Chapter 22: Making up and a check up

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The Nutella Girls are officially back, we are posting ever Sunday. Hope you enjoy this chapter, the drama continues!!!! So exited to continue writing this book! If you like this book please comment, vote and follow us.

XoXo (gossip girl) jk jk 


 Its Saturday morning and I wake up, but not in the way I'd want to. What is that horrible music? From outside, I can hear scratchy and broken boombox playing Baby by Justin Bieber. Rage and fury rises within me, so I get out of bed as fast as possible to see what the hell is going on outside. It's a Saturday, no one should be woken up.

I roll out of bed and land on a pillow that I must have thrown/kicked out of the bed during my restless sleep. My mind is still stuck up over the things that happened during these previous days, which have been too many. With all the stuff with Violet and Alec and the pregnancy, and then to top it all off, Zach (that asshole) posted a picture of himself and some skank on his instagram. I broke our relationship off a few moment later.

Did I overreact? No, he was always a player. You know what they say - once a player always a player. I don't know why I am thinking about this so much. Did I love him? No way! I don't think I have ever loved anyone except my sibling and my family and course my best friends. Why do I keep rambling and thinking on, it's like my brain is on overdrive.

That horrible song was still blaring from the outside and again I got sidetracked. I slowly get up but I feel as if I am a statue and end up falling onto the floor, the struggle is real. Ok, I'm not a morning person don't judge. Anyway, I went to my balcony and open the blinds. I nearly died the sun was so bright. It felt a bit like that moment when you turn on your phone in the middle of the night and the brightness nearly destroys your eyeballs. Yeah it's that feeling, I know you can relate, don't fake it!

I look out and I freeze because what lays before me on the ground is something I would never have ever imagined to encounter in my life.

Zach stands proudly next to a very broken boombox with a huge cardboard sign in big print.


No one has ever done something like this to me before. It's such a sweet and cringy gesture but wow, he definitely lost some of his dignity for that. He does know how to apologize though, I'll give the boy that.

"FINE, I FORGIVE YOU!" I shout on to my lawn. I can see his face light up and he starts jumping for joy. Men are still just boys, that's a fact.

Wait, what just happened. Did I really just forgive him? After all he has done? Yeah, it was way too easily, but he wouldn't have done that if he wasn't ready to But then again he is such a sweet guy and I'm sure he do it on purpose. men can be clueless.

I make my way down my stairs still in my pajamas (bugs bunny shirt and my cupcake lace bottoms). He better not judge, I've had these for ages and he's just gonna have to deal with that. I see my dad and mom whispering things in the kitchen when I'm down the stairs. DAMN IT ZACHARY.

"Hey pumpkin! How did your day start? How is lover boy?" My dad asks me. I cringe in embarrassment. I could see Zach walking right into our house as my dad said this. Could my life get any worse right now?

I can feel the heat creep up my face and my palms are starting to feel really clammy. With one hand motion I gesture my parents to leave and they just look at each other and start laughing hysterically.

"We are going! Calm down," my mom said with a slight smirk on her face. You gotta love this woman but sometimes I feel like it is a bit too much on the cringy side.

Zach walks up to me once my parents are gone and plants a kiss on my mouth. A sensual feeling spreads through my body into my veins and I can feel a tingling everywhere. Like a million butterflies are creeping through my body. My cheeks start to heat up and I can feel him pull away from the kiss.

I missed his kissing, but I don't miss the fighting. I don't want us to fight ever again. Zach breaks the awkward silence that is spread in this here room.

"I messed up and I'm sorry, the boombox was a way to grab your attention, I knew you were mad and I know that if you don't forgive my anytime soon I'm going to die from not seeing you and your beautiful face everyday. I really did miss you, and I like you a lot Amelia," Zach says with his most charismatic sexy voice.

This guys sure knows how to get a girl with his apologies. Darn it Zach.

"I missed you too." I say wholeheartedly. I did miss him.

He slowly walk towards me closing the gap, he grabs me by the waist and slowly pulls me into a hug. Can I just say people who tall are the best huggers ever! I rest my head on his chest and we stand like that for a whole 5 minute. I really needed this so much. It has been a rough couple of weeks looking back on it.

I hear a ring by the doorbell and I slowly unlatch myself from Zach. As I open the door a completely exasperated Violet walks in. I walked Zach out and gave him one last hug and kiss. My gosh it has been an eventful morning, with Zach out the front door I make my way over to Violet and we start planning our afternoon together.

For our health, Violet decided that would should eat out instead of cooking for ourselves. I feel pretty confident in my cooking skills, but anyone I've ever cooked for disagrees with me for some reason. I don't get it, I think they are all just close minded and don't want to reveal their true thoughts. Violet hasn't even tried my cooking, even though I presented her with a delicious dish (chicken in tomato sauce with pasta). She said it was because I gave Levi food poisoning last month, but it was his fault because he failed to point out that his chicken was raw. Anyway. Moral of the story is that I am an amazing cook and that he was just faking it or had a cold or something.

We ended up in a cute little cafe downtown, with a very rustic vibe. I'd never been here before but I'd heard numerous people ranting about their toasted sandwiches it on several occasions, so we just had to try one. Turns out those people were right and I'm never eating anything but these ever again. It was probably a weird scene for most - two 17 year old girls moaning with pleasure as they ate the best food of their life but we didn't care, because in that moment, nothing mattered. It was like all our problems went away, and that is why food is a better boyfriend than a human will ever be. You can always depend on food.

After 3 more sandwiches each, we payed and headed out.

"Hey Amelia? Can we pop by the clinic? It's my 6 week checkup and I feel I kinda need to see a doctor. Apparently things start getting bad at 6 weeks; morning sickness, cravings, bloating and even a bump. I just want to feel ready and prepared you know?" Violet asked me.

"Of course Violet. You know I'm always here for you, especially now that you live with me." I say smiling over at her.

A flicker of something crosses her face, but it's over almost as fast as it comes. It must be all this pregnancy stuff stressing her out.

We head down in my car to the clinic nearby, and walk into reception. Violet immediately heads over to the desk, stating her name and that she is there for a checkup with Doctor Martens. We sit down onto the nearest sofa, which, by the way is really comfy. I literally struggled getting up when a female middle-aged doctor came out and said Violets name. I was just following Violet into the doctor's office when Violet turned around.

"I'm just going to go in myself, if that's cool with you," She says to me nonchalantly. I do feel kind of hurt, but then again, it's a big deal and it's a very private thing they are discussing.

I sit back down on the sofa again and all my sad thoughts vanish as I sink into the bliss. I get my phone out ready to wait, but along the way I end up falling asleep. Embarrassing, I know. Especially in a room full of strangers. But oh well, welcome to my life.

I am woken up again by Violet, who shook me back to life quite violently if I say so myself. I check my phone to see thats she's been in the office for an hour. Thank goodness I fell asleep, there is only so much can do on a phone with no data.

"How was it?" I asked Violet after I'd woken up and adjusted to the real world.

"Amazing!" Vi said enthusiastically. "I got all sorts of brochures, tips and pills to force me through the next few weeks."

We laughed the whole way back to my house, she was much happier and more cheerful than before. Maybe this baby will be a good thing for her. 

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