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OMG! First of all, we reached our goal of 3,000. Right at the beginning, we were dying once we got 10 reads, you guys can't believe how much this means to us. We can't believe that this is our last chapter, Seems like only yesterday that we decided to write a crazy book. Thank you so much for all of our supporters. We really appreciate all the comments, the votes and the followers. This has been an amazing journey and we are so happy that you guys joined us! Hint, there may be a new book in the planning! 

Love you!!!!


TNG (The Nutella Girls) 

It was finally time! Now, finished with my makeup and everything else. As cheesy as it sounds, I honestly have been waiting for most of my high school career for this moment and it is finally here. It's been years and years of hardships and pain, and I'm gonna finish it off right.

Prom! I still can't believe it.

Just as I finish gathering and sorting my things into a clutch, I hear the doorbell ring. It must be Alec. I run (more like trying to run) down the stairs to get the door. My parents are still way out of the country but I have Lils at least to take photos and stuff for me. Lillian is going with Levi, which was awkward for me to process at first, I mean it's my best friend and my brother, but now I think it's cute. It's also useful because she's getting ready in the same house as Levi and it means us four can all go to prom together. It's not like Levi has to exactly pick her up. Levi has been banned from leaving his room for the last few hours, so he can be surprised when he sees her.

I finally get to the door, but not before Lillian does. When I get to the bottom of the stairs, I see him staring at me from the doorway, and I just about spontaneously combust. He looks so hot and I just about die. This boy really isn't good for me. I don't even wait for him to react to me, and I run and hug him. I've missed him so much, even though I saw him yesterday.

He smells heavenly too, as his arms and body engulf me in a warm hug. I always forget he's tall until I'm right beside him or hugging him.

He mumbles into my ear after a second,

"You look so beautiful, Amelia." Just the way he says my name gives me goosebumps.

"You don't look at all bad yourself," I say quietly.

"I know, right. This tux makes me look so handsome and manly." He replies, deadpanning. I stop hugging him and start to poke his shoulder.

"You really aren't meant to react to a cute moment like that you know," I say, knowingly. Really, what is he like.

He laughs and we hug again. He goes to kiss me, but I dive out of his arms. This lipstick cost way to much to leave my lips seconds after it was first applied.

The scene was very much the same between Lillian and Levi, except Lils, didn't understand and appreciate her lipstick the way I did. That was a little disgusting, but nothing I haven't seen before.

We were doing prom on a budget, so the photos were done against a DIY background me and Lillian did last week. iPhone's have great camera quality and the 10-second countdown was enough for Levi to run into a frame. Yet again, due to budget, we had decided to take a care to prom as we were too broke to do a limo or some shit like that. After our short car ride, we arrived.

Arriving into prom was like a fairytale. The room was colourful and beautiful, the people in it were too. So far, apart from Alec, my favourite part of prom was seeing everyone dressed up amazingly looking happy. Obviously, pretty much no one was drunk yet as prom was still in the early stages. I tried to look around, but I got really distracted by the colours and the smell of the food wafting around. Yeah, I may have been through a lot in the last while but that aspect of me is still here. I still really, really love food. There was a lot of chocolate featured on the display table too.

So, the first place I went to see was the food. I grabbed Alec's hand and pulled him with me because it was sad going to eat alone (although it's not like I wasn't going to go and get food if he didn't go with me). I swear I started dribbling a little, this definitely was way better than the cafeteria food usually was. I looked down the table at the selection, literally anything and everything.

I can't believe I am here. It is truly a dream come true. If you think about it, if I succeeded in killing myself, I would have never experienced a key part of a high school career and I would have never realised how amazing the people are that I have around me. Alec, my family and my best friends. I love everyone, and I just want to fill my life with positive and happy feelings. It's gonna be hard, self-harm and suicidal thoughts don't just leave this quickly.

Someone shakes me out of my thoughts, and I realise it's Alec. I look at him and get this wanting to do nothing more but to spend this night and countless others with him. He pulls me up from my seat and drags me to the dance floor. Just as he drags me up one of my favorite songs starts playing "The Night We Met" by Lord Huron. The memories of my darker days flood back. It's so easy to forget how bad it was, especially when everything is going so good.

Deep and dark thought flood into my mind. What if I'm not ready? What if I try to kill myself again? What if everything goes bad again? Tears start welling up and I realise I can't do this anymore. I'm not good enough or stable enough for my friends right now - they deserve more than me. I let go of his hands and start to run. The panic is building up, I can't see clearly and my breath struggles to get out. I try to run away, anywhere but here...

I hear a shout from behind me but I don't turn around.

I swiftly make my way to a lonely swing in the middle of a random flower bed and slowly the tears start to drip down my face. I can hear panting approaching me, which I can only assume is Alec.

"Go away!" I try to say calmly and confidently, attempting to calm the panic and my tears.

"I will not go away until you tell me what's going on," he replies, making his way towards the bench I am sitting on.

I shuffle away from him, wanting to block him out.

He suddenly puts his arm around me, and I am frozen at first, but something about his presence calms me and I start breathing more easily. I snuggle closer into him, this boy - I don't know whether or not he's good for me, but I need him.

Face filled with tears, I turn to face him, "Alec, what if it happens again? What if I hurt myself again? What if something really bad happens to me? What am I going to do? I can't cope."

He cuddles me closer.

"Amelia Jackson. Where do I even begin? Where can I start? I love you so much and I know I always will love you. You have me now, and I swear to you will always have me. Just know that anything you are struggling with, I will help you and I will try my best to help you balance any of your problems out, we are a team now and it's gonna stay that way."

"I love you too," I choke back to him through my tears (I don't even know if they are happy or sad tears now).

After I've calmed down, another half an hour outside, then we go back inside and we have the best prom in the whole entire world. We dance until our feet can't move anymore and we eat and drink until we feel sick (or are sick). It's not just prom, because I know this bond we have will last for our lifetimes.

And I was not wrong.  

Our time comes to an end but not for long. New books and ideas are in the planning! Please Vote comment and Follow us. We will spill more details about our new books. Get ready for some more cringe and crazy stories. 


- TNG 

!!Please take a second to give your feedback here! We want to improve as writers :)!!

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