To Be With You (6)

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"Lage bhi toh yeh aur kidhar ab dil sang tere lag ke!"

The bike ride on the way back home was completely silent as both of them were lost in processing their own thoughts & how they felt about the things going on around. 

Avni frowned in confusion when Neil pressed the button for terrace instead of their floor when they were in the lift. However, before she could voice her concern out, he already answered. 

N - Let's go get some fresh air? - he said while she simply nodded.

All Avni had wanted to do was to sleep over her messed up clutter of thoughts but she couldn't deny Neil when he asked her to accompany him. They sat on the ground as they leaned their backs against the wall & looked at the starry night sky.

No one spoke for a while for Avni just waited for him to speak & Neil was still gathering the strength & courage as he tried to tell her the truth. The truth of his past that had wrecked his life!

Chup ne aisi baat kahi

Khamoshi mein sun baithe!

Janmon jo naa beet sake

Hum woh andhere chun baithe!

N - Avni, I - a sigh left his mouth & he closed his eyes.

You need to tell her, Neil. She deserves to know!  - he thought to himself & then looked at her in the eye while she looked back. 

N - Two years back, I was charged of a murder. - he let out as he kept looking in her eyes. He noticed her eyes widened in shock & he waited for it to turn into fear or pity. However, to his surprise, it never did. In fact, they showed confusion & anger. 

A - But you would never do that! - she mumbled under her breathe but he heard it anyway as she looked down at her lap.

Neil held her chin up with his thumb as he made her look at him. 

N - Let me look at you, please! I won't be able to talk if I don't. - he said while Avni couldn't understand how her heart could go iffy by such simple words. Neil removed his thumb from her chin & rubbed his face with both his hands. I met Juhi in college. We had clicked instantly & became good friends. She was even friends with Ali & Rhea. As time went by, we - he sighed. We started harbouring feelings for each other. The college had organised its annual picnic to Mahabaleshwar, we had completed our first year of college then. It hap-happened there! - he gulped & Avni rubbed his upper arm with her hand gently. On the last day of the picnic, Juhi had asked me to meet her at the hills at five in the morning, the next day. She had texted me about it. I had a feeling that she was about to propose me & I...obviously was going to say yes! So, the next day I went up at the hills & waited for her - for hours! But she never came. - his voice had turned shaky now as his lips quivered with every word he spoke. I went back when it was around ten in the morning & we were supposed to leave. After going back, I found out that she was not there either. We called her, searched for her, but - he took in a deep breathe. But, she was nowhere! After two days, the police - he could feel a burn in his chest as he struggled to let it out. His eyes stinged as fresh tears started to pour out of them & his vision became a blur. Avni's own eyes had started watering up as she watched him in so much of agony. She held his face in her hands as she wiped his tears but they kept flowing more. They found her dead-body  after two days of the picnic. It was an accident, she had probably slipped off the hill & fallen down. But, her family thought that it was planned & they- - he bit his lips to control the sob that threatened to escape. They thought I was responsible for it. The cops believed them too, because her last text & call was to me. I, I was in jail for two days! - he sniffed. My dad got me bail & the lawyers even proved me innocent in the court, but -he exhaled with his mouth. But the people never believed my innocence, everywhere I go, they tag me as a "Murderer"! It had come to a point that I had started having panic attacks every time I went out. I dropped out of college & had shifted to this apartment here so that I could cut all the unnecessary attention of people & the way they looked at me with those disgusted & pitiful eyes. My dad had insisted that I take therapy, & I'm grateful because it did help a bit. I don't have panic attacks as frequent as before, but I still do get them every now & then when something triggers. - he told & took in a deep breathe. In these last two years, Ali & Rhea have been my only pillars of sanity. You know, in the beginning, every time I was alone, I'd have these tendencies of hurting myself! It has improved over time but, Avnii, I don't know how to explain this, but I feel like there is this constant noise in my head, as if, as if someone is screaming at the top of their lungs, but nobody listens. And, when I wake up from that nightmare, I find out that the voice is mine! And, nobody can listen! I, I just - his voice was just a breathless whisper now. I just don't know what to do! - he said as he looked into her eyes with helplessness & despair clearly visible in his eyes. 

Avni sat on the back of her legs as she wrapped her arms around his neck & pulled him in for a hug. He rested his head against her chest as tears fell from both of their eyes relentlessly. Her chin rested at the top of his head as she rubbed his back with her hand. 

A - It's over, Neil! It's all over! And, I'm here to listen. Right besides you, always! - she whispered in his ears. 

Neil tightened his hold on her waist as he pulled her more towards him while she ran her fingers at the back of his head. 

N - I don't know how do you do it, but, I can feel my nerves calming down whenever you're around! - he mumbled.

Avni reluctantly pulled back from the hug and wiped the tears from his face as she rubbed her thumb on his cheeks, near the creases of his eyes. 

A - You're going to be alright. You've handled it so well, Neil! I'm proud of you. - she spoke making him smile a little. 

She took in a deep breathe & she hugged him back as she put her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeats while he wrapped his arms around her waist. 

A - Why don't you live with your family, Neil? - she asked after a few minutes of silence.

But Avni regretted asking the question when she saw his expression turning into one that of misery & grief once again. 

N - Mom committed- - he sighed as he closed his eyes & shook his head. My Mom gave up on life when I was seven! My Dad & I - -we, we drifted apart after her. - his shoulders slumped. I know for a fact that he cares for me & I do too, but we just don't know how to talk. And, who is even going to start the conversation? I guess, both of us are just waiting for the other! Bas, Bebe hain, jinse kabhi kabhi baat ho jati hai! That's all about my - family! - a sigh left his mouth.

A - I can not even imagine how tough it must have been for you! - she said as she looked up at him while still hugging him. I wish we had met before so that I could have been with you!

A small smile stretched across Neil's lips when he heard her. 

N - You're here now. - he said as his fingers entangled themselves in her hair. 

A - I'm here. And, I am not gonna go! - she mumbled as she kissed the fabric of his shirt over his chest & then put her head back against his chest.

They sat there for sometime in that position while Neil kept playing with her hair stands mindlessly & she just kept hugging him. It was only when Avni's phone rang that they pulled back from the hug. 

It was Neela who had called to ask if she was alright & when she would be coming back home. Avni told her that she'd be home in a minute & then disconnected the call. 

They got up from the sitting positions & moved down to their floor. Coming out of the lift, Neil sluggishly dragged his feet towards his apartment when Avni held his hand. 

He turned to look at her & raised his eye brows at her as he tilted his head a little.

She didn't say anything. Just held the sides of mouth in her hand & raised herself on her toes. Neil just watched her as his eyes widened the size of saucers when she placed her lips on his cheek & kissed him with her eyes closed. Neil closed his eyes when her lips lingered on his cheek for a while before she eventually pulled them away. 

Neil could feel that the earlier kiss was just out of admiration & attraction. But, this, that she had just given him, felt like a promise. He felt like she had sealed a promise with him that he would always be cared for, by her!

Chhanv thi tere saath ki, 

Bereham dhoop mein!

A - Sleep well, Brinjalhead! I'll see you tomorrow. - she mumbled before running towards her house while Neil could only manage to nod at her retreating figure.


Neil woke up to a series of knocks at his door the next morning. With half sleepy & groggy eyes, he went up to the door only to reveal Avni standing across it. 

A - Good Morning, Brinjalhead! I brought you breakfast. - she chirped as she moved inside the apartment while he was still standing at the door.

Rolling his eyes at her excited self, he walked up to the sofa & almost fell on it out of exhaustion. 

N - It's not even morning yet, Avni! What are you so excited about? - he mumbled in half sleep.

A - Brinjalhead, get up right this instance & go freshen up! The food will get cold. I've myself made this poha for you! - she spoke as she tapped on his cheek.

N - God! Fine! Give me a minute! - he stood up from the sofa & went to the bedroom.  

Avni was waiting for him at the dining table while he was getting freshen up. Neil sat opposite to her at the dining table as she served him the poha. He couldn't disregard the fact that how his heart felt at ease in her presence. He recalled how her beautiful kind eyes held only care & warmth for him, and not pity or sympathy which he was so exhausted of finding in everyone else's eyes.  

A - Poha is my favourite breakfast. I hope you like it too. - she said as she looked at him expectantly.

Neil just gave her a small smile before taking a bite of the dish & she bit her lips him anticipation. 

N - This is probably the most amazing Poha I've had! - he said as he smiled at her brightly.

Avni couldn't do much to stop the blush that crept up her cheeks & the way her eyes twinkled while looking at him relishing the food she made, for him! 

A - Brinjalhead?

N - Yes?

A - Are you trained in music? - she asked making him look up at her.

N - Uh, no! I just - it's just something I love doing. I've not learnt it. - he told while Avni nodded at his answer. 

A - You know, Mumma is a trained classical singer. Why don't you come home? You two can practice together? - she said thoughtfully as she waited for his reaction.

N - Avni, I don't know! Do you think she'd like me intruding in her space? - he asked warily.

A - Oh, don't worry about it! I'm sure Mumma would enjoy your company. I & Papa are disaster at it, so she can use your company! - she told. Though what she said wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the complete truth either. The reason she wanted him to join his mother for singing sessions was so that he could work on his anxiety & his wariness to meet & interact with new people. She had thought it through the entire night & then came up to him with the proposal. Toh, Tum aaoge na? - she asked hopefully.

N - Aaunga! - he smiled as he blinked his eyes at her, making her smile back brightly.

Neil ate in silence while Avni just watched him with her chin in her palms as she rested her elbow on the dining table. She averted eyes when she realised that she was actually staring at him. Shaking her head as if it would shake off her thoughts, she looked around his house as she observed the interiors. 

She felt her heart flipping when her gaze landed on him accidently & she found him looking at her intently. She couldn't blink when she noticed the way his pupils were dilated as sunrays hit his irises & he looked at her like he never wanted to look away. 

Stop! Stop reading those stupid novels online. He must be thinking how idiotic you're. Stop reading too much into those simple stares. But God, those fuck-me-eyes! How do I look away? 

She forced herself to look down at her lap as she shut her eyes close & shook her head.

A - I, uh, I should leave. Mumma must be looking for me. Bye, I'll see you later. - she spoke & got up from her chair to leave. 

Just when she had reached the door, he held her arm & spun her around making her blink her eyes nervously. He was holding her by her waist & her hands rested on his chest.

A - What? - she asked as she bit the insides of her lower lip & raised her brows at him.

N - Thanks! - he whispered as he flicked the tip of her nose. 

Avni just stood there like a statue as she looked at him with hooded eyes, making him chuckle at her reaction. 

N - Are you not breathing? - he asked as his brows furrowed when he looked at her stiff posture.

A - There is no ox-oxygen! You're taking up all the ai-air. St-stand afar! - she told in a breathless whisper.

Neil laughed out loud when he noticed her cheeks & nose turning red & the way she blinked at him with that hooded look in her eyes. 

A - Tum hass rhe ho meri baat par? - she glared which only made him laugh more. 

N - Nhi! Tum par hass rha hoon! - he said as he flicked her nose once again. 

Avni just gave him a grumpy look before turning around to leave. 

A - Shaam ko ghar aa jana for the music practice! - she shouted before entering her apartment.

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