Chapter Thirteen: The Surprise

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Dedicated to hiyaitschristine for supporting this story!

So I changed my covers (I'm sure you noticed) and I'd really appreciate your opinions! Everyone knows that the cover of a book is what catches everyone's attention even though we'd like to think one wouldn't judge a book by its cover ;)

I'll probably eventually change the banners and pictures (above) but for now I think these will do <3

Nevertheless, this is the world we live in haha. So, I'd love your input on them. I did make them myself and I also made the others so it would be very easy to switch back!

Thank you, loves.


I feel myself being gently shaken awake, someone's soft tones hovering over my ear.

"May, wake up it's your birthday." Will grins at me cheekily as he stands above me holding a brown bag and a cup holder filled with two coffees and two strawberry banana smoothies.

A smile curls my lips upward as I muster the energy to sit up against the headboard of my bed. I pull the covers up to my chin to ward off the winter chill in the room.

"Good morning." He says, a gentle chuckle escaping him. I look up at him with a playful glare, examining his put together appearance so early in the morning.

"Hi." I reply.

"Ready for some breakfast? I also brought a couple of movies to choose from." He winks.

My heart warms at the sight of him standing there in his coat and light washed jeans, a black beanie resting on his head as he holds the food and drinks.

"Thank you. That sounds like the perfect way to start my day." I laugh, reaching for the coffee he's holding. He hands it to me happily, setting the rest down on the nightstand next to me and unzipping his coat.

After tossing all of his winter-wear aside, he climbs onto the bed and takes a spot next to me.

"What movies did you bring?" I ask him as I nurse my coffee, the warm substance instantly waking me up.

"Uh...I didn't know what you felt like watching so I brought one rom-com and one action movie." He laughs.

I press my lips together. "I could go for a rom-com."

"Same. Let's do it." He hops out of the bed and dashes to his stuff and grabbing a disk out of its case and putting it into my laptop.

"Do you need another blanket?" He asks me before he settles into his own spot next to me.

"No I'm okay, thanks though." I smile.

A few minutes into the movie, I've already downed my smoothie and have begun working on the breakfast sandwich he brought in the bag.

By the time we're twenty minutes in, I'm full and satisfied. I sigh with contentment as I pat my bloated stomach.

"You got a food baby, huh?" Will gives me a cheeky grin as he chews on his own sandwich, his cheeks full and round like a chipmunks.

"Yep. Due in about two hours." I stick my tongue out and laugh with amusement when his nose wrinkles up in disgust.

"Ew ya weirdo. Go brush your teeth." He pauses the movie.

"Is that your way of telling me my breath stinks?" I mock offense.

His hazel eyes roll. "No. I just know you can't stand to get ready for the day after ten o'clock."

"That's you. I don't care."

"Oh yeah...we'll go do it anyway. It's your birthday, look pretty."

"I always looks pretty." I scoff, laughing as I push the covers off.

He quickly leans forward and places a peck on my cheek, surprising me. "True."

I don't respond as I make my way to the bathroom, grabbing some clothes before I go. Not wanting to keep Will waiting, I hurry my shower along.

When I get out of the shower and see myself in the mirror, a shaky smile places itself on my lips as I'm reminded of my hair change. Realizing that I had my hair up and my bangs bobby-pinned and that Will still hasn't seen them, I quickly blow dry it and run a straightener through it.

"I'll fix it later." I shrug as I spot a few missed spots on my head in the midst of the rush.

"Welcome back." Will speaks from behind his phone as he types a message or some sort.

I casually walk over to the bed and climb under the covers next to him, feeling comfy in my leggings and Pink light blue sweatshirt.

Finally, he sets the phone down and turns his head to look at me. "So shall we continue..." He finishes slowly, looking at me with confusion.

"Did you just cut your own hair? what?" His freckled nose scrunches up as he examines my face and hair with bewilderment.

I laugh at his expression. "No I went yesterday. You couldn't tell because I had it pulled up."

"Oh...." He drawls, still seeming stuck on my fact that I cut my hair. "You cut your hair?"

"Do you not like it?" I ask him, uncertainty touching the back of my mind for some reason.

Will's eyes widen, panic setting in. "Oh no, I like it! It's just different. But the more I look at you, the more I love it." He reassures me with a gentle smile.

I feel his fingers knit through mine unexpectedly before he gives them a tight squeeze.

"Thank you." I sigh, relieved. "Even if you did lie, I appreciate the reassurance."

"Well good thing I'm not lying." He winks, his thumb rubbing over my palm comfortingly. I reply by pressing my lips together in a smile.

His fingers play with mine as I watch his eyes move across my face before they meet mine confidently. "You're so beautiful."

"Thank you." Is all I can say.

"We should get back to watching the movie." He tells me, letting go of my hand.

I watch him, baffled by his reaction to my reply. "Is everything okay?" I ask him, concerned.

Will gives me a nod and takes a sip of his coffee. "Yeah of course. I'm just a little tired."

"Oh...well you can take a nap if you like?"

"Nah I'm good. Let's just finish this. It's your birthday and you've got a lot of stuff planned for today." He simpers, obviously trying to remove the attention from himself.

"You're right. I shall spend this time with you watching a movie and enjoying my day." I beam.

Will chuckles, shimmying down further against the backboard and settling in comfortably. A sad feeling still sits in my stomach as I watch him but I can't put my finger on it.

Will has treated me so well and I feel as if I'm constantly taking it for granted and never giving anything back. Not that he's loving me because he wants something in return, it's simply the fact that he's so genuine that gets to me. I wish I could give him everything.

Before I can stop myself or convince myself otherwise, I grab his arm and lift it up so that I can lay under it and I don't know...cuddle or whatever couples do.

"Ow." He laughs as I attempt to do this, my cheeks turning red from the dilemma. "Babe, what's going on?" He chuckles again when he turns and sees my red face.

"I was...well I was only trying to...."

"I know, May. It's okay I know what you mean, come here." He spreads his arms open, his dimples appearing cheekily and annoyingly as he smirks.

My eyes roll at his smug behavior but I do what he wants, snuggling into his side before his arm comes down and over me.

As the movie plays on, I must admit to myself that this is way more comfortable than I thought it would be. You'd think the bones and stuff from another human would be uncomfortable to lay on but this is surprisingly probably the most comfy I've ever been.

And apparently Will thinks so too because, before the movie even ends, his asleep. His eyes rest peacefully while his mouth remains slightly agape.

I blink at him before a mischievous feeling overcomes me. Before I can stop it, my fingers come under his chin. "Hello." I press his chin up and down. "My name is William and I have the bestest friend in the whole wide world."

I laugh quietly to myself, my hand covering my mouth. I raise my hand to do it again but Will's hand stops it abruptly, his fingers wrapped around my wrist.

"Don't even think about doing that again."

I bite my lower lip anxiously. "I thought you were asleep." I confess.

"I was trying to before my psycho girlfriend decided to make me a human puppet." He sighs.

I laugh, the memory amusing me. "Sorry."

"No you're not."

"Yeah you're right, I'm not."

About an hour later, Will has left to take care of a few things for my "birthday surprise" and seeing as it's a surprise, I couldn't go with him or know where he was going so I'm left at home with Liz and my parents to celebrate with them.

"I cannot believe you're already eighteen. Are you sure you're a senior? I think you're still supposed to be a baby." Elizabeth pouts as she watches me eat the plate of waffles topped with whipped cream and strawberries she made for me.

I didn't bother telling her Will already brought me breakfast a few hours ago.

"Oh shut up, you're only two years older than me. You act as if we're ages apart."

"Well that depends on what view you take on it." She defends, her prominent chin cocks upward.

I laugh. "Oh? And from what view would we not be two years apart?"

She pauses. "Oh I don't know about maturity wise?"

"Okay we both know that's not true."

"Ugh fine. What about mentally?"

"You had terrible grades, Liz. But you're great at everything else so it's fine." I chuckle.


"Oh so now someone can be a better Christian than someone else?" I laugh again with a mouthful of waffles muffling the sound.

"Ugh fine. But at least I can say I physically have two years on you."

"No one could tell by looking at us." I shrug.

Liz's eyebrows raise before her hands slowly come up and point to her chest. "Oh trust me, people can tell."

I scoff. "Oh please. Just because you have bigger boobs than me? Most thirteen year olds have bigger boobs than me with those hormones they pump into our milk supply."

Her eyes narrow. "What are you even talking about?"

"Whatever. Thanks for the waffles." I laugh.

"Happy birthday ya big brat." And she leaves it at that, walking out of the room.

A few moments later, I finish most of the contents on my plate and I've received a notification from Instagram.

Elizabeth Quinn (@liztotallyjust) tagged you in a post

A smile tugs on my lips as I click on the notification, an old picture of us from a few years back on our Grand Canyon vacation appearing on the screen.

I read through the mile long caption about how much she loves me and how I'm her best friend.

"Yeah a best friend with smaller boobs apparently." I mumble but smiling bigger despite myself.

This is how our relationship seems to work. We're here for each other when we need one another but most of the time it's pokes and jokes. And then when you look on Instagram it seems like we're the sweetest peaches and we tenderly love each other.

Which we do but...we tend to not to say it as much as we should.

I love you, Liz. Thanks for always being here for me and putting up with my crap. You're the best friend I could ever ask for. <3

I send the comment and she immediately likes it, making me chuckle.

I check my phone for the time.


I still have a good while before Will comes to pick me up which should be around seven or so, so I decide to go have a chat with my parents while they sit in the living room.

I walk into the room with a newly brewed cup of coffee to see that the two of them have already downed a cup and are now sitting peacefully as they speak to one another quietly.

"Hey mom. Hi dad." I smile as I enter.

My mother immediately stands up, still wearing her church clothes. "Honey! Happy birthday!" She hugs me tightly.

I laugh, hugging her back while trying not to spill my coffee. "Thanks mom I love you."

"I love you too."

"Happy birthday! What are you now, twelve?" My dad chuckles as he stands to hug me.

I feel my eyes roll, a smile appearing on my face. "It's actually thirteen, dad, get it right."

"So how was your morning? I'm sorry we weren't here, I just really wanted to make it to church this morning." My mom looks at me guiltily.

I wave my hand, taking a seat in the recliner. "No I'm glad you went. I would have gone but Will came early this morning and brought me some breakfast and a couple of movies."

I watch my dad's eyes as they examine my face. "Oh?"

"Yeah I really appreciated it." I say genuinely, feeling so thankful to have such an amazing friend. I mean...boyfriend.

"So how are you two doing?" My mother chips in, looking pleased with the fact that we're together.

"Uh..." I shift in my seat and then my mug around to hold it in the other hand. "We're doing well. Really good actually." I honestly have no idea.

My dad nods solemnly. "You two make a cute couple. I personally never saw it coming but...if you're happy I'm happy."

"Oh Charles please don't start with this." My mom mumbles to him quietly.

"Start what?" My heart beats a little faster for some reason.

My mother gives my dad an exasperated sigh and gestures to him. "You're father seems to think that...well he thinks that what's happening with you two is some sort of prank or that it's not real which is absolutely ridiculous and I have no part in the assumption."

"Thanks dear I think you've made that quite clear." My father mumbles. "And, honey, it's not that I think it's fake I just...well you don't seem as happy as I'd assume you to be in a relationship is all." He tells me, genuine concern written across his gentle face.

It warms my heart to know that my dad noticed this and I fight to hold back the lump in my throat. "Well..." I take a shaky breath. "I admit that I don't really know what I'm doing with this whole relationship thing and...well sometimes I get confused."

"What do you mean?" My mom asks.

"I just...." I sigh. "We've been best friends so long that it's hard to get used to something else."

My parents stay quiet, looking at each other and seeming to exchange a short silent conversation before my dad speaks, "Well...we trust that you know what you're doing and that if you aren't happy with Will, the right one will come along. And if it's meant to be, well then you'll grow more comfortable with the situation and realize that what's happened is a good thing. We love you and we trust you."

An escapee tear runs down my cheek after he finishes speaking. I didn't realize how much I needed to hear those words until now.

"Thank you, guys. It really means a lot to me that you trust me to make my own decisions." I sigh, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders to know I have their trust.

My mom nods, a watery smile on her lips. "We love you."

"I love you guys too."

By four o'clock all of my friend have either texted me or typed out a large birthday post and/or posted a million embarrassing photos of me.

I smile down at my phone as I respond to Shane's text.

Thank you Shane it means a lot. I'll see you tomorrow :)

I still have about two hours until I should start getting ready but I'm not sure what to do until then so I scroll through my phone for about a half hour before my parents stroll into my room looking excited.

"Oh hey guys." I grin at the two of them, setting my phone aside on my bed and sitting up to look at them.

They look at each other brightly before my dad nods at my mom, giving her the okay to say whatever they were going to say.

"So..." She begins, "we have been really going back and forth about what to get you for your birthday but your father made a suggestion a couple of weeks ago, we've thought it over, and I think it's a great idea."

They pause.

"Well?" I laugh. "What is it? I'm all excited now."

They both laugh and look at each other again before my dad speaks, "We're sending you and your friends, and Liz of course, on a trip."

"What?" I grin widely. "Where? How?"

"Well we had some money tucked away for your birthday and we thought maybe you'd like to go somewhere warm this winter and we thought you'd have more fun if it were with your friends." My mom smiles excitedly.

I jump up and run to them, throwing my arms over them. "Ah! Thank you so much this is the best!" I scream.

"Don't you want to know where you're going?" My dad laughs.

"Oh...yeah I suppose that's important." I chuckle.

"Well we looked at a lot of places and took many thing into consideration. Everything from price to safety, to tourist attractions before we finally decided." My mother informs me.

"Well? Where are we going!?"

"We're sending you all to Siesta Key." My dad smiles. "I know that it's not super exciting like Hawaii but there's a lot of you and there's tons to do there so we thought you kiddos would find a way to have a great time."

"Are you kidding? That sound amazing! When do we go?"

My mom winces. "Not until spring break but - "

"That's perfect! I have time to plan everything out and look at what there is to do around there. It's perfect, thank you." I hug them both happily.

They leave just as excited as they came in and it makes me happy to know that you're happy to give me a gift without feeling like I'm a burden.

Five forty-five comes around and I know I should start getting ready but as I lay in bed I feel way too lazy and procrastinate for about ten minutes before finally getting up.

I remind myself of the surprise Will has for me to give myself a boost of energy...or at least enough to get out of bed.

Will texts me while I'm washing my face, informing me of the proper attire. Apparently it would be best for me to dress fairly warm and comfortably.

I release a relieved sigh knowing that I don't have to dress up and look perfect.

After putting on a little bit of makeup, I leave my hair down, scrunching the girls a bit with my hands and fixing my bangs.

Following Will's orders, I opt for a pair of thick black leggings, a white v-neck under a large gray Champion hoodie. Slipping my feet into some socks and a pair of Adidas sneakers, I settle into the window seat as I wait.

I use the extra time I have to finish up some reading and peak into Liz's room.

"Hey." I knock gently on the opened door, leaning on the frame.

Her strawberry blonde head turns around to look at me, a frown overcoming her beautiful features. "What are you wearing?"

I roll my eyes as I hear the disgust seep into her voice. Laughing, I say, "Clothes. Would you rather me go naked?"

She pretends to consider this before laughing gently and shaking her head. "I don't think that'd be a great idea. But seriously, I thought Will was taking you out?"

I shrug. "He texted me and told me to dress comfortably and warm so I'm following the doctor's orders."

She purses her plump lips. "Hm...Will would actually be a really hot doctor. You should propose the idea to him. He's definitely smart enough."

I gasp, laughing at her comment. "I will most certainly pass the advice onto him."

"Much appreciated. So, where are you going?" She asks me, pulling her legs to her chest as she sits in her "Netflix corner" in her tight workout leggings.

I blow air through my cheeks, shaking my head.

"You don't know?" Her brows raise. "Oh so it's a surprise. Cheeky, Will. Very cheeky." She winks at me.

I scoff, holding back a smile. "Oh whatever."

"People only say whatever when they don't know what to respond." She smirks, taking a potato chip out of the bag next to her and giving it a crunch.


"My point proven." Liz chuckles. "So...can I ask you a question?"

"Go for it." I give her permission.

"How does it not weird you out to go on dates with Will? Like Shane and I haven't even crossed any sort of friendship lines and I already feel sick to my stomach just thinking about it." She sighs, rubbing her stomach and pushing aside the chips.

Walking over to her bed, I take a seat. I sigh, biting my lower lip as I think of an answer. "I really don't know, Liz. I think I'm either getting used to it or my brain still thinks we're just friends."

"Aren't you still just friends?"

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"Well I don't's just that - " She gets cut off by my phone ringing. I quickly apologize before answering.

"Hey, Will." I chirp.

"Speak is the devil." Liz mumbles before reaching for her chip bag once more. I wave her off with an eye roll and make my way out of the room to grab the rest of my stuff.

"Hey babe, I'm here. Do you want me to come inside?" He speaks gently. A smile appears on my face.

"No that's okay I'm on my way out there. See you in a couple minutes."


I hang up and shove my phone into my pocket, picking up my coat, hat, and a pair of gloves before dashing downstairs and out the door.

As I pull the front door open, I'm met with a hard surface, almost being thrown back.

Blinking, I take a step back. "Oh sorry." I chuckle.

Will gives me a gentle smile, his dimples making indents in his cheeks. "It was my fault. Now, I'm going to need you to turn around."

I process his words again in my mind. "What? Why?"

"Just do it, May." He rolls his eyes.

Doing as he says, I shift my body so I'm facing the inside of the house and staring at the front staircase. But soon I'm not staring at anything at all. I can't see anything.

"A blindfold? Could you be more basic?" I laugh to myself.

Will's hand gives me a small ruffle to my hair. "Oh shut up, if you saw where I was driving you'd know exactly where we're going."

"Fine. Don't forget to close the front door." I tell him.

"Yeah yeah I got it." He grabs my hand, softly knitting his fingers through mine. I ignore the comfort it brings me. Though I have to admit, if someone has to blindfold me and bring me into the unknown...Will would be my first choice.

"The front door!" I exclaim as he begins to lead me to the car.

"Oh! Yeah, sorry." I hear him shuffling and soon a door closes. "Okay, now we're ready to go! Are you excited?"

"Extremely." I smile, feeling him come close to me and grabbing my hand once more only this time, he leans close and plants a kiss on my forehead.

It doesn't surprise me and I don't flinch. This almost scares me and a slight wave of confusion swirls in my stomach but I don't have time to linger on it because my current focus is on my running into the mailbox.

"Okay take two steps forward and you should feel the door of the car. Yep, okay now I'll help you get in." He speaks with patience as he guides me into the vehicle.

As we drive, he plays my favorite music and none of his own, not saying anything of it but I take it to heart, my lips curving upward silently.

"What are you smiling about?" I hear him speak.

"Are you just going to stare at me this whole time because I can't see you doing it?" I joke around.

There's a brief silence.

"Yes, actually. This way I can stare at you all I want and receive no kicking and whining from you." Will replies.

I, however, remain silent as I do not know what to say. We drive for several more minutes before I get bored. You never realize how fond you are of staring out of the window of a car until you cannot do so.

I can't exactly check the time but when we get there I have guessed about a forty minute drive but my boredom could have added the last ten minutes.

"We're here." I hear the grin in his voice and immediately the boredom I was experiencing fades away. The fact that he's excited plants a bubble of urgency in me to know what's going on.

"Can I take the blindfold off?" I ask him, biting my lip hopefully.

He doesn't answer, the car door opening and closing, before he appears next to me with the passenger door open.

"No you may not." Will grunts as he leans over my body and unbuckles my seatbelt for me, taking my hand.

I step out of the car carefully, the chill in the air nipping at my exposed skin. "You know, I am completely vulnerable here." I tell him, "You could easily take advantage of my ignorance."

I hear his deep chuckle rise into the air, my smile falters for hand a second at the impact of the sound.

"Trust me, May-Bell, if I've resisted the urge so far I'm thinking you're perfectly safe from my advances." His hand gives mine a squeeze.

I'm reminded of how well he took my words as we sat in his bedroom when I told him I didn't want to kiss him. Of course I know my reasons and when this is all over, he would have regretted us being intimate in any way shape or form because I plan on him realizing the importance of this friendship and how he should be afraid of losing it too.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah. Yeah of course, I'm okay." I plant a grin on my face to conceal my thoughts. "No where are we going?" I laugh.

"Stand" Will stands next to me, our hands entangled between us, before using his other hand to swiftly pull the blindfold away.

I blink at the light coming from the technicolor sunset before me. I'm taken aback as I stand almost on the edge of a small cliff, the wind blowing softly against my face.

The view is unbelievable. I can see for miles and miles, lights from houses and homes beginning to turn on, cars' taillights flashing on and off, and the beautiful sunset laid out amongst the clouds.

"Woah." Is all I can say, a bright grin spreading over my face.

I look over at my best friend, a sheepish look on his face. Squeezing his hand, I let go, only to throw my arms around him swiftly.

He pauses for a moment before his arms wrap around me tightly. I sigh into his embrace, my head on his shoulder and his on my head.

"Thank you." I mumble into his shirt.

"No thank you. I don't know what I'd do without you and thank God I get to show that to you as much as I want at least one day out of the year without hearing you whine about it." I feel his chuckle under my cheek.

We stay there for a good five minutes, just two people standing alone on the edge of a cliff under a colorful sky and millions of stars peaking out behind the last of the blue blanket above.

"I've missed this." He whispers against my hair.

My eyebrows pull together at this. "You can hug me anytime you want, you know that."

I feel his chest rise and fall with a big sigh. "Yeah but...I don't know, you just haven't been yourself the last couple of months. I know we talked it out and everything but we didn't really get to the center of the issue."

My heart stops. "What's the center of the issue?"

"I don't know, you tell me." He pulls away slightly to look at my reaction. I hold onto he calmest composure I can muster.

"I'm fine. Stop worrying." I smile.

He raises a skeptic brow. "Okay well...I have a few more tricks up my sleeve for this birthday of yours so wait here, I'll be back." Will releases me before walking back to the car.

As soon as he's gone I feel the cold hit me hard, my arms wrapping around myself in attempt to ward it off.

Moments later, he returns with his arms full. I rush to help him but he shakes his head in protest. "Nope. It's your birthday and I will not allow you to lift a finger."

I laugh, warmth spreading over my heart. "You're sweet."

"I know."

I laugh again, watching as he lays out several blankets and sets down a backpack filled with objects of which I am uncertain.

"What's in the bag?" I inquire.

He gives me a sheepish smile before replying. "Go ahead and open it."

Unzipping the backpack, I peer inside curiously to see a collections of food and snacks, his laptop, a few movies, and a small velvet gift bag with a pull tie.

My heart stops at the sight of it but I choose to not ask about it, pulling out a container of strawberries with a smile.

"My favorite." I say, pulling the lid off.

He doesn't reply, taking laptop out along with a movie.

"Thirteen going on thirty?" I laugh. "You hate that movie."

"Yeah but it's one of your favorites." He winks at me.

"That's very true." I say through a mouthful of strawberries.

"Hey save some for me, ma'am." He chuckles, pulling the container away from me and retrieving a bite of his own.

We sit in silence for at least a few minutes, just watching the sun completely disappear from view and a full blanket of stars, as far as the eye can see, covers us in dark mixed with faint lights.

"Thank you for this." I say to him, the sound of the movie playing in the background of my voice.

Will's head turns and stops abruptly when his nose brushes mine. I suppose we're closer than I previously anticipated.

"Oh hello." He chuckles, lightening the mood. "And really, it's no problem." His breath smells of strawberries and mint gum. I find myself stuttering.

"Um uh...well thanks again I really appreciate it." I clear my throat.

He gives me an innocent and oblivious smile but I spot a twinkle of knowing in his eyes. "You're welcome...again."

Part of me is expecting him to try something and get around our agreement which causes me heart to race both from fear and from nervousness.

But he just looks briefly into my eyes and turns away, focusing on the task at hand.

I'm left feeling confused and surprised. He didn't even seem tempted to kiss me.

Not that I want him to, he's still my best friend and I'm definitely not up for that. But...he's always been eager to plant one on his girlfriend, no matter who it was.

Maybe this is different.

Maybe he's serious about this.

That would mean that in his mind...we're in this for the long run. I mean, Will has always been one for commitment but this feel different.

"You okay?" His hand strokes my arm in concern.

"Yeah." I blink away my thoughts. "I'm fine. Now, what's in that bag?"

"You mean this one?" He whips out the velvet baggie with the pull tie with a knowing chuckle. "It's your gift."

"I thought this was my gift?" I gesture to the setting around us.

Will shakes his head, a smirk playing on his lips. "No. This was all just an excuse to get you up here have spend some alone time. This is your real gift."

The baggie is placed in my hands softly, the material soft. "Will..."

"Just open it." He tells me with a ghost of a smile playing on his lips.

I pull the top open to reveal a small box. My first reaction is to believe it's a ring but there's no way. We both already own purity rings and an engagement ring is completely out of the question. Even for Will's side of this relationship.

I remain silent as I slowly open the box, revealing a dainty necklace with a single pearl dangling from the gold chain.

My mouth drops open and I gasp. "It's perfect."

I hear him sigh with relief. "Really? Thank the Lord. I was debating between that one and another one and I was just so confused because I vaguely remembered you saying you like pearls over diamonds but I kept second guessing and - " I cut him off, placing a soft kiss to his cheek.

"I love it, thank you." I fight grateful tears threatening to spill out. I guess I'm not fight hard enough because my tears are soon wet and glistening.

"Are you crying?" Will laughs a little awkwardly but scoots closer and throws an arm over me in comfort.

I lean into the embrace, my heart aching slightly. And it's almost as if when one tear fell, the dam broke.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Concern seeps into his tone and she squeezes me tighter, turning so I can lay my head on his shoulder.

"I don't know." I laugh through my tears. "I really don't. I think I'm just being emotional."

"You sure?"

"Yeah...I'm just really thankful for you." I bury my face in his coat, emotions and confusion weighing on me.

"Well I'm thankful for you too." Will tells me softly.

So many thoughts swim around in my head that I don't know which go focus on. So I do the only thing I can think of and shut them all down.

My breathing slows and soon I'm wiping the last of my tears away and sitting up slowly. "Thanks, Will."

"Don't mention it." He kisses my forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too."

* * *

Well that's was a very long chapter...

My plan was to just write out the birthday surprise in about 4,000 words but it's ended up to be 6,000...

It's fine, it's great!

Don't forget to vote and comment :) love ya!

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