Chapter 12: Coffee with an unexpected guest and a gift!

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TNG xx.

Ok. Tomorrow is the dance! I don't think I am going to go. Should I?


Shut up conscience, you're not helping. I mean this whole idea of the dance is just pathetic. I don't have a date nor do I have a dress.

You could if you wanted to...

Ugh, who would I go with? Alec? Zack? No, they all probably have dates, and even then I'm not that desperate. They're all super hot but they're f-boys. Why would they choose me when so many other girls are throwing themselves at them?

All my friends are probably going, but I can't bother. Not to mention they will probably all have dates too. I'm not ready for all this, I would much rather spend my day on the couch watching The Notebook, The Titanic, or some other tragic romance movie. Ugh, I both love and hate happy endings! I mean they're so unrealistic, but people can dream, right?

You probably think I am over reacting, like a crazy maniac, but let's be honest, I have better things to do.

Hahahahaha, you? You never have anything to do, heck you're even ditching the dance because you don't have a date.

You're my conscience, you're supposed to be supporting me!

Now, why would I do that? If you're being stupid you deserve to know.

After my internal monolog, my phone starts blasting Irresistible from Fall Out Boy.

Ugh, who the heck is calling me right now?

I pick up the phone...

"I'm not in the mood! Leave my phone alone, you shit." I yell into the phone, not even bothering to see who is calling. Why am I such a bad mood today?

Cause you know you're lonely! You're so lonely!

"Wow somebody's in a bad mood. I was just wondering whether you wanted to meet me down at the coffee shop," Violet asks.

"Oh hi, Vi. Sorry. Sure, I'm not doing anything so I'll be over in 5 minutes."

"Sure honey, see ya then!"

I get up from the bed and slowly make my way to the kitchen. My parents aren't home yet and I can't bother, so I pick up my keys from the small key basket and make my way to the garage where my car is. When I say mine, I actually mean me and my brother.

We have the ugliest car in the world. Let me just say, I am not a snobby girl who doesn't appreciate what her parents give her, but this car was bought in the car junkyard and it broke down on me 7 times. This piece of metal is useless.

Is this your excuse for skipping the dance?

Ignoring my conscience, I get into the car and rev the engine once, twice, three times.

"Come on you stupid car, come on!" I basically shout to myself. I hit the steering wheel three times and after a few seconds, the car jumps to life. Finally! I release the handbrake and slowly make my way to the coffee shop.  


There it is. The vision of beauty known as the coffee shop, my body is already getting all jittery from withdrawal: I love coffee. Not as much as hot chocolate though.

I look around for Violet's car but she's not here yet, I enter the coffee place and take a seat in the front of the cafe. Getting bored I look through my phone for things to do, then I see the game slip away, I hate this game so much but it is so addicting, once you start playing it then you just can't stop.

It's been like 10 minutes and she still isn't here? Maybe something happened to her. After a while, I decide to text her.

You: Hey Violet, where you at? I'm at the coffee place.

No response.


5 minutes later


10 minutes later


Still no response. 

I stare at my phone, now I'm getting really angry and worried. Where is she?! I phone her and quickly get into the cafe. I told you, it's Winter right now, and it's cold. 

I phone her. Straight to voicemail. 

"Hey, it's Violet I'm currently busy please leave a message after the beeeeeeeeeeep!"

"Hey Violet, it's Amelia, I'm at the coffee place I was just wondering where you are?"

The realization just kicked in that she is not coming. The moment I realized that she is not coming I decided to make my way out the door. Why would she ditch me? What is so freaking important?

I get up and walk towards the door, angry with myself for not realizing earlier. I move quicker in trying to get away from here as soon as possible and I am instantly hit by the cold weather. Am I regretting leaving without getting a drink? Yes, I think I need to get just one large cup of coffee.

I walk back to the cafe and walk straight up to the counter, planning on ordering a large red latte when a notice Zack standing behind the counter.

I didn't realize that I was making my way to the counter because I was busy trying to get my money out of my wallet... 

Trust me holding my keys, my phone and my wallet while trying to get money out is actually pretty hard. I need a handbag my goodness. 

"Hey, can I get your order please?" I heard a voice talk to someone in front of me, I must've must've zoned out. I smile back at him sheepishly. Without looking up I ask for my latte. 

"Coffee or tea, Amelia?" The voice asks.

What? How does the barista know my name... 

I look up and I see a familiar face.  My face flushed immediately. Why you must ask? Let's start with I look like a complete hobo. Literally in a messy bun, sweat pants and an oversized hoodie.

"Oh hey,  Amelia, it's good to see you!" He shouts!

I stop in my tracks, slowly make my way out to the man and then start talking.

"Oh Hey Zack, I was just about to g-"

"No, your latte isn't ready yet," he says.

He's right. While I'm here I add a pump of vanilla to my order. 

"Oh wow. You are such a complicated girl," Zack says chuckling to himself.

I take out my wallet and grab a five dollar bill.

"Hey, it's on the house, don't worry about it," he replies. 

"Um no thanks, I can pay for my own drink," I say insisting on paying myself. If I was a normal person I would probably make him pay, but I'm not.

"Can't you just accept the offer?" He looks at me.

"Why should I?"

"Would you just take it?! I'm trying to be nice here," He says running a hand through his dark brown hair probably getting frustrated.

"Fine! When did you start working here?I'm a regular, and last time I came you didn't work here." I ask. I genuinely mean that seriously, this is my favorite coffee spot. I've been going here since my parents didn't allow me to drink it. 

"Zach? Your shift is done, Mandy will take over from here," someone shouts from the back room.

"Well. Now, I guess my shift is done you wanna hang out or something?" he asks me.

"Yeah sure. I don't have anything better to anyways."

We wondered over to one of the booths and sat there while I was finishing my latte. I actually had a really great time just talking, but it was getting late and I had long finished my coffee. I really had to go home or else I would have been busted by my parents and overprotective brother. 

"Zack, it's been really fun hanging out, and chatting? I guess. See ya around." I say.

I get up and then walk towards the exit door, he gets up to me and opens the door for me. We slowly make our way to our cars.

Ooo, trust us, drama is coming. 





Love y'all <3. 

 - The Nutella Girls. 

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