Chapter 7: The Hospital and My Hero

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Hey loves,

This chapter is in Zach's point of view, so please comment! Vote, comment and share! Social media is also linked our bio.



Zach's P.O.V.

Shit. What has she done? I'm not supposed to fucking save her! Why didn't she listen? Doesn't she know that there are some massive jellyfish in the water? 

Ahh, of course she didn't! How was she meant to? 

Of course. I, the World's Biggest Idiot forgot to tell Amelia that she shouldn't swim at this part of the beach.  She could be seriously hurt! The sting from these jellyfish could easily knock her tiny 5"2' frame unconscious. Oh my gosh. This is bad. 

"I can't see her," I holler at the boys. 

They are all wearing the same expression - shocked and worried. 

That's it. Before I can even think about what I'm doing, I'm running into the water. As the cold water hits my body, I look around frantically for a blue bikini. The water is murky, it stings on my eyes. 

Ahh! There she is.

As quick as possible, I pluck her from the seafloor. I see blood coming from her head, she must have banged it on one of the sharp rocks. 

Seconds later, I was pulling her body out of the water. I checked my Cartier watch, she'd only been under for 15 seconds. 

My eyes flickered down to her face. Technically, this is the first time I've gotten a good look of her appearance.

Her gorgeous dark blonde hair was now wet and hanging down her body. Her eyes were closed, giving me the chance to observe her facial features. Looking at her closed eyes I couldn't help but notice her long eyelashes. My eyes travelled down her flawless skin to her lips. Her lips.

God, I can't even describe how bad I wanted to kiss her.  But screw it, she is so innocent.

Ahh! Holy shit, why does she have to look so good?

Just then, my thought train stopped when she opened her eyes. They flicked open before closing again.

We had to get her to the hospital, quick.


Amelia's P.O.V

It hurts, everywhere. Trust me, It only got worse as I opened my eyes. The bright sunlight was streaming into my room, almost burning.

All of a sudden, it's like my other senses wake up and I begin to hear sounds.

The first thing I heard was beeping. The beeps of machines, maybe hospital machines. Am I in a hospital? Should I ask?  

A woman's voice interrupted my train of though. 

"Dr Smith, what would be a good pain med?" The voice continued before even getting an answer. "Too slow Smith. This is Trauma. Push one of Morphine. Moving on." 

Yep, definitely in a hospital.

Wait. Why am I here? 

Shit, what happened to me? I can barely remember anything from the time we arrived at the beach. All I remember that I was super annoyed at Alec then, I ran to the sea. 

I also remembered how Zack called after me and then feeling horrible pain on my back and then ... huh, I can't remember! That's weird; I must have snapped out of consciousness. I also remember something else.... someone carrying me out of the water...

No matter how hard I tried and how many times I replayed the action in my head I couldn't make out who the person was. I think it was Liam or something. I must thank him after.

Suddenly the door swings open and a white clothed figure enters which I'm guessing is a nurse.  She doesn't say anything and neither do I. She moves towards me and grabs my arm. Holding it tight she grabs an injection and injects whatever substance was in it into my arm. I hiss at the pain of it. Don't judge! I am terrified of injections! When she leaves I can't help but feel relieved. 

"She's awake!" I heard someone yell. The door to the room opens again and this time, it reveals my brother.

"Hi." I manage to say. Say? Not really, more like whisper, since my throat was super dry and sore. As if reading my mind, Levi took a glass of water and handed it to me. I gave him a nod symbolizing a thank you.  I gulped down the water my throat, already started feeling better. Levi sat down beside me giving me a sad look.

"The guys will be here in a minute." He says.

"The guys?" I asked quite surprised.

"Yes, they insisted on staying here till you wake up." Levi says and I reply with a slight nod and a smile while laying back into the pillows on the bed. Fortunately the pain in my back is almost gone so I can move without it hurting so much.  When I finally get into a comfortable position the door cracks open.  

Hmm, I'm feeling much better. Almost like I'm floating. Ohh! The morphine must be kicking in. 


Zachs P.O.V

As the guys and I enter the room, a sound of silence erupts between the all of us. I let out a sigh of relief when Amelia decides to break the silence.

"Hi," she says with a soft, yet clear voice.

"Sorry, I forgot to warn you. I am so sorry and there were so many jellyfish and I tried to stop you. But I failed and now you're in the hospital....." I trailed off to look at her just to see that she was giggling. Why the hell was she giggling?

Oh shit. She's on Morphine! She's high.

When she turned to look at me she let out a light sigh. She gestured to all the boys and then the couch, we all got the point and moved over to sit down.

"Oka, hotties. Now, can anyone please tell me what happened to me and how I came to be in the hospital?" She asked. She giggled again. Wow she was high!

"I am soo posh! Like a little England lady," she murmured to herself, "I mean, English Lady. Ugh, I don't really care."

All of us were now in a stare down to who is gonna stop her, and snap her out of her rant.

Finally, we all gave Liam a look. He was good at talking. Unlike Amelia right now. Amelia seemed to notice since her head snapped at Liam.

"Liam? Tell me the answers. Ohh! Then cuddle with me. Did anyone tell you that you are a good hugger? You are also a good friend. Lol. I feel like I'm high. Am I high?"

"Well," Liam started awkwardly. "You jumped into the sea, and got stung by a big jellyfish. Technically, you are actually not allowed to swim at that part of the beach. Yes, Amelia. You are also high on Morphine."

"Morphine. Dolphine. Porcupine. No that doesn't ryhme. That does though. Why did I get stung by a dolphin? And What kind of beach does that?" She asks quietly and with an annoyed tone.

"Well, you jumped in and got stung, by a Man O' War jellyfish. Not a dolphin. Basically, we were all panicking. But, Zack jumped in and got you out." He winked at Amelia.

"You were unconscious so we drove you to the hospital." He continued.

Her eyes suddenly sparkled as if she remembered something. I think she remembered the car. Oh please, I hope that she didn't remember me carrying her. God!

Alec starts to talk.

"I'm so sad." He put his hand on his heart. "It was a shame that I didn't get the chance to check you out properly. Since you ran away and then I had to drive you to the hospital." He rolled his eyes at his statement." All the other boys were staring at you." Alec winked at Amelia.

Her eyes snapped at Alec in seconds. She gave him a glare. From happy to angry in seconds. I'll note that as a side effect. I bet she is trying to come up with a good comeback or something.

"Well, sorry for not giving a shit about your opinion!" She snapped.

Damn. Amelia's a savage. For me, it's kind of weird since none of the other girls have ever spoke like that to Alec, or to any of us. Then, there was the time when she kissed Sky on the cheek. I mean, she is just so different from the other girls.

"I think she is PMSing." Alec whispers to us quietly, but not too quiet, still loud enough to make Amelia hear it.

"Oh that's it, bitch. You are playing with the big boys. You think you can win? Ya lil punk bitch... Come fight me bro. You will die!" she tried to jump up and "fight him", but soon sank back down with a bump, thinking about her few words.

I love Amelia. Especially Amelia on Morphine. Before Alec could speak, she continued.

"You know what? You're so ugly, that when your mum picked you up from school and dropped you at home, she got arrested for littering."

Morphine Amelia has just dissed Alec. For the second time in 30 seconds. Ohhhhhh!!! This is good.

"Now can you idiots leave and bring me food."

Oh well. The Queen has spoken. 



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