Forty-third Cliché

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What are you all doing today??


Looking into the mirror, what she saw was a beautiful girl dressed in beautiful clothes, with beautiful shoes and hair styled up in a beautiful way. Beautiful...that was how she looked like, but she felt awkward and confused.

Turning around to face the cause of her current state on a Sunday afternoon, Mia asked her kidnapper. "Why am I dressed like this?"

"Finally..." the male groaned, "You look like you fit in."

He leaned into the sofa he had been sitting on for the past hour. Makeup had been pretty quick but it had been the dress that had taken so long.

"I am serious. Taehyung what is with this? I told you that Sundays are not doable. This was part of the deal. I have Sundays for myself." Mia explained, her frustration depleted from the so many times she had been dragged into a tight dress.

The particular dress she had on was tight but not as skin tight as the ones from before. The pastel purple dress with black lace on top was probably too girly but it was much more comfortable for the said girl.

The male narrowed his deep brown eyes at the girl in front of the mirror. He lifted himself from the sofa to stretch his legs. Reaching Mia within a few steps, he looked down at Mia as she looked up at him.

"Exactly what kind of plans do you have on Sundays that you are forbidding me from seeing you? Huh?" He was not amused. If Mia was not still meeting up with that useless boyfriend of hers, sorry ex, he was going to make sure Mia knew he wasn't someone to double-cross. "Care to explain princess?"

"I'm not a princess." Mia frowned. Mia's eyes avoided meeting Taehyung's beady knowing eyes. It felt as if he knew everything and it unsettled Mia. "And it's none of your concern. It's not Mark." Mia sadly said. She missed him so much. "I haven't broken my part of deal."

"Good. You know better than to break it." He whispered as he turned her around back to the mirror.

The necklace was a nice touch but it wasn't the right one. It needed one last touch—his touch—and he had it in his pockets. Bring it out from his pockets, he pulled out a pink gold bracelet with a key and a matching necklace.

After he placed the necklace on Mia's neck in her distraction, he asked her for her hand. "Give me your hand Mia."

Mia on the other hand was too preoccupied with her image in the mirror. She looked good—really good. Her face, body, hair looked amazing.

"Why?" When Mia finally focused on the male, she was met with Taehyung's hard stare before she sighed and gave in.

"Fine. Here." She then noticed the definite expensive necklace on her. She gasped.

"Good girl." Taehyung took her left hand and placed two pieces together before screwing them together with the key, this one requiring more effort then the necklace.

"What is this?" Mia lifted her hand up to look at her wrist. She did not know what it was but she knew it was expensive and that she was going to have difficulty getting it off since he bolted it together with a key. "Taehyung?"

"It's a pink gold, custom ordered, Love Bracelet and matching necklace." Taehyung said as he admired the jewelry on Mia. Surprisingly, she looked really good with it.

"What?" Mia looked at him as she tried to take it off, but it was catered to the girth of her wrists. After a few times Mia gave up, it was not going to loosen. Mia watched Taehyung as he explained with a smile.

"You can't take it off. The only way you can take that off is with this key and this key is with me." He gave the key to someone who proceeded to place it in a box before leaving with it. "Just be a good girl, Mia. It's yours."

Mia blinked at that because lately Taehyung had been calling her that too frequently.

"Why do you keep calling me that?"

"Why, do you like it?" His eyebrows quirked at the thought.

"No. Stop it." Mia frowned as she looked the other way. She didn't want to see that smirk. It made her chest hurt. "It's kind of creepy. You're not my dad."

"No, but I'll be your daddy..." he whispered in her ears but after seeing her face, he couldn't help but laugh. It was so amusing. Usually girls would be reply with a horny reply. "Come on Mia. If we don't leave now, the hostess is going to be mad at us."

"What?" Taehyung grabbed her wrists before pulling her along beside him. "Slow down!"

Mia tried walking at his pace but it was difficult with those long legs of his. When Taehyung looked back to Mia, he could see her struggling, her free hand gripping the hem of her shirt dress, her feet clamoring at the ground as she tried to walk properly in those five inch heels, her cleavage slightly showing as she leant to pull st the low dress.

"I can't. I can't walk that fast." She huffed as she attempted to get her breath.

Mia did not realize that she was giving him a very nice view of the top of her dress.

Very nice...

"Do you want me to carry you?" Taehyung said after some more staring. He couldn't help his eyes, it was so very soft looking and right in his face. He really wanted to test how soft her twin mounds were but he kept his hands to himself.

"No!" Mia stood up straight, her hands in defensive position.

"We're going to be late Mia." Taehyung sighed as he lightly walked, his pace slower than before. He was disappointed that he wasn't able to carry her.

"And where exactly are we going?"


"And where exactly are we?" Mia asked as she gaped at the scene before her.

"One of her villas." Taehyung chuckled. They were still in the car waiting for their turn to get out. "The hostess likes to make things big."

It was not surprising that Layla had a red carpet set out. There were even a few paparazzi there, hunting and hoping for a story that they could fish out from the rich upperclass.

It had taken a little over an hour to get to Layla's villa from the city. They had come at a decent time but Taehyung could still see Layla's ire because he had promised her a private introduction from him. He on the other hand was glad. He didn't want his friend to blab all over the place the plans he had for the girl sitting next to him.

"Okay..." Mia settled back into her seat even though her amazement was still there. They were still behind five cars and Mia was already tired.

Looking at Taehyung she saw that he was dressed finely too. More so than the usual, he was dressed to kill. Her eyes bore into his side profile. She would not have done it if Taehyung had not been closing his eyes and resting his head back. He had his arms folded as he waited patiently for their turn.

Mia saw the perfect skin of his face and the long eyelashes that he had and compared it to the fake lashes glued on. It was a bit unfair. His lips were rosy as if glossed and his hair was styled a perfect mess. It was tousled.

Taehyung had on a black suit with a white button down shirt. He had a light purple vest on with purple handkerchief for accent. His cuffs were silver and the design was kept simple.

He was attractive.

Mia could admit it.

Taehyung looked hot, almost a celebrity hotness and so she forgave herself for admiring him despite his horrid personality.

There was one last thing that made Taehyung eye catching. And it made Mia stare st him constantly.

"Stop staring." Mia breathed in sharply as she saw Taehyung open his brown eyes at her. It was glossy and almost warm. "You might as well take a picture."

Mia would have actually taken a picture. She would have been star-struck but this was Taehyung. He was her mortal enemy.

And that knowing smirk aimed at her was infuriating.

Mia felt like she was losing this war.

"Don't be mad baby girl..." he whispered as he grabbed her soft thighs and rubbed it. "Be a good girl for me."

"No." Mia slapped Taehyung's hand away and left him to chuckle to himself.

Taehyung definitely had some preferences and Mia was not prepared for that. She didn't want to know Taehyung deeper or well.

Mia frowned.

She was upset, but she was upset at herself. Mia looked out the window, facing away from Taehyung. Her lips were in a pout as she played with her thumbs but her mind was in chaos.

Taehyung was himself, a dick, a jerk, a first class snobby, selfish rich boy. She had not expected much from Taehyung so Mia was unsure why she kept getting shocked by Taehyung.

All she could think about was that she needed to be on better guard.

Because Mia...truly did not know how to deal with Taehyung.

Mia was at a loss. She was lost as if in a wilderness by herself with no tools.

Sure she was dressed to the point that she could kill, but Mia was not ready.

Deep inside Mia knew she needed to be ready. She was not exactly sure as to what she needed to be ready for, but she did know that she was in enemy grounds and she was at the mercy of one Taehyung Kim.

The man she thought she had all figured out.

She had not.

And that was not good.

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