Eighteenth Cliché

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Mia was gaping at what her eyes was seeing.


"You?" Mia frowned at the sudden visitor. "No, do not come in." It had been too late. Mia could not stop the male from coming in. All he had to do was slightly push Mia aside and he was able to slide himself into Mia's studio.

"Shall I take off my shoes?" His feel voice was sultry as he authoritatively walked into her home.

"Yes...duh?" Mia shook her head as she got distracted by his fancy leather Italian shoes. "N-Taehyung, no, no. How the hell did you find out where I lived?"

"It's not that hard to find out, Mia." He glanced back at her form as he tossed his shoes to the side neatly. 

"Creep." Mia folded her arms as she tried to block Taehyung from going in further. It had not worked well. It had in reality failed.

Taehyung shrugged. He had come here with a goal so he was not going to be deterred by petty insults. "Mia, meet me at the Grand Central Theater. 5 pm sharp. Or do you want me to pick you up?"

"No." Mia frowned as reprocessed his words.

"Then get ready and meet me there. You'll get the stuff for tomorrow after class. It's cute...by the way." Taehyung said as he looked around her studio.

"Huh..." Mia's eyes narrowed at him. "Get out. You're not welcomed here, Taehyung."

"Then why did you let me in?" Taehyung's eyes sparkled as he spoke.

"I didn't. You came in by yourself, didn't you?" She scoffed. Unbelievable...

Mia took in Taehyung's appearance, whose blond hair was slightly darker in color and touseled messily but on purpose. It looked perfect and it annoyed Mia.

It was as if Taehyung had known Mia would have looked lame in her casual home clothes that he puposely made sure to look more than perfect. In Mia's opinion, Taehyung had come to grace her with his presence. Mia wanted to punch him for that though.

"Like what you see?" Taehyung misunderstood Mia's glaring and staring. He liked the atttention he was getting though. It felt good to have eyes on him, especially hers.

"No." Mia lied.

She groaned internally for even knowing the fact that she had lied. She had just scolded herself for needlessly lying. Mia could not deny that the male in front of her was...attractive. Jenny was right, Taehyung was hot. Physically, he really was, but there was only so much physicality could take them.

"You do..." He chuckled. He slid his hand across her sofa before sitting on the edge of her bed. It was firm, he preferred the bed soft. It felt as if he was sitting on a wooden chair. "I find that...amusing."

Mia could not see or hear anything. All she saw was her bed and his butt. "Do not sit on my bed!" Mia came to try to lift him up with his arm. "Get off."

"Why?" He wasn't resisting, Mia was just weak or he was just heavy. He was pretty sure it was not the latter.

"That's where I sleep." Mia was still struggling. "Even I don't sit on my bed without my jammies." She groaned as she continued to attempt to pull him off her bed. If there was one thing that Mia cared about, it was her bed. That was her place and only clean body with clean jammies were allowed on the bed. It was one of her things, a peeve, her click...

"Jammies..." He reluctantly got up, but only after seeing Mia's cheek redden from the exertion of strength. He also felt lame for trying to win with strength against a woman.

With the movement so sudden, Mia tripped on her leg, and with her hands still clasped on Taehyung's arm, she pulled him down with her. She also had 'if I go down, you go down' mentality imbedded in her that, it just happened.

On the floor, and the initial wave of the fall had passed, Taehyung groaned in her ears. "You really must like crashing into me."

"What?" He could be heard so much closer than she thought. Mia blinked thrice before pushing him away from her. "Get out!"

Taehyung laughed, as he got up. He had not missed the redness on her cheeks. It was just so much fun. He did though help her get up. He was a gentleman like that.

"Okay...okay." Taehyung walked past Mia and back to the door of her studio to leave. It was time to visit his grandparents. Before he left, he turned around to leave her to steam with one last comment, "Mia you're blushing..." he raised an eye brow as he watched her fervently deny it. "I'll see you tomorrow...Mia."

"Huh? What?" Mia twirled around but it had been too quickly that her eyes were now seeing stars. When her eyes focused there was no one there except emptiness.

What's with the sudden change?


Taehyung didn't know why he did that. He wasn't sure why he had to have done that.

Why had he gone to her tiny studio?

What was the purpose? Why had he found himself in front of that building where she was?

He knew she had been there, that was the place she lived. He had known from before that.

He looked at his phone and flipped the page until he arrived to his photos. He went to "Collections" and clicked on it to find it filled, strangely enough with only Mia's pictures.

Most were taken by others and the few he took were from the library. Many of them, all of them, were typical. Now that he knew more of her, the pictures weren't enough.

So far, Taehyung had always thought that Mia Jung was expressionless, cold, emotionless and lifeless. But that had not been the case, Mia was more than her looks of discontent, annoyance and anger. She was so expressive that Taehyung was taken back by what he had seen with his own eyes.

He was intrigued.

There was no way to explain it. In all honesty, since he was being honest, even though he hated to admit to it, Taehyung Kim was, now, fascinated by Mia Jung.

Taehyung wanted more. After he had left Mia at the library, he had been grinning so wide. He had not known until he saw his reflected face on the window. He was still thinking about Mia at the library and he knew there was more to see. There was more to her and simply put, he was curious.

And he wanted to see them with his own eyes, in front of him.

The desire to crush was still there, but he wanted to do it when she was all bare for him.

And he was going to get what he wanted whether or not Mia wanted to.

She was going to reveal everything to him.

And they were going to begin at the Grand Central Theatre.

"Let's play, Mia."


What do you think about this?? The tension. Ooh la la. LOL.
See you next Chapter!

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