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Hello, dear reader! 

Hope you are doing well & everything is going fine. 

I hope you liked this book - the stories & the characters.

Thankyou so much for the reads, votes & comments. They mean a lot!

Also, there are a few quick questions that I wanted to ask & I request, even if you're a silent reader, to share your views. 

1. Which is your favourite story in this book? 

2. Which is your favourite Neil?

3.  Which is your favourite Avni?

4. Who did you picture as Neil & Avni in the different shots? 

5. Any review or tip that you'd like to give me in order to improve my writing?

6. What are your final thoughts on this book? 

Wish you all things happy & sunshine!

Warm Regards, 

Nerdy Turtle! 🐢

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