Seventy-third Cliché

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It's getting mildly hot...


"Mia!" Mia turned to the loud noise and could feel the anger from the inside of the kitchen.

"Taehyung?" Mia watched as the male came in the kitchen, his face full of fury. They were supposed to have a date together and he had told her to meet her at the suite since she was there anyway.

Unlike what Mia thought, Taehyung was not angry. No, he was nervous, anxious and worried. He entered the kitchen, his fist tightly clenched as he was washed with emotions he had never felt before in his life.

"Taehyung what's wrong?" Mia asked so innocently, her eyes curious. Since spilling the recent meetings with Mark to him, Mia felt free. And surprisingly, it made Mia rely on Taehyung more, but Taehuying did not know that.

Everything. He thought.

Looking at Mia now he thought that Mia and he was probably not meant to be. She was probably supposed to have been with Mark and not him. A little misstep and Mia had come his way. One little thing on his part, and Mia's destiny with Mark had been ruined.

Mia was now his. She was with him now and the chance of losing her kind of decapitated him. The feeling was horrible, the utter depression of unable to do anything except just trusting someone was...unthinkable.

But he did not have a choice...


"What are you following me for, Jungkook?"

Jungkook looked at Mark and was almost intimidated. He had never felt intimidation from the usual happy male. It was strange and alarming.

As soon as he had received the call from Jimin, he had rushed to campus and by the time he arrived, Mark had been ushered in a foreign black car.

Jungkook had not meant for himself to be outed when he was following Mark. With the help of someone high in the University System, Jungkook was able to find out when Mark came on campus and what classes he was taking to make up for his missed final exams.

Following him, Jungkook found himself deep in downtown of the city and into an area that did not seem shady but his gut feeling told him that it was shady.

Jungkook looked up at the establishment that Mark stopped by this time. This was the fifth stop and Jungkook was getting antsy not being able to see what was happening since Mark would be in and out of the building within ten minutes. He did not dawdle and he did not mingle. Mark would enter and come out, with his hands in his pockets and at times a scowl. Those around him was busy, constantly hovering over him and he would at time bark orders at them.

So at this fifth stop, he decided to venture in, his curiosity overtaking him. It would not hurt. All Jungkook wanted to know was why and how Mark had changed drastically in such a short time.

Instead as soon as he had entered what seemed to be a club, that had many attractive busty hostesses, he was met with Mark and his posse.

"Uh..." Jungkook looked at the bulky man that held him by the shoulders, keeping the strong male at bay. Considering how easily he was keeping Jungkook still, he knew that the male was extremely strong.

"Jungkook, answer me. Jackson you can let me him go." The blonde man, tall and buff, nodded.

"Mark, what are you doing here?" Jungkook made a face as he finally faced the man dressed in a black shirt and black pants.

"What do you mean?" Mark asked back. "That's something that I should be asking you. What are you doing here at an establishment like this?" Mark gestured to the fancy gentleman's club. It was a club, but within it was a more private gentleman's club. It was an exclusive, place where something more provocative could be exchanged. "Mia would be surprised..."

"I...that's something Mia does not need to know." Jungkook frowned as Mia's name was brought up. "And I'm not here to frolic around."

"Come. We'll talk inside." A door was opened up by a man, whose figure was constantly at the university. He was always seen accompanying Mark. "Ryu, guard the door."

"I don't want to make this longer than needed." Jungkook was hesitant to enter the private room, it was dim, filled with food and women was inside, but they were signaled to leave by Mark.

"No, perhaps. You still have your sappy childish feelings for her?" Mark nodded at the men that surrounded Jungkook. They immediately backed off, leaving them alone once the door was securely shut.

Jungkook took a deep breath. He did not come here to fight. He just came to see what Jimin had told him had been the truth.

"Whatever your issues are, that's not something that should be directed at me or Mia." Jungkook confidently said. "I only came here to talk about Mia."

"Whatever I do is none of your concerns, especially if it has to do with Mia."

"Mark...give up. Mia is no longer in love with you." Jungkook made sure not to sound mean. He just wanted to make sure that he understood that there was a change in Mia.

"Oh, is that how you comfort yourself? Thinking that Mia is in love with Taehyung?" Mark asked, his head cocking to the side. It was sad how Jungkook comforted himself—with lies. "Is that how you constantly reason to yourself? The reason why you won't tell Mia about your long-held feelings?"

"No, this is about Mia and Taehyung, not me nor you. We came out of that picture once Mia accepted Taehyung."

"I have no reason to listen to anything you say." Mark said with finality but it was true. Mark did not have much reason to listen to Jungkook and Jungkook knew that. They were not friends, they were not even acquaintances.

"Taehyung likes Mia." Jungkook states simply.

"And you think I am blind? Do you think I don't know that? I know fully well whatever he has for Mia, it's not love." Mark's eyes narrowed on Jungkook and he could swear Mark's eyes turned a shade darker. "Just a twisted form of an interest."

"You don't know that." Jungkook frowned.

"No, what you don't know is who he messed with!" Mark slammed his left hand in the table causing the glasses to jingle.

"What?" The ferocity that Jungkook was met by Mark was unexpected. He had always thought that Mark was a gentle person. Jungkook had been seen Mark scream with such power.

"I was perfectly fine with living a small life, and quietly. It was fine." Mark gritted. He had tried at a normal life. He was over it. "I really did try, but then you kept pushing me. You and Taehyung kept pushing me out of my happy little life."

"Mark?" Jungkook looked at Mark as he was spitting out every syllable. Each words, each sounds of his words were harsh and hateful. "What are you talking about?"

"You see Jungkook. Just like how you, Taehyung and even Mia...lie to each other and to yourselves that you guys are happy and in love with each other...I was also living a lie too. I kept lying to myself." Mark watched Jungkook as he stood strong. "On purpose of course...I had my reasons."

Jungkook was not a weak male, but he was much like a fish out of waters right now. Jungkook was in his territory and if Mark was being honest, he could probably bury him and no one would know. Mark could do that, but he had bigger fishes to fry.

"I lived a lie, but I was happy in that lie. Mia kept me sane and you decided to take that away from me."

"I didn't..." Jungkook tried to deny it as Mark got more aggressive with his words and tone.

"No, you didn't? You allowed Taehyung's selfish little mind to decide on messing with Mia and myself, because...well just because, right? You were there when Mia slapped Taehyung but you didn't stop her there—you just watched!"

Mark's eyes displayed a sadness but it was overruled by anger—a fire that would burn until it ends completely. His voice was raised as he threw the glass cup filled with liquor to the wall away from them. "Jungkook—you decided to sacrifice your childhood friend and love in order to save Taehyung from his self inflicted hell!"

"I decided to come back Jungkook. I won't be crushed by the heels of some rich boy."

"You don't have to do this, Mark, if Mia saw you..."

"If she sees me?" Mark laughed at that, "do you really think that she won't see me? That I would do this revenge without her? Of course I want her to see me—the me now! I did not revert back to my old self to not be noticed!"

"Do you," Jungkook narrowed his eyes, "plan on hurting Mia?" Jungkook grated his teeth together as the thought of Mia getting hurt filled him.

"No, that's not in my 'plan' per se. There is no satisfaction in hurting Mia—physically. Taehyung's a different story." Mark scoffed. He was not like Taehyung, he would never hurt Mia physically. He would never do what Taehyung had done, allow others to harm Mia. Taehyung may had not outright ordered anyone to hurt Mia nor did he physically inflict pain on Mia, but being 'marked' had been a neon sign to everyone at school.

"Boss," someone called and entered interrupting their heated talk.

"You should go Jungkook. Like you said, this isn't a place you should be at." Mark said through gritted teeth.

That's the same thing...Mia's attached, if you hurt him, you'll be hurting her. Jungkook stood up and turned away from him going out the door. He did glance one last time before he left with a certain determination.

It was one thing for Mark to be angry but it was another for him to plan to be cruel to Mia. She had already gone through enough and Mark's revenge plot was the last thing she needed. It was getting quite ridiculous how she kept being chosen as the next victim.


"Oh, fu..." Taehyung tightly gripped the roots of Mia's hair and pushed himself deeper into her mouth.
At least half was in her mouth and she was doing good with her hands. It was really good. He definitely did not mind Mia helping him.

"You're so good at this. Such as bad little girl. Who taught you how to do this?" Taehyung loved a good cocksucking and Mia was showing him a side of her that he did not know she had. "Who?"

He had always thought she had been a goody girl, especially since discovering her no sex before marriage rule. He could not fault her for it, but Taehyung thought it was archaic and he knew Mia was one of those girls that kept all the rules. But now...he changed his mind.

Mia said nothing as she focused on forcing more deep moans out of the male. She did not want to ruin the mood. Telling the truth was far from what was right. She had not even mentioned to Taehyung that she had met with Mark. Mia did not want to upset Taehyung or give him reasons to doubt her. The trust that they had built so far was quite precious to her.

She kept sucking and did the things that he liked. Things that she learned from him and things that she learned that he liked by doing the things she liked.

"When did my babygirl turn into this?" Taehyung groaned as Mia shut him out. She wanted him to stop talking. "Did you suck someone else? Did he tell you to do all these things to you?" He gripped her hair tightly as he asked that. His words were flowing out without much meaning, it was mostly dirty talk.

"No, daddy..." Mia did not want to talk about that. She pulled it out of her mouth before her tongue slid across from the hilt of the sword until the point. "Don't be mean."

"Why baby...?" Taehyung watched Mia's lashes fanned herself as she played coy. He could not take his eyes off her—his personal sin. Taehyung was still annoyed at Mark's instigation but seeing Mia gave him clarity.

"It's mean to judge someone by their cover..." Then Mia squeezed tightly and Taehyung came with a guttural groan at her giggle.

But neither was fully content or satisfied.

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