5) 🌺

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5) 🌺



She is sitting in her room crying because everyone break her trust.

"All guests are waiting,are you ready." Huma her sister in law come and find her crying.

"Zareen please don't cry everything will be alright." Huma said.

"Bhabhi you also know it before but didn't try to tell me." Zareen said looking at her and she look down for hiding it from her.

"Zareen come out beta." Her mother said.
She is looking beautiful in her bridal lehanga as today is her rukhsati.

"Mashaallah you are looking very beautiful." His mother said to her while she just look down.


"Now what should I call you aapi or bhabhi." Rabiya said to her who is sitting in his room with her face down. While Farah made a thinking face.

"Let's call you bhabhi as we got bored saying you aapi." Farah said after thinking and her other cousin sis laugh.

"Now go, she have to rest." His mother come and sue all of them.

After some time he entered in his room and find her sleeping in those clothes.

"Zareen first changed then sleep." He said shaking her. She got started with sudden shaking but when she calmed down she back away from him.

"Stay away from me." She said and ran towards where is her clothes.

He look at her back and feel disappointed.

He wait for her to come out but she didn't. He got panicked as it's almost one hour to her in washroom.
While on other side she is fighting with her clothes and hair pins.

"Zareen are you okay." He asked in concern voice standing at door but she stay mum. He start to pace thinking what to do as she didn't come.

After half an hour later she come out and he took a breath seeing her okay...

"I'm sorry..." He said going behind her and she laughed at this very loudly.....

"Don't say when you didn't feel it..." She said when her laughter died...

"I......" Zain tries to say something when he  stop looking at her face as she turned and tear is flowing from her eyes...

She lay down on bed while went to closet and changed there...
After He lay on the couch... Knowing she will not bear it sleeping in same bed....

He stands up and go there and find her curled up as AC is on and she is sleeping without comforter...

He took the comforter and cover her properly and she stride in her sleep getting warmness and a smile come to her face like seeing a good dream...

He look at her with love filled eyes but pain come in them seeing her tear strand face...

She again stride in her sleep and now her face is towards him...her face bloom in moon light...

He come close to her and placed his lips on her forehead......
"I'll do everything right..." He said and come to couch and lie there....


Zareen got up in morning and look towards where he is sleeping.. She feel guilty seeing him changing sides...
She stood up and go near him.... She sake him lightly and he open his eyes..
Zain looked at her in confusion...
"Sleep on bed." Saying that she went towards washroom taking her clothes while he look at her retreat back.....

She got ready as today is her first day after her marriage (legally as now all knew about it.)  and he just staring her beautiful face as she look now more beautiful.....

She feel his gaze on herself and turn to look at him.... Her eyes meet with him....

He didn't look another side just looking at her eyes while she also look towards him  not wanting him to know that his eyes are affect her....

Their trance break after a knock.... She quickly turn and sit properly and on other side he to stood up in hurry and ran towards washroom....

His and her mom come inside....

"Mashaallah my daughter is looking like an angel..." His mother said kissing her on forehead and her mom also repeated it....

She hugged her mother as she can't be  angry with her and she cried holding her....

"Shh...Don't cry I'm here." Her mother said holding her tightly and one tear also left from her eyes....

"Now both mother daughter start crying stop this..." Zain mother said wiping her eyes as she is witnessing the love they have....

They stay like this..... "I should go as no one want me." Zain mother said dramatically.....

"badi Ammi."  She said and hugged her also...

"Come down with Zain." They said and went out and then he come from washroom....

She looked hearing door cracked voice and just stare him who is looking handsome...

She turned her face when her eyes meet with his...

He comb his hair and in all the time she was just playing with her finger as not knowing what to say or do.

"chalein." He asked her.  And she just noded her head and stood up from bed but in hurry  her feet tangle with her own dupatta (stole)... She just going to fell when he caught her on time... Now his hands on her waist and hers on his shoulders...
She look up and lost in his eyes but when she remember she pushed him.... He got startle with sudden push but compose himself....

(let's go)

They reached down and smile for only their family as he don't want their families to know......


"I am going London for two days next week ...." He said looking at her who is busy reading some book..... She didn't said anything and pretend like she didn't hear him and just busy in reading...

He sighed as one month passed but her behaviour is still same towards him....

He changed his clothes and laid on sofa like everyday... She said him to share the bed but he didn't feel good when there is nothing in this marriage then why to share a bed...

He sleep in next five minutes as he get familiar with it but still his neck pain with sleeping on sofa.....

She look at him when she knows he sleep and come towards him and covered him properly....and coming to bed she lay there but sleep is far away from her eyes....


He went London as he said but she didn't said to him anything as today he is coming back from London.....

All were sitting in dining for having dinner when he come.... He went direct to his room and she also follow him as they don't want their parents to know what is going between them...

"Water.." She give him as he Come from washroom after freshen up.... First he look at her but she is looking down he took the glass from tray and drink it...

"dinner...." She asked after some time....

"Yeah.." He said and stood up from bed...

"I'll bring it here.." She said and went out....

He sat on bed but lean after some time and sleep there as he got tired with the continuous working and with jet lag also..
She come with food but seeing him asleep she put it on table and changed her clothes..

She laid him properly and covered him and also lay beside him but maintaining the gap....

In middle of night he woke up feeling hungry and when he saw himself on bed he recall everything.... He stood up from bed and seeing food on table he walk towards there and in this time Zareen also stood up as when her hand go to his side and not finding him here.... She didn't recall it first but remember it when she heard the utensils sound.....
She stood up and went towards him and took plate from his hand.... She got shock first but composed when she said she'll warm the food....

She come and served him and he eat it while she sit on bed...
After eating he went and washed his hands and she took the utensils and placed it back in kitchen.....
She come back and find him laying on sofa...... She got hurt seeing him there...

She wanted to go to him and scold him for this but not did as she went near him she saw him asleep...

She come back and lay on bed and he open his eyes when he feel that she went from there...


Asslamualikum guys
So here is next update..

I hope you will like it.💞
Let me know about it. 😊

Who guess right in the previous chap what it's in envelope.... @AnkitaGhosh205 congrats dear ❤❤❤❤

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