Chapter 18

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Ezra pov.
I was outside training with dawn. We were using our lightsabers. I was going over the basics techniques to help her with her training. Come on dawn keep your form up. Clear your mind of all distractions. I said. I trying dad but what your telling me is too hard. She said. It's not as hard once you master it. Yeah that's easy for you to say. You know what let's just take a 10 minute break alright. Alright dad. She said and walk back inside the house. I walk in back in too and ahead to the living room.

2 minutes later
I walk in the living room and saw hera on her data then she look up and saw me. Hey hon how was training? She ask. We're not done yet. We're only taking a break. I said. Was it bad? No it's just that she's having trouble focusing on the basic I'm teaching. Like you did when you started your training all those years ago. Yeah with kanan when I join the crew. Yeah him. You still don't like him didn't you? No I'll forgive him but I will never like again after what he did you. It could have gone a lot worse. I know I scare you that day but I'm here right. Yes and thank the force that you are. Yeah. Well let me go talk to her and you listen for jacen when he wakes up. Hera said. Alright. I said back and she walk off.

5 minutes later.
Dawn pov.
I was in the kitchen taking my break when mom came in. Hey dawn your dad just told me of your situation. She said. Yeah it's just what if I can't do it? What if I can't just focus? You can do it dawn. I know you can do it dawn. Your father was just the same way when he was always focus on sabine. You mean the mandalorian woman we at the market 10 years ago? Yes and he got past that and focus on what's in front of him. And now his true focus is to protect me, you, and your brother. Ok mom I get it now. I said to her. Ok then show your father that you are ready. She said and we got up and left.

5 minutes later
Me and mom went back to the living room and saw dad playing with jacen. Dad I'm ready now. I said. Are you sure? He ask. Yes I am. Then come outside and get to it. We all left and went outside and me and dad turn on our lightsabers. Ok dawn ready position. I got in my position and we started clashing. Ready 1.. 2.. 3.. He said as we clash slowly. Very good but it will get faster. I'm up for it dad. Ok 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. I dodge his attack's and he was getting faster and faster. Then instead of dodging his attack's. I duck down and got behind and held my lightsaber at his back. Ha I got you dad. He deactivated his lightsaber and turn to me. Yes you have. Very good dawn. You are now focus. He said. I also deactivated my lightsaber. Thanks dad. I said and hug him. Then mom and jacen come over. Can we get in the hug too? She ask. Of mom we are family. She and jacen got in and we all as a family.

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