Chapter Ten: The Doughnuts

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"I had a fun time." Will tells me as we pull into my driveway, the sky covered in a blanket of darkness as snow falls softly from the sky onto the windshield.

I smile, "Me too. Thank you again for dinner...and the ice cream." I laugh a little.

He nods, grinning, as his head falls back against the headrest with a low sigh. "Remember when we were kids and your mom told us we couldn't have any ice cream? And then we decided to go all Mission Impossible with the spy kits we got from my dad for Christmas?" He laughs, looks over at me, his teeth sparkling.

I nod, throwing my head back as I recall the memory. "We used those things more than should have been allowed."

He shakes his head, chuckling as he stares ahead. "They caught us before we could even get the spoons."

I smile, watching him as he closes his eyes, a ghost of a smile floating over his lips. "I remember."

"Do you miss those days sometimes? When things were simple?" He asks me.

I think about this, clenching my jaw. "I don't know...sometimes I guess. But I like who we are now...well, most of the time anyway." I laugh nervously.

His head lulls to the side to look at me, his full brows furrowed. "What? You're the best person I know. It's me who's messed up more times than I can count on both hands."

A gut wrenching feelings comes over me and my breath catches, looking into my best friends wide innocent eyes. "Will...I...I need to tell you something." My voice catches.

My heart begins pounding and a lump forms in my throat.

"Of course." He sits up, concern overcoming his handsome features. "What is it?"

I press my lips together, looking straight into his face. So full of love and respect. Concern for my wellbeing.

If I tell him now will I lose that look forever? Will my lies drown the respect, and my lack of love for him suffocate the love he has for me?

I'm afraid of the consequences. Something I've never experienced before. I've always been ready for what I deserve but as I open my mouth to confess, nothing comes out.

I'm frozen.

I'm afraid.

I'm a coward.

"Nothing. It's nothing I just...I wanted to tell you that you have something in your hair." I force a laugh, leaning forward and flicking at his hair. There's nothing there, of course. Yet another lie I've so blatantly told.

He rolls his eyes, fixing his hair. "You scared me, May. Don't do that to me." He laughs.

I force a smile, tears threatening to spill over. "Um...I should probably go inside. Liz is most likely watching at the window."

He nods, looking through the windshield at the blind shielded windows. We both spot a small crack made where two eyes peak out as us, narrowed.

I laugh despite myself, silently thanking my sister for being so ignorant to this conversation and the nosiest person I know.

"Yeah you're right. But we should give her something to watch first." He winks at me teasingly.

I hold back a smile. "I like the way you think."

He leans forward slowly, placing a tender hand on my cheek. The tears seem to have disappeared, replaced with a new lump in my throat. One I'm not familiar with.

My heart skips a beat once or twice as his face nears, my eyes scan his face as I spot his almost unnoticeable constellation of freckles over his nose. The infamous dimples make an appearance as his lips brush my cheek, pulling away with a smile.

"Goodnight, May-Bee. I love you." I tells me, his slender fingers stroke the skin on my face before smirking and flicking my nose.

I gasp, sending him a glare. "You little punk."

He shrugs, leaning back comfortably in the driver's seat. "I'll see you Monday."

I blink, not really sure what just happened, as I step out of his car before watching him drive away.

"May-Bell, you messed up piece of trash." I tell myself, turning and walking into the house.

I don't even bother looking over into the living room as I speak to Elizabeth in passing, "Hey, Liz."

I watch out of my peripheral vision as Liz, pins herself against the couch. "Uh...I wasn't doing anything!"

"Goodnight, Liz."

"I swear! I was just...watching a movie!" She laughs nervously.

"The tv isn't on, Liz." I tell her flatly.

"Oh yeah? Ha-ha I guess I must have fallen asleep."

"Okay sure. I'm going upstairs." I walk up the stairs step by step, leaving her sad attempts at lying behind me.

I take a shower before going to sleep, needing to feel somewhat relaxed before I hit the sheets and my thoughts overtake me.

As the hot water falls down against my back I stare ahead at the bland shower wall. I blink water out of my eyes and sigh deeply.

If it was only the fact that Will is in love with me then maybe I could handle it. But when things get confusing and I stupidly make things even more complicated that's when it gets suffocating.

Why can't human beings just know what they want all of the time? That way there's no beating yourself up for making the wrong decision.

I shake my head, not even sure what I'm thinking about at this point. I turn the water off and step out of the shower, a large plush white towel around me securely.

Wiping the fog off of my mirror, I stare at myself, my eyes red and tired from the stress I've caused myself.

After getting dressed and tidying up the bathroom and rush to my bed, needing the comfort and warmth it brings me.

I sink into a deep sleep, doing my best to keep any dreams at bay.

I wake the next morning blinking rapidly, the sun shining through the shades in neat lines.

A yawn escapes me as I sit up, my arms reaching up to stretch. My back arches with an uncomfortable crack, causing me to wince.

I shrug it off, throwing the blankets off and making my way towards the window, pulling the shades up and open to allow the rest of the sun to beam into the room.

My eyes squint, my hand coming up to cover them until they adjust. After blinking it away, I shuffle to the closet, grabbing a pair of blue jeans and a baby blue sweater.

I get dressed and go about my morning with normalcy and monotony; my usual Saturday morning routine.

Feeling more awake and refreshed, I trot downstairs, my eyebrows furrowing when I see a familiar car pulling into the driveway. Quickly making my way to the door, I throw it open to meet the visitor with a smile.

"Will." I grin, "What are you doing here so early?"

Will gives me a weary smile, my eyes drifting to the small paper bag in his hands. "Well," he replies, "I've had a rough morning and I needed to see you."

A smile dusts over my lips immediately, my arms opening as I wait for him to reach the door. The cold breeze wafts in but I pay no mind when he arrives into my arms, allowing me to give him a much needed hug.

His coat smells of pine and the air refresher he keeps in his car. I feel Will relax against me, sighing next to my ear.

"I brought donuts." He whispers.

This brings me out of the hug. "Cake donuts?"

"Two for you, one for me." He winks, his hazel eyes alight with amusement when I laugh excitedly.

"You know me so well."

"I sure do."

"Come inside; you're letting the heat out." My hand pushes the door closed as soon as he steps over the threshold.

"Sorry." He chuckles, pulling his Vans beanie off of his head, shaking the snow off.

"Be careful being out in this cold, I don't want you to catch a cold." I reprimand, helping him with his coat.

Will shrugs this off, waltzing into the kitchen to retrieve a couple plates. He sets them down in front of him before placing two cake donuts on the first and only a single one on the second.

"Breakfast is server, mil-lady." He bows cheekily,  a crooked grin overcoming his features when I flick his head in fake annoyance.

"Thanks." I express my gratitude, taking a nibble of the delicious circular piece of heaven. "So tell me about your disastrous morning."

Will blow air through his cheeks, setting his own breakfast back down on its plate. "Well...the hospital called."

I freeze, a churning feeling overtaking my stomach. "What did they say?"

"She's okay."

I release a subtle relieved sigh, my eyes closing as I attempt to calm my stomach. "Thank God."

Will's eyes take on a sad droop. "I'm worried about her. They said that the chemo isn't working the way it used to and if it doesn't start working soon then they'll have to try something else or...well there could be nothing they can do."

I close my teeth over my bottom lip, biting down anxiously. My gaze is cast to the floor before bringing my chin up high, remembering that Will came here for encouragement and that's exactly what I'm going to give him.

"Will, your mom is going to be fine. We'll keep praying and believing and soon she'll be back home and safe from harm. Don't be discouraged." My hand reaches out to place itself on his arm, my thumb rubbing the material of his shirt tenderly.

He nods in agreement, determination clear on his face. "You're right. I know she'll be okay." He grabs my hand, knitting his finger closely in mine.

"Thank you, May."

"Thank you for knowing you could come and talk with me." I grip his fingers reassuringly.

Will's small smile falters slightly. "May?"


"I've been noticing lately that things have been kind of...different between us and I'm sorry. It's probably my fault, I've just been kind of busy with visiting my mom and making time or our other friends that I forget you need attention too."

My heart warms deep inside me, my eyes searching his only to find genuine concern and worry.

"Will..." guilt suddenly grips me, "It's not you."

"Well of course I know that you've been busy with your assignment with Korbin and it's been hard for you at school without Liz but it's my job to lead this relationship and really make an effort." He tells me firmly, hazel eyes shining with noble responsibility.

I press my lips together, tears forming in my eyes.

"Will, you really are the perfect boyfriend." I laugh tearily.

He gives me a shy smile. "Not really. That's what I've been talking about the past two minutes."

I shake my head. "Will, you're perfect. I'm lucky to have you. And lately...I've forgotten that. Thank you for being in my life. I'll take you any way I can get you."

His eyebrows furrow in confusion for a moment but he warily blinks it away and gives me a winning smile. "You're amazing."

Yeah agree to disagree.

"Thank you, Will."

"Okay enough of this. I think it's time for ice cream." He gives me a crooked mischievous grin.

I throw my head back in amusement, a laugh escaping me. "We still haven't finished our doughnuts."

"So? Come on, let's leave these here and come back with ice cream. Then we can have both." He gives me a cheeky smirk, his twin dimples appearing.

I sigh, giving in. "Fine. Go get my coat."

"I'll be right back." He grins, hopping off of his seat and sprinting upstairs.

He soon returns, my coat and hat in hand along with a pair of boots.

"What made you choose these?" I hold up the pair of old boots he bought me years ago.

He wraps my coat around me quickly, pulling my closer. I let out a squeak and a laugh as I place my hands on his chest.

"I bought them. And you look cute in them."

"You're lying. You just like when I look like trash so you can laugh at me."

"That too." He smirks down at me, a small strand of light brown hair brushing against his forehead. I inspect his almost invisible freckles for the millionth time.

"Your freckles are almost gone." I tell him quietly, absentmindedly reaching up to brush my thumb across the skin under his eyes and over his nose. His eyes flutter closed when I get too close to them, eyelashes abnormally long.

"They've been out of the sun too long." He agrees tiredly.

"We all have. I'm ready for summer." I sigh.

His hazel eyes glide open, looking down at me. "Remember last summer? When we all went camping?"

The memory of the woods and the gallons of bug spray I applied appear in mind. "Yeah I remember. Shane had a crush on the girl who worked there."

"He still won't admit to that. She was, what? Twenty four?"

"Hey I never said it was a realistic crush." I laugh.

"I'm ready for another summer like that. But this summer will be better...different, but better." He says.

"I hope so." I whisper, pulling away slightly to push my arms into the coat around me. "Let's go get that ice cream."



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