Thirty-ninth Cliché

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Mia ran away as fast as she could after pushing Mark away from her. She ran and ran as fast as her small feet could carry her cold, lifeless body. The further away she seemed to physcially get away from Mark allowed her to feel less but somehow it also made the throbbing agony in her chest to get worse.

It should have been easy consdering that the things that had been burdening her now did not exist. Instead she was tormented, as a convulsion took her chest figureatively, literally she was fine, her chest beating. Her heart only seemed to pound harder into her chest as her lungs required more energy and she exerted more of her body to run.

Only when she was exhausted did she pause to start walking, her feet dragging across the concrete of the sidewalk. She stopped her aimless walking when a car slowly rolled its tires with her, slightly matching her speed.

Her eyes only glued to her shoes, and red ankles, did not see the car nor who was driving it.

"Go away." Thinking it was Mark she sped walk but did not get far as her feet was already cold and numb while her legs were now feeling wobbly.

The car honked continuously until Mia finally looked up. Though she had thought it was Mark, it had not been.

It had not been Mark. He had not followed her.

And that filled her with a misery knowing that it was completely over with him. The only thing in her head was that he had not followed her.

As the car continued to drag along side her, not leaving her by maintaining the same speed as her, Mia finally took the time to pay more attention to he car creeping by.

Her eyes found the car, but nothing was registering in her head. She did not know who it was. The car was much too fancy for Mark. Mark owned a modest car and liked his car to stay neutral in color, such as blue or gray.

The car next to her was red, a ruby red that sparkled even in the dim light of the nearly set sun. It was only when the car rolled its tinted windows did the girl realize who it was, but it was his voice that confirmed all because her eyes were to hazy for her to recognize the driver.

"Mia get in." The voice was cocky and demanding with authority laced into it. The deepness gave her a peace but it was not completely with ease.

It was a familiar voice, one that she did not want to hear. And though her mind told her feet to move, to run, to distance herself, Mia couldn't. The only thing that occurred was her silent tears and self-loathing. Soon, Mia forgot about her surroundings, the cold, the car, the driver, and even her numb and near-frozen fingers.

She was alone, again.

With a sigh, the driver unbuckled his seat belt after placing the car in parking, and went out into the chilly weather to grab her himself. Her distant eyes, and hot tears that fell her face as she sniffled her nose, made the driver want to punch the asshole for revenge. Mia was definitely making her work for him. He pushed her into the heated car once her coat was pulled off her cold body. He determined from the trembling that the coat was not doing anything for her. He placed the coat on the back seat and gave her his to cover her legs that were frozen from the chilly wind of early spring.

"Go away."

"Shush." His voice soft, and caring. It only reminded her of Mark, but Mark had been angry. That had been the last thing she saw. That thought filled her with dread because she didn't want to remember him like that.

She erupted in tears as she choked and rested her head on the window of the car, facing away from the male who drove her away somewhere.


They soon arrived someplace that Mia was vaguely aware of. She had been here before once. She had not realized how close it had been to her place. Why had she not known that this was so close to her own house.

He led her inside, though it was more of a dragging then leading. Once inside he took her to a room that was rarely used.

He stared at her as her eyes were now dried, and only red. She was calm though.

"Mia..." He called out, almost a coo.

"What?" She glared at him knowingly, to which he becomes gleeful of. "Are you happy?"

"Yes...I am." He remarked with a smile. It was genuine, he was very happy with the results, both on Mark and on Mia. "Very."

"Bastard." Mia muttered, her voice hoarse from crying before.

"Now, that's not nice..." He whispered out, as he took a step closer to her after tossing his jacket on the ground. He lifted her chin up with two fingers as he brought his face closer to hers. "Is it?"

"You are a bastard, Taehyung." She bitterly spat out.

"I know...Mia. I know."

"Bastard..." She began to sniffle a little.

"It sounds like a compliment when you say it like that Mia." Taehyung grew excited.

"I hate you!" Mia shouted, her voice hitching.

"Keep your part of the deal...Mia." He smiled as he traced the lines of her collarbone. "Be a good girl."

The cold frozen skin under her low cut sweater felt cool under his touch. Her shuddering also rose something within him.

He smiled wickedly at her broken state. He wanted to see more.

"Bastard. Jerk." Mia repeated—over and over again.

"Keep your deal sweetheart." Taehyung chuckled as he leaned forward.

He kissed her soft lips gently at first. He deepened it and roughly dominated her with his tongue. Mia's struggles were ignored and pushed aside by him. Taehyung's strength against her weakened state made Mia's resistance futile.

Her hands pushed but it didn't do anything but push the male back a centimeter. That caused him to only place his lips harder on her, but this time with more action. His tongue sought to make sure she knew that the deal was binding.

In a way, he was reminding her of their deal. The deal that was sealed with a kiss. Nothing more and nothing less, there wasn't anything else. He could say that because there was no change in him at all.

When Taehyung pulled away, he licked his lips as he watched Mia pant desperately for air. It was cute the way she needed air from a kiss so mild. It made him wonder just how inexperienced she was. And that would be fun for him as well.

"You can sleep here Mia. Don't worry. This is a guest room. And none of the other members are here. They left for a trip down to the beach." He leaned forward again to take her lips again. Her voice muffled as he licked her lips. And with one nip near her ears, he whispered to her. "You belong to me now. Don't make me punish you Mia. Next time, I won't hesitate or wait. You know what's at stake don't you?"

Satisfied with Mia's flushed face and tearful eyes, Taehyung stepped back with a smile. His steps, slow, took him to the door that attached the guest room to his. Before he closed the door shut, he said his greetings.

"Goodnight Mia. I'll see you in the morning."

Taehyung though did not expect to see her in the morning.

And he did not.

But that did not bother him as much as it would have because yesterday had been such a good day for him. Mia had submitted—to a degree—to him, and the plans that he had set up with Layla was moving along. All he had to wait was for a single call from a store.

Moving alone, he went on his phone to look at his profiles on his social networks and the School app. Now that this was happening, he needed to make it also official. He was just making sure, of course, that Mia would not back out from their deal, not anymore.

Taehyung had no patience for that anymore. Thus, he was just not going to give her any room or leisure for her to play with the rules that they had agreed upon. She was in this and he was going to keep her playing the game as long as he wanted her, the way he wanted.

And for now...he wanted her to stay with him and to play rather intimately without a bothersome boyfriend.

She was finally without any strings.

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