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Chapter 6.

"Nathanial, check this out!" My new travel mate called from  farther down the freeway. "It's Nathan, not Nathanial." I corrected, meeting him where he stood. "Wanna do the honors and help me open this baby up?" He asked, tapping the side of an abandoned ambulance.

His eyes widened, and the color drained from his face when a set of undead growls responded to the noise. Nigel turned defensively, taking a step back as he studied the door. "Nerves of steel on this one." I said aloud with a roll of my eyes before removing my backpack and placing it on the floor.

"They just startled me. Don't go getting the wrong idea." He huffed, loosening the top two buttons on his grey shirt. "Sure. Whatever lets you sleep at night." I retorted before pulling out my favorite lock-pick.

"Shut up." He shot back as he leaned against the white aluminum body. "Fuck it's hot." He complained as I got to work on the lock. "I've got waters in my bag. Feel free to take one." I offered without taking my eyes off the pick. "Almost there..." I muttered, the tip of my tongue poking out the way it usually did when I was concentrating.

"Ahh." He exhaled loudly after chugging half a bottle. The satisfying click made by the double doors brought a smile to my face. "Bingo." I cheered, more to myself than anything before turning to stuff the pick in my bag. I studied it for a few seconds before turning to Nigel. "Catch." I instructed, prompting the other man to hold out his hands. I tossed the pick in the air as I walked past him to retrieve my bow and my new toy.

"This is...for me?" He asked, looking down at the small device that now rested in his palms. "Yep. Don't trip, though. I've got more. It's just something useful to carry with you. Never know when you'll find something worth unlocking." He smiled. "Like this?" He asked, tapping the side again. "Like that." I agreed with a grin.

"Thanks." He said as he watched me walk over and pick up my new weapon. "What? Where'd you find that!?" He asked, scanning the aluminum bat. "Mini-van." I informed as I did a couple of stretches and practice swings to limber up. "Kay, on my mark, open the door and hide behind it. I got this." I enthused as I mocked some of the industry's most famous baseball players by pointing out the direction my homer would fly.

"On your mark, get set, swing!" He shouted as he pulled the doors open and took shelter behind them. I planted my feet firmly on the ground, a base width a part as the decaying EMTS stumbled out of their box. With one well-placed swing, I decapitated one. Its head flew off the overpass and splattered on the concrete below.

The other swiped its oozing claws at me but missed by a few inches as I ducked. It hissed in anger when I swung again, this time breaking its shins with a gross crack. The corpse landed by my feet, where I delivered the final blow.

"And the crowd goes wild! Nathan! Nathan! Nathan!" I pretended to cheer into my cupped hands as I ran around in a circle, touching my imaginary bases to complete my run. Nigel laughed. "You're a dork." He said with a grin and a shake of his head as he watched the spectacle. "Oh shush. Learn to live a little." I retorted as I made my way over to my bag again and rested the bat on top.

"I'm not much of a baseball fan, but I did like cheering for the Astros back before the world ended." I turned to him once I'd managed to climb into the back of the ambulance. "You're lucky you didn't do that here. You would've ended up like our friend over there, losing your head to a bunch of angry Dodger fans." I told him as I gestured to the headless body.

He shrugged. "Gotta cheer for my team." I shook my head. "Not if your team is full of cheaters." I countered as I rummaged through the small cabinets and holders. "Yeah, yeah." He muttered before sitting down on the edge of the vehicle.

"Aw fuck yes! Found pain killers, bandages, some antibiotics and IV fluid." I called as I piled everything neatly by the entrance. "An epi-pen in case I have a reaction to your terrible taste in teams..."

"Hardy, har har." Nigel responded with a roll of his eyes. "I also found some Narcan, though I doubt we'll need it since I'm fresh out of Opioids." I joked before turning back to the exit. "Can you hand me my bag?" I asked once I had everything I considered useful. "Sure." He said before walking back to where I'd left it.

The color drained from his face once he looked up. "Uh...Nate?" He began, a hint of anxiety in his tone. "I already told you it's Nathan, not Nate." I huffed as I hopped out of the ambulance. "Any time now." I teased in reference to my bag. He held it out for me to take, his gaze not budging from the horizon.

"We should go." He urged as I packed everything I had found. "Hold up. I ain't got room." I huffed as I wrestled with the zipper. "Stick 'em in my duffle, but hurry." I did as he said, shoving the medical supplies in his neatly packed bag. "Nate." He called again with more urgency this time. "I'm going, I'm going." I responded, handing him his bag before taking mine.

"What's your hurry anyway?" I asked, to which he replied by placing the tips of his fingers on my head and turning it in the direction he was staring. My breath caught in my throat when I laid eyes on the massive horde slowly making its way down the highway towards us. "Oh fuck, we gotta move." I urged, picking up my weapons before walking the opposite direction. With a single nod Nigel turned and followed behind.

We ended up getting off the freeway when we encountered a big rig pile-up too tall for us to climb over
"Ugh." Nigel groaned as a loud rumble emanated from his stomach. "Damn, chill!" I chuckled in response to the boisterous sound.

"Hey, shut up! I'm hungry. The last thing I ate was that fish from last night."

I rolled my eyes. Being alone for so long, I had gotten used to eating on the go or skipping meals entirely to travel faster. Still, some lunch did sound pretty good. "Fine. Either way, I know exactly where we can get some grub." I told him as we stopped in front of the large  Stonewood sign that hung from the entrance of my favorite mall.

"Oh shiiit. A mall? Awesome!" He enthused as we stood in front of the glass doors. I removed the safety on my bow, more than ready to face whatever dangers lurked inside. "Ready to fight for your lunch?" I asked, to which Nigel replied with a devilish grin. "I was born ready."

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