Sweet Heaven (4)

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For someone who doesn't read fiction, Neil looked quite engrossed in the book that Avni had given him. He was seated on the sofa in a cross - legged position while his arm rested on the arm-rest of the sofa. He was holding the book in the other hand & reading with so much concentration as if he had an exam to give! 

Avni rolled her eyes as she sighed & tried to focus on her book while sitting next to him. She had thought that it would be fun to read with him but the man was a closet nerd! He didn't even glance upon her for once! 

N - Avni...this George is a good guy, huh!? - he said while reading! 

A - Hm! - she replied. Neil, I am hungry, let's order food? - she asked. 

N - Uh, yeah! Okay. What do you want to eat? - he asked keeping the book aside with his full attention on her. 

A - Chinese? - she pondered. 

Neil gave her a grin & ordered the food. Interestingly, they had similar taste in food. By the time they were done with dinner, it was 10 o'clock already. 

N - Uh, I..should leave now! - he said as he placed the takeout box in the dustbin & washed his hands. 

A - Hm! - she half-heartedly replied which made Neil smile at her cute antics!

N - You know...I'll bake choco-chip muffins tomorrow. You wanna come? Its a Sunday! - he literally cooed as if talking to a child which Avni didn't mind at all. 

A - Okay! - she smiled & happily agreed. 

N - Uh, so, I..I'll get going now! - he said while looking at her & biting the corners of his lower lip at the same time. 

Similar nervous habit, too!?

Hiding a small smile by biting her lips, she walked up to him until they were breathing the same air while Neil kept looking at her. Avni leisurely placed the palm of her left hand on his upper chest & softly grabbed his mouth in her right palm. She turned his face sideways & slowly placed a long open-mouth kiss on his cheek. Her lips stayed their for a while as she peppered some more kisses on his upper cheek & then his jawline, Avni could feel his racing heart beneath her palm & she could swear at that moment that she loved this feeling & would trade anything to be with him! 

It was not the first time that Neil was with a girl, but she definitely had a way of making him feel something different, something deep, something so beautiful that he never wanted to let the feeling go! He slowly placed his hands around her waist & they slid onto her lower back on their own accord. He pulled her closer as one of his palms snaked up on her back, making her shudder beneath his touch. He held her hand which was still holding his face, with a swift tug he wrapped it around his neck & slowly titled his head, leaning into her. 

Just when he thought he was about to get a taste, she pushed him back lightly. 

A - Pehle choco-chip muffin khilao! Phir aana! - she laughed out while showing him a thumbs down! 

Neil - Huh!? - he was dumbfound. He titled his head to the side & looked at her with narrowed eyes. You are one evil woman, Cinderella! - he dramatically accused making her laugh! 

A - See you tomorrow at the bakery, Prince Charming! - she said & then hastily placed a kiss on the tip of his nose. 

Before Neil could grab her, she ran into the house & closed the door while laughing. 


Shreya only cooked on Sundays! So, the next day Neil woke up to a delicious breakfast prepared by his sister. As the sibling duo settled on the dining table & started eating, Neil fidgeted with his fingers a little, played with his food & was only looking down at his food. 

S - What's wrong, Bhai!? - she asked being concerned. 

N - Uh, Shrey...there's something I...I wanted to confess! - he told nervously. 

S - What is it? Are you okay? - she frowned. 

N - Yeah Shrey, I am good...actually, I, ah..you know, I went to Avni's yesterday!? - he started. 

S - Oh! So you two did the deed already. Quite fast, huh!? - she replied nonchalantly! 

N - What! What deed? Shrey, I am your brother! - he had a horrified expression on his face. 

S - Yes Bhai, I know that you're my brother & I also know that Avni is going to be my Bhabhi! And, you know what you should know? - she looked at him while controlling her urge to laugh at his scared expressions. 

N - What should I know, Shrey? - he asked nervously. 

S - That I will be the happiest, Bhai! - she exclaimed excitedly & jumped on her brother!

N - What? No, Shrey! Its okay if you don't want me to....wait what!? What did you say? - he was beyond shocked now!

S - Bhai, you really thought that I won't want you two to be together!? God, I've been shipping you since day 1. - she told as she hugged the life out of his brother. 

N (relaxing) - God, Shrey! You scared me! I was so nervous to tell you this! - he chuckled. 

S - No, but you really are quite dense, Bhai! I mean, just ask her out already! - she exclaimed making him laugh!


It was a chirpy Sunday morning & Neil was busy with his preparation for baking the choco-chip muffins. The bakery had always been his happy place, he'd loose himself in the routine of it all, however, from the last few weeks his thoughts always wandered to one particular woman who he thought had gorgeous eyes & a heart-melting smile. 

He had always listened to her sister talking about her best-friend & how she wanted to be a writer but he had never met her. And, the first time he actually did meet her, he wondered why had he not met her before! She was absolutely beautiful, he had thought. Not only because she was beautiful on the outside but because she was beautiful on the inside too. He loved the way her eyes reflected every emotion that she felt - they were always so understanding & warm. Neil had known for a fact that people smile with their mouth, but Avni smiled with her whole face. Her eyes used to twinkle every time she smiled & he never wanted to look away! 

Neil knew that he had only met her three weeks ago & there was a lot that he didn't know about her, but that was the thing - he wanted to know everything about her - her dreams, her aspirations, her fears, her insecurities, her favourite movies, her go-to-comfort food, her bucket list for travelling, her beliefs, her everything! He wanted to know her & he wanted her to know him! 

He liked it when she used to tease him, he like it when she used to get disappointed when he was supposed to leave, he liked it when she blinked at him with those hooded eyes every time he came closer, he liked everything about her. He liked her!

A - Hey! - Avni waved at Neil as she entered the bakery, Neil was still lost in his thoughts & had not acknowledged her presence yet. 

Frowning, Avni walked up to  him & poked her index finger on his shoulder which brought him out of his trance. He blinked his eyes as the daze washed off & looked at her. 

N - Uh, Hey! When did you come? - he said while looking at her. 

A - When you were in wonderland, Alice! - she said dramatically which made Neil laugh! 

N - I was just...busy! Anyways, c'mon, lets prepare the batter, yeah? 

Avni happily agreed & wore the apron that Neil had given her. She put the ingredients for the batter in a bowl as Neil had instructed her to & now it was time to mix them well with the milk so that the batter would be ready to bake. 

The batter was a little thick & Avni was having a hard time mixing it well without getting any lumps in it. When Neil saw her struggling, a smile found place on his face & he slowly held her hand while standing behind her. He slowly guided her hands to stir the whisk as his fingers had wrapped themselves around hers on the whisk handle. 

Neil was focused on the task at hand but Avni found her senses to be filled up by him, his smell hit her nostrils & she found it hard to stand straight when he was so close. Biting the corner of her lower lip, she inhaled deeply & tried to act nonchalant. But, just then, he tilted the bowl a little so that he could mix the batter better & put his chin on her shoulder so that he could stir the whisk better. Avni could feel him breath on her neck & her vision had started becoming hazy. 

Just when Avni thought that she couldn't stop herself from leaning on him anymore, he backed away! 

N - It's done. Let's put it in the mould, hm? - he said as he brought the mould tray which he had already set. Avni, can you pre-heat the microwave, please? - he asked as he started pouring the batter in the mould. 

A - Ah, yeah! Okay. - she quickly shook her head & moved towards the oven. 

The next was forty-five minutes were spent drinking coffee that Neil had prepared for the both of them & Avni excitedly waited for the muffins to be ready. When Neil finally announced that they were ready to be taken out of the oven, Avni instantly jumped off her seat & walked towards the oven. She was about to open it when Neil held her hand & pulled her back. 

N - It will be hot. Let me take it out, hm? - he said slowly as if talking to a child while Avni rolled her eyes. 

He had finally set the tray on the kitchen counter when Avni thought that she had waited long enough. She tried to take a muffin out of the mould but just as Neil had said, it actually was quite hot. Avni flinched a little as she  pulled her hand back & blew on it and Neil rushed to her side. 

N - Avnii, I told you that it was hot! - he said while frowning at her. Come, sit here, I'll apply some gel over it, okay? - he said softly. 

How was he always so calm & never lost his temper!? It was as if he thought through every word that he uttered. Avni offered him a small smile at his gentleness as he led her to a bar stool & made her sit there. 

He then quickly grabbed the first aid box & came to her. Neil placed the box next to her on the counter top whilst he searched for the gel in the box. He had an adorable frown on his face when he couldn't seem to find it. 

A - Neil, it really is okay! It was not that hot. - she said as a slow smile found a place on her lips.

Neil didn't say anything, he just looked at her for a moment & kept searching for the gel in the box. When he had finally found the gel, he held her hand in his & slowly squeezed some gel on her finger tips while she looked at him with a grin on her face. 

N - What? - he asked with a frown.

A(sighs) - You know, the book that I am writing, I had envisioned my hero to be a grump & arrogant guy! But, now I think I'll just have to change his character. 

N - And, why so? - he asked as he completed applying the gel & blinked at her in confusion. 

A(shrugs) - I don't know, I may have a new liking now, you know! Someone who would walk me home, who would wait for me outside the office so that we could read together, who would teach me how to bake, & who would take care of me like I'm the most precious thing in the world! - she said while looking at him intently.

N - Well, you're precious! - he said while tilting his head to the side a little. But, Sweetheart! the story is not about you! - he said in the most innocent way possible while trying to stifle a laugh. 

A (rolls eyes) - You know what, Shreya rightly says that you're so dense! - she huffed while he laughed. 

N - You're already teaming up with my sister against me! - he says while she just rolls her eyes & tries to get off the seat. Hey, Hey! Wait, I am sorry, okay! Listen to me! - he quickly speaks while stopping her from getting off the seat by holding the edges of the stool by his arms, thus clutching her in between. Avni, I am probably the most random guy you'll ever find. I don't...I don't think I possess any of the qualities that you girls' book boyfriends possess! I am not territorial, & I'll give you space as much as I need mine! Of course, I'll try my best to always be there but I will not follow you everywhere like shadow & will not cling. And, I certainly do not want to make you a better person or fix you, Avni! I love who you are & I want to keep it like that, also, I expect the same from you! Yes, I want us to grow together & achieve all our dreams - small or big! But, I don't want you to just be my girl, I want you to be you - Avni! I want you to write, read, work, & do every other thing that you want to do! And, I want to be there to witness it all, standing beside you - smiling when you laugh & crying with you when you're sad! - he said while holding her hands in his. 

Neil bit his lower lip out of nervousness as he waited Avni to say something, anything! 

A - Neil, if someone would have asked me to define a hero three weeks ago, I'd have said, that a hero is someone who would fight the goons for me & who would be ready to kill people if they touch me & who would hate the whole world but love me! But, now, today, if someone asks me what a hero is like, I have a very clear answer. It's you, Neil! You're someone who is always so warm, welcoming & kind to everyone and I love that about you! I love your randomness, you don't come with a baggage of an ego higher than the highest mountain peak! And, I love it, you feel like a fuzzy warm afternoon on a cold day & I don't want it any other way! - she smiled while she squeezed his hands a little. 

N (smiles)- And you, Sweetheart, feel like my last first kiss! - he said as he placed his lips on hers!

Avni smiled through the kiss as she wrapped her hands around his neck & pulled him closer. His lips stay there for a moment before he pulls away making Avni almost whine out loud. 

N - Shreya tells me that I am too dense for being so late to ask you out! - he whispers making her laugh! Also, the fact that I don't read fiction, doesn't really help my case to write something poetic or romantic for ya! But, I just want you to know that I really really look forward to be with you & to have you in my life. Will you please go out on a date with me, Avni? - he asked while looking at her! 

A - Shreya also tells me that you were asking her to recommend you some romantic novels - she laughed as she saw his ears turning pink! And, to answer your question, yes, I will go out on a date with you, Prince Charming! Will you drop me home after that? - she asked smiling. 

N - Always, Cinderella! - he smiled one of his another gorgeous smiles at her! 

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