Chapter Seventeen: Jealousy

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Your POV

"I think this is the last of them," Jake says while sitting a couple bags of chips onto the counter beside me.

"Thanks," I reply while opening the bags.

I start pouring the chips into bowls and spreading them across the counter. I finish pouring the last bag and wipe my slightly greasy hands off on the dish towel by the stove. When I turn back to the counter, Jake is leaning against it, staring at me.

"What?" I ask while hopping onto the counter.

"Nothing. Just admiring my view," he says with a smile while walking to stand in between my legs.

I lay my arms across Jake's broad shoulders and play with the ends of his hair. Letting out a tired sigh, I let my head hang down lazily, my hair falling in front of my eyes. A few seconds later I'm greeted with Jake moving the hair out of my face and looking up at me. He smiles brightly, causing me to let out a quiet laugh.


"Yeah Jake?"

Jake slowly moves his hand from the side of my face to the back of my head. Lightly pulling my head down, he places his other hand on my hip. He stops just a few inches away from my face. His gaze drifts back and forth between my eyes and my lips.

"I love you," he says softly before closing the gap in between us.

As his warm lips press against mine only one word can describe how it feels.


Kissing Jake is nothing like kissing the others. His lips aren't stone like mine. His skin isn't ice cold like mine. He isn't invincible like me.

For the first time ever, I'm the one who has to worry about hurting someone. Jake is fragile. He can be severely injured. I have to restrain myself with him. And in this moment..

He's making it very hard to do that.

His warm lips are like a drug to me. Like my own personal ecstasy. Something about his fragile state makes him intoxicating. It's so hard to resist my desires. After a few minutes he pulls away, out of breath.

Oh. Right.

He still has to breathe.


"Talk about a first kiss," Jake says through breaths, his face turning slightly pink.

I laugh and nudge his shoulder, causing him to take a step back. I jump off the counter and brush past Jake towards the kitchen doorway.

"I'll have to agree with that," I say with a wink before speeding up to my bedroom.

I shut the door behind me and walk over to my closet, rummaging through the hundred of outfits Esme has bought me over the past few months.

I pull out a pair of cut off black shorts and slip them on. I throw on a white KISS shirt and tie it into a knot. I pull my hair into a side braid and let it hang off my shoulder. Slipping on some white converse, I hear leaves crunching a mile or two away.

The pack is here.

Readjusting my shorts, I speed down the stairs to meet the boys. As I do, I slam into a stone cold pillar, falling back onto the ground. Shaking my head I stand back up quickly.

"Sorry, Em. I didn't see you there," I say, brushing past him to the door.

I open it and find a grinning pack of wolf boys. As they file in, the room fills with laughter and conversations. Who knew wolves could be so loud?

A few minutes later our human guests start to arrive. Once again, our house is filled with the scent of blood and the thrumming of heartbeats. Good thing I went hunting a few hours ago.

As I greet people in the foyer, my smile wavers slightly as the next person walks through the door.

"Jess! Hey!" I say cheerfully, swallowing the venom that's already pooling in my mouth.

"(Y/n), great party. It looks like so much fun," she says with a, way too fake, smile.

"I'm so glad you could make it after all. I was worried I had scared you off after that little incident," I reply with a quiet laugh.

"Oh, not at all! It's totally water under the bridge, ya know?"

"Yeah, I know. Anyways, have fun," I retort with a wave, resulting in her stalking off to the kitchen.

"She really hates you," Jasper whispers from behind me.

"Oh I know," I reply with a wicked smirk. "That just makes it more fun."

He lets out a breathy laugh and walks into the living room, a few wolves following him. I decide to follow him since the flow of guests is slowing down.

I walk into the living room and see something I never thought I would.


On Emmett's lap.

"What the..." I trail off, my face clearly covered in shock.

I watch as Emmett's face contorts with disgust and I do everything I can to hold back a laugh. Edward, who is sitting right next to him, tries to do the same. Emmett attempts to politely shove her off but even I can tell that she's not voluntarily going anywhere anytime soon. So I do the one thing that's least expected of me.

I walk over to them and smile at Jessica venomously. I sit on Edward's lap and wrap an arm around his neck. He automatically stiffens and I watch as the sly smirk on Jessica's face disappears.

Edward hesitantly places his hand on the small on my back, causing Emmett to tense even more than he already is. A low growl escapes his throat as he stares at the hand Edward has on me.

I'm guessing this is where he falls off the edge.

In one swift movement, Emmett shoves Jessica off his lap and pulls me on it possessively. Edward and I both look at him in shock, Emmett himself even looks surprised by what he just did.

"Man, what the hell?" Jessica groans from the floor.

We all look down to see her gripping her head. Sharing a glance between the three of us, we burst into laughter. Jessica's face turns from anger to annoyance and she stands up and runs out of the room.

"The look on her face!" I say through laughs.

"You should've heard her thoughts!" Edward snorts out.

Emmett gently sits me off his lap and stands from his seat. He walks over to Mike, who is sitting across the room.

"Hey Mikey, you should go talk to that Jessica girl. I heard she's got a thing for you man," Emmett says with a sly smirk on his face.

Mike looks at Emmett and looks to the doorway nodding his head. He gets up and follows the path Jessica took. Emmett walks back over and sits in between Edward and I.

"So, no karaoke machine tonight?" I ask, shooting Edward and Jasper a smirk.

"Haha very funny," Edward retorts with a fake glare.

The rest of my night blows by, making many memories with my friends. It had probably been the best night of my entire existence. Emmett and Jasper weren't kidding.

This party was epic.


short chapter, i know.

i am sad to inform you that the next few chapters will be the last ones.

after very careful thought, i came to the decision that this is a good a good place to resolve everything. i want to thank everyone for reading this far.

but hold on tight, the last chapters may surprise you.

xoxo, darkcupid_

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