Don't do this at home

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"No!" I sat up with a jolt, my head pounding like a hammer in the hands of a carpenter. I panted, terror gripping my chest as I frantically looked around for my zombie boyfriend; I could feel beads of sweat trickling down the sides of my face. I glanced around the opaque room and noticed the off-white curtains were drawn. Where the fuck was I?

I tried moving my good arm, but found myself hooked up to an IV. "What the fuck...?" I muttered to myself as I tried to make sense of my surroundings. I was laying on a stiff twin bed with pelt covers and a wooden frame; it looked hand carved. I glanced up when I heard footsteps approaching.

I turned to see Nigel walk into the tiny room. I flinched when the mug he'd been holding hit the floor. Steam floated up from the rug as the hot beverage spilled. "Shit your tea. I'm sorry." I apologized as he hurried over and took a seat on the edge of the mattress. "Fuck my tea, you're awake!" He enthused as he took my good hand. My broken arm was in a sling, secured against my chest.

"Yeah, heh. Figured I'd napped enough. How long was I out? A couple hours?" I asked as I stretched in place. "Four days..." He trailed off, his tone soft. I blinked. "No fucking way." I argued. I furrowed my brows when I finally focused on his appearance.

He was pale, thinner. A stark contrast to the way he'd looked before I'd passed out. His bruises were faded now; yellowed. His body was already reabsorbing the blood that pooled beneath his skin.  Was I really out that long? I glanced down at the needle in my arm. "Is that what this is?" I asked, gesturing to it with my head.

"I couldn't just leave you without any fluids for four days, you'd die of dehydration." He admitted as he rubbed the nape of his neck. Large bags clung from his eyes and his hair was messy and unwashed. "So your a nurse and a pilot?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"No, one of my childhood friends became a nursing student. I would let her practice on me, so she taught me how to do it too. Thought it'd be a handy survival skill." He shrugged. "Hm. Well looks like you chose right. Thank you." I smiled broadly. "So where are we again?" I asked, glancing up at the ceiling.

"Some random trailer on an airstrip in the middle of nowhere. The plane's right outside your window." He informed. I moved the curtains and peeked out the window so I could lay eyes on the seaplane we would be taking to Texas. I furrowed my brows. The front wheels were missing and the nose of the plane, along with the propeller was buried beneath cracked trees. "What? It's all fucked up! How are we gonna leave with the plane looking like that?" I asked in reference to his not so smooth landing.

Nigel cocked a brow. "Leave where?" He asked, bewilderment clear in his tone. "Texas." I clarified just as my mind registered the change of scenery. Lush green grass and trees covered the landscape. "We aren't in Kansas anymore, are we?" Nigel shook his head. "Nope." After a few seconds of realization, I let out a sigh. I'd slept through the ride. 

"I shoved your unconscious ass on the plane and flew us here while you slept. Thanks for the help by the way." He remarked, sarcasm thick in his tone. Memories of sirens blaring in the cock pit as they descended dangerously fast filled Nigel's mind. "Screw you! No one asked you to kidnap me across state lines!" I shot back with a pout.

"You agreed to go! Fuck." Nigel sighed, his voice wavering as he leaned forward and rested his forehead on my shoulder. "I'm sorry. I'm just...stressed." He admitted without raising his head. "I didn't mean to snap at you..." 

My heart thumped loudly in my chest. Oh how I prayed he couldn't hear it with our proximity. " okay?" I asked my hand going up towards his head. My fingers twitched just before they could reach his hair. Would it be touch him?

"Fuck you. You scared me you bastard." He chuckled, the sound strained. "Hey. You know I'm indestructible, give me some credit!" I teased, leaning down to try and see his face. "Don't, please. Just for now." He pled. My brows pinched together as I brought my hand down the rest of the way, patting Nigel's head as I held him.

"Thank you for worrying." I was touched. No one had ever really preoccupied themselves with my safety. No one else except Ed. The nightmare I awoke from flashed back through my head.

"Hey, want me to help you make some more tea? My treat." I offered in an attempt to cheer him up, but received no response. "Nigel?" I asked again, leaning in so I could see his face. This time he didn't protest. He didn't even move. "Hey, you okay?" I repeated, only to have my heart sink when he slumped over.

"Nigel!?" I freaked out when he fell forward. I leaned over and hovered my ear over his face to check if he was breathing. He was; In fact he was snoring. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. After yanking out my IV,(kids don't do this at home) I ran to the bathroom.

"A diaper!?" I screamed in horror, oblivious to the smirk that momentarily quirked Nigel's lips.

Once I'd showered (achem), I scooted him over so there was just enough room for both of us. As Nigel slept I stared at him, admiring his relaxed features and slacked jaw; he looked so vulnerable. I won't admit how long I stared for, only that it was enough to memorize every line on his face. Eventually my own weariness overcame me and I too fell asleep, curled up next to the person I cherished; The rhythmic sound of his breathing lulling me to sleep.

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