my face. Edward lets out a quiet chuckle and runs his hand through his hair.

"You're welcome to stop by to switch them out at anytime."

I continue smiling at him and follow him back down the stairs to the living room. Jasper and Emmett are right where we left them. Emmett's turned on some football game while Jasper is dangling his head off the side of the couch. I sit my books down on the coffee table and look around.

"Not to be that person, but do you guys have anything more comfortable I can change into?"

Suddenly all three of their heads snap to me before all looking at each other. Not a second later they all speed out of the room so fast that my hair blows around my face. I run upstairs after them and into the hallway that all three of their bedrooms are located on. I stand at the end of the hallway and wait for them to come out of their rooms.

They all come out at the same time and stand in front of me, each with a stack of clothes in their hands. I look at all three of them before grabbing all of the clothes in my arms. They look at me confused for a second before I start heading to the bathroom.

"I'll be out in a minute."

As soon as I shut the door I immediately hear them arguing over who's clothes I'm going to wear.

Ugh. Brothers.

I look at what Edward handed me, it's a pair of basketball shorts, a blue t-shirt, and a grey zip up jacket.

I look at Emmett's stack, it's a pair of grey sweatpants and a tie-dye burgundy tank top.

I look at what Jasper handed me, it's a pair of black joggers and grey long sleeve shirt.

I press my ear to the door and make sure that the boys are still arguing that way Edward doesn't hear my decision.

I slip on the black joggers that Jasper gave to me, I put on the burgundy tank top from Emmett, then I throw the grey zip up jacket from Edward on over it, leaving it unzipped.

After looking at myself in the mirror for a moment I grab my old clothes and the remainder of the boys' clothes. I open the door to walk out and the hallway automatically gets quiet.

"I'm sorry I couldn't choose just one outfit."

Edward shakes his head before clearing his throat.
"No, you're fine."

"I'll say," Emmett says before covering his mouth.

I laugh at both of them and let my gaze drift to Jasper.

"What's wrong Jas, cat got your tongue?"

He opens his mouth to respond but closes it again, apparently still not finding words.

"You guys are such dorks," I say as I toss their clothes at each of them and walk past them down the stairs.

I toss my sweater and jeans on the coffee table next to my books and sit down on the middle of the long couch. The boys run down right after me, trying to beat each other to sit next to me on the couch.

In the end, Emmett ends up on my left and Jasper ends up on my right. Edward is sitting on the other side of Emmett, looking a little annoyed.

I stand up and walk over to the cabinet next to the tv.

"What kind of movie do you guys want to watch?"




I shouldn't have even asked.

I look through all the movies and spot Titanic on the bottom shelf. That's a good movie. I go to bend down to grab and-

"Seriously Emmett, keep your thoughts PG."

I automatically hear Jasper and Edward burst into laughter. I bite my bottom lip trying not to let my own laughter slip out of my mouth. I grab the movie and pop it into the DVD player before turning around.

If looks could kill.

Emmett was glaring at Edward and my guess was that if I had turned around a second later then all hell would have broken loose. I walk back over and sit back down between Emmett and Jasper.

I pat Emmett's leg before leaning over to him and faking a whisper.

"Don't worry Emmett, they're just mad I like you more than them."

They instantly stop laughing and glare at me. A smile creeps onto Emmett's face and he shakes his head.


After the movie was over, Jasper drove me home. We didn't talk much on the way over until we were parked in my driveway. He turned to me and smiled for a few seconds.

"What?" I tilt my head to the side a little confused.

"You're really something special, (Y/n). I've never met anyone like you before."

If I had the ability to blush, my face would be cherry red right now.

"Thanks Jasper. That means a lot coming from you."

I smile at him before opening my car door. I'm surprised when he gets out too and starts walking me to the door.

"Jas you don't have to walk me in, I'm fine."

I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear and look down.

"Of course I do. It's what gentlemen do." He shoots me a wink and we step up onto my porch.

"Well thank you. And thank you for driving me home." I send him a warm smile and tuck a piece of hair behind my ear again.

"Anytime ma'am." He says and acts like he's tipping a hat to me. I can't help but let out a laugh.

He leans over to me and softly kisses my cheek. I feel my eyes go wide and my mouth fall slightly open.

Like I said, if I had the ability to blush...

"Goodnight (Y/n)."

He doesn't even give me time to respond before he's already getting in his car and driving away. I stand there for a moment.

Jasper Hale just kissed my cheek.

Oh. My. God.

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