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All of a sudden, my knees felt weak and I fell flat on my keister.

Today had to be one of the most embarrassing days of my life- before I could straddle myself,he was by my side offering me his hand.

'Let him help you' my subconscious said to me but I thought against that, in such situations I don't follow my subconscious I rather stick with my head, besides who knows how I'd react when his hands should touch mine.

So I placed my hands on the group and lifted myself up while dusting my trousers, I glanced up to see a small smirk playing on his soft pink lips.

"I'd go home on my own" I said as I looked across the road, he was about to say something when I saw a cab passing by, I stopped it and got in.

After we had gone far away from him, I heaved a sigh, "miss," I heard the driver say.


"Well you never mentioned where you were going" he said as realization settled in, my cheeks flushed pink.

"Sorry" I said telling him my address, luckily we were going the right direction, through out the whole ride my mind kept drifting to the boy I had just met at the cafe.

"Ivy, you're back early" said my aunt with a little hint if sarcasm as it was 6:34pm

"Aunt..." I tried to explain but she cut me short

"Don't worry dear, I even expected you'd be later than this...how's Olivia" she asked while stirring whatever she was preparing.

"She's doing great" I said as my aunt turned to see my stained jeans,

"Well someone is still a messy eater" she said with her hands on her hips,

"Aunt, it was just one dinner" I whined

"Sure, just go get cleaned up, okay" she suggested as I went to my room at the west end of the house, I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower, I really needed a shower.

After my shower I slipped into some night appropriate wears and took my phone from the night stand.

I gotta call Phoebe, she must be missing me just as much as I'm missing her.

I dialled her up.

"Hey this is Phoebe, as you should know I'm not currently..." it's going straight to voice mail.

I tried not less than twice, when I heard her voice via the receiver

"I'm sorry Ivy...I was with Jason, we were cooking dinner" she said taking in deep long breaths

"Who was cooking? Cos we both know you are capable of burning water... and I can hear the way you're breathing, seems like you guys weren't just cooking there, you guys were up to something" I said with a little smirk playing on my lips

"We're making lasagna" she replied a little bit too fast, which was something she did when she was nervous

"Or making out?" I asked inquisitively

The was no answer, I knew I had trapped her, she was very insecure when it came to relationships, she didn't want to fall too deep for Jason because she'd been hurt one too many times but Jason seemed to love her from within.

"Anyway, Pheebs...guess what" I said changing the topic

"Lemme see...from your tone, I know it has nothing to do with Stacy..."

"Obviously, so what do you think?"

"Did you win a lottery of some sort?" she asked, I let out a chuckle, Phoebe wasn't good at guessing, I don't know why I ever try.

"Deffo no" I said in between laughs

"You know I can't guess,so why not tell me" she said as my laughter died down

"Well, how do I put this..." I started as I didn't know how to tell her

"Go on..."

"You know that boy, you guys were ogling in the common room the other night?" I asked with hope she did

"Not really, we actually admire a lot of boys so..." she said as a matter of factly.

"Oh, I forgot but I met one..." I said before I heard squealing over the phone

Soon I heard Jason over the phone, he and Phoebe were discussing before she spoke back to me

"So Phoebe did you get his name, twitter handle, or anything at all?" she asked

"I thought you were busy with Jason," I said pouting and folding my arms

"Ivy, you know I love you even more than a whole year subscription of Netflix" she said causing me to laugh, she was comparing me to movies; how unbelievable (note the sarcasm)

"Well, I've got nothing on him" I said as my mind drifted back to him, our little meeting and how I wanted to get away from him ASAP.

"I think he'll last" Phoebe said a little absent mindedly

"Last?" I asked in a slightly higher pitch

"We both know your boyfriend history and its something we both know won't be as rosey as expected... I think you meeting him, might be a turning point for you..."

"I don't like him..." I retorted

"I never said you did" she replied in defense,"just give this uhm...whatever a chance, I believe you'll meet again "

"Just like you're giving Jason a chance" I added as she went quiet

"Good night" I said

"Good night, talk to you tomorrow" she said as she hung up.


Chapter 3 done and dusted, please comment and feel free to make corrections.

Also vote if you liked the chapter

Dainz_Jenie thanks for always being supportive, love you.

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Thank you for reading :)

Love y'all.

Question of the day

If you had the ability to be someone else for a day who would you rather be?


I'd rather be myself, I love me.

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