Eighty-second Cliché

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Taehyung stubbornly followed her, his feet dragging, back to the room at the Lodge. He didn't say anything, not until they reached his room.

"Did you stop me because you were afraid of him getting hurt?" It was the first thing he asked. It was the thing that had been roaming his mind all the while they had walked back to the lodge.

"No!" Mia shouted, more emotional than ever. Her emotions were going haywire. No, the real thing would be that her emotions were finally connected together.

"Then what?" The venom in Taehyung's voice was truthfully directed towards Mark, not Mia. It did not change the fact that Mia felt it hit her.

"Look at you." Mia was tearing up. She didn't know why she was so emotional. She was not sure if it was because of Taehyung or Mark. Mia slapped Taehyung's arm but she made sure it was light. "You're bleeding. If could have gone bad, Taehyung..."

"Not like you care." Taehyung huffed as he glared at Mia and Mia sighed, sad and tired. Mark and Taehyung's fight had only been for a few minutes, but Mia was exhausted. She had not been the one to fighting but it felt as if she had been battered by punches.

Mia walked to the bathroom where the emergency kit was. Bringing it out, she placed it next to her on the bed and waited for Taehyung to come closer, but he would not. He stood where he was, unmoving.

"Taehyung, please..."

"No." He punched the wall loudly and he didn't even care that it could have woken up Yoongi next door. Mia immediately got to her feet and ran to him and tried to make him stop. He wasn't listening to her, and so she stood in front where his fist was meeting the wall and waited for it to hit her.

Nothing came and she opened her eyes to see Taehyung still livid. His lips were curled in anger, his teeth bared.

"Taehyung stop." Mia stood in front of him and waited for him to punch her if it came to it. She was not scared of a few hits. She could take that much.

"Again...you keep coming in between my fist. Do you have a death wish?" Taehyung's words harshly nipped at Mia's skin.

"No." Mia answered, her voice low and soft, and it almost reminded him of his Grandmother and it only made him angrier. How selfless the two women were, it was infuriating. "Taehyung I just want you to stop hurting yourself.

"Hurting myself?" Taehyung scoffed, his smile curled into a vicious, sarcastic smile. "Hah—do you even care?"

Taehyung watched as Mia nodded. She did care—so much to the pain that she had not seen anyone but him during the fight.

"Liar, you still care about your precious Mark. I can see it, Mia. That's why you tense up every single time we get even get close to having sex."

"Yes, I care." Mia could see where Taehyung was taking this. She knew he was frustrated, because she never gave it to him enough and they had not completed the second deal. And Mia was really grateful for all that Taehyung had done up till now. He had waited, and was still waiting, not forcing her to submit. "That...I'm just not ready.

"Mia...you promised. We had a deal."

Taehyung hated it.

He hated using the deal but he felt weak, needless and nearly having lost that fight with Mark had been the end of it. He was desperate and there was no going back. Taehyung truly adored Mia, the thought of her gone—there was no room for that. He was not going to have her taken away, not when she was his.

"You promised you were going to be mine."

"I know..." Mia apologized even though she was not sure why. She felt that she was hurting him. "I'm sorry."

"Mia, I can wait, but only for a little bit more." Mia nodded as he lowered his arm and let it fall to his side. There was this tortured look on Taehyung's face and Mia was taken back. She had never thought nor seen him with this face. "But after that, I won't wait anymore Mia."

She pulled Taehyung closer to the bed, and he followed willingly, his eyes never leaving Mia's figure. His dark eyes watched the necklace that never left her neck since he had placed it on her. She had stopped asking him to take it off her too.

"Sit." Taehyung sat and Mia opened the kit open to look for a sanitizer for the open wound. The bruise on Taehyung's face will need ice, but after he was bandaged up. "Look at me."

Taehyung raised his eyes and watched as she did her work on him. "Mia..."

"Yes?" her eyes focused on his forehead and then the clotted blood on his lips.





"Mia." He never said anything else, just her name softly.

And Mia just worked on tending to his wounds. When she was done she pulled away and began placing away the items into it's original place silently. He just watched her and Mia was used to that. When he didn't watch her, she felt rather ignored.

"Let's go home." Taehyung finally spoke as he took Mia's hand away from the emergency kit.

"We have to put ice on this first." Mia looked at the bruising of his cheek and head. It was already darkening into a painful black and blue.

"We can do that at home." Taehyung stood up, ignoring the ache in his body. He didn't care for the pain right now. All he wanted to do was go home with Mia. "Let's go home.

She agreed and they left to go back to their home.


"Mia...it still hurts." Taehyung had not stopped complaining as Mia kept taking care of him. It was selfish of him and also childish, but because she was so willing to help him, he couldn't help but be overbearing. He couldn't help but whine to her. He liked the attention that she would give him.

"Okay...what can I do make it better?" Mia knew he was faking once he gave her that flashy smile. "Tae—you!"

"Just stay." Taehyung smiled and Mia relaxed as she saw him finally smile. "Help me feel better."


"You," Taehyung nipped at her lower neck, as he played with the love necklace with his tongue, "know very well what to do?"

"That's dirty." Mia gasped as he sucked at her soft skin. She liked tugging on his hair, it was longer and so she had more to grab. "And you're hurt..."

"You don't want to...?" Taehyung pouted. Mia couldn't deny him when he pushed his lush lips out.
"No, I...fine."

Mia stood up slowly, making sure she was not hurting him. Standing before him, Mia stripped slowly. Her eyes never left Taehyung's face, and Taehyung's eyes never left Mia's body.

Perhaps she had gotten used to having his eyes on her, but when he was staring into her soul as she became bare for him...that was a bit much. She closed her eyes as she took the last of her clothing that guarded her nakedness.


Even a tiger can get a paper-cut.

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