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After a quick shower, I joined Nigel and the rest of the crew outside. "Finally. You take longer in the shower than an old lady with a cane!" Jade teased, hopping off the small porch once she saw me step out. Nigel was already outside, duffle strung across his torso as he caught up with Archie. "Your insults are as bad as your cooking." I shot back, causing Archie to stifle a laugh. She turned and glared at him, to which he reacted by averting his gaze. Nigel laughed serenely at the interaction between the two as I made my way towards him. "Let's go. We're losing daylight." Jason reminded as he snuffed out the roach he'd been smoking.

We followed him across town, all the way to the entrance where we'd been frisked when we arrived. Grace was waiting for us beside the gate, conversing with one of the snipers that stood guard at the top.

"Mornin,  Mayor." Jason greeted, shaking her hand out of respect. Myra, the petite blonde we'd met at the dance, waltzed over and gave both Nigel and I a hug ."Thank you guys for joining us! We need all the help we can get." She chimed. We both glanced at each other briefly, for a few seconds caught off guard by her display of affection.

"Mai. What did I tell you before? Not everyone likes to be hugged by strangers." Jason chastised. She gave him a sheepish grin and stepped back to give us some space. "Nigel." The Mayor greeted, extending her hand so they could shake. "I trust you found everything to your liking?" She asked before reaching to shake my hand as well. "Everything was exceptional Madame Mayor. More comfortable and luxurious than I could've imagined." His remark made her smile. "We've done what we can." She assured before gesturing with her head for us to follow.

We stopped by the small booth that was by the entrance of the gates. Grace was the only one with keys. I smiled broadly when she opened the door and pulled out my weapons and boots. She handed Nigel his sword and knives as well. One after the other each scavenger retrieved their weapons, Jason being the last one. "Thank you Grace." He told her as he expertly reloaded his pistol. I watched as he screwed a home made silencer onto the canon. He also owned a pair of dual wielding broadswords, which he slipped into the holsters on his thighs.

After that, Grace led the way farther down the edge of the compound. The clacking of her heels echoed as she walked us over to a garage, nestled into the corner where the outer walls met. At first glance, it looked like a simple shed. "You two have journeyed far, so I don't believe there's any need to stress how dangerous the outside world is at the moment. Just remember to stay vigilant and always back each other up. We are stronger together." With that reminder, Grace pushed aside a vine that hung over the protruding unit, revealing a button. With a single press, the articulated door slowly slid open, revealing an entire set of motorcycles.

"No way!" Nigel enthused, eyes widening larger than a kid's on Christmas. "You didn't think we were expecting you to walk, did you?" Jason smirked, amused by the other's enthusiasm. "This one here is yours. It's our last bike, so you'll have to share." He told us as he patted the cushioned seat. Nigel stared at the vehicle incredulously, running his hand over the glossy green streaks that marked the sides. I watched as the other scavengers mounted their bikes, soon filling the garage with the rumble of engines.

It was clear from the look on Nigel's face that he wanted to drive, so I didn't protest. Once my crossbow was secured to my back, I took a seat on the pillion, waiting for him to settle in. His smile broadened when I gestured for him to sit in the driver's seat. "You can drive us back." He volunteered, hastily swinging his leg over and mounting the sleek machine. Goosebumps prickled my arms once the bike roared to life. "It's so smooth!" Nigel shouted over the engine, his eyes bright and excited.

I turned when I heard the metal door to the outside beginning to open. "Everyone ready!?" Jason called from his own bike, a touring model with bigger seats and extra storage. Myra was nestled comfortably behind him, arms wrapped snuggly around the males's waist. Was I expected to do that as well? My pulse sped up at the thought. Would Nigel be ok with me holding him from behind? I glanced down at the pillion and at the short distance between my ass and the floor.

Uneasiness filled my stomach when I realized just how easily I could fly off. Being the walking disaster area that I was, the prospect of riding suddenly seemed scary. I wheezed, the sound drowned out by the other engines, but somehow still audible to my companion. He turned back to glance at me, holding out one of my spare inhalers, which he'd now resorted to carrying with him just in case.

"Have you ever ridden before?" He called loudly over the engine. I took the inhaler and inhaled a calming dose before shaking my head and handing it back to him. A comprehensive smile crossed his face for a second, making me forget my worries. "Wrap your arms around me." He instructed. At first, I hesitated. The concept of holding him so close made me nervous.

Reluctantly, I slid my arms around him. "Just relax and trust me. You don't have to lean much or anything. This cruiser is fairly easy to drive, and since you weigh no more than a child, we shouldn't have any problems!" I drove my fist straight into Nigel's gut as punishment for that short joke. I knocked the wind out of him, causing his laugh to come out as a choppy gasp. I smiled to myself. The interaction helped me relax.

We both turned to give our attention to Jason once he started speaking. "Today, we are riding East toward the Louisiana state line, given that we've looted most of the towns in North and West Texas. We'll be out for a few weeks. I estimate no more than three. Conserve water and resources as much as you can. We won't be finding much until we are near the next state."

At the end of his discourse, the Mayor stepped forward. Her cyan blazer/skirt combo seemed too bright in the dreary unit. "To all my scavengers, new and experienced; I thank you. Our people, thank you. We commend you for your bravery and sacrifice. Please stay vigilant. Don't be careless. We can't lose any more of you. Humanity can't afford it. May the Lord protect you on your travels." She then raised her hand and signed a cross in front of our squad before stepping aside to let us pass. With a cocophonous whistle, Jason signaled all ears. "Let's ride!"


(Thank you for reading book one of my Zombo Apocalypse trilogy. Keep an eye out for the second installment, The Scavengers; which will take our protagonists through the wilderness of a tattered Nation as they learn more about the origin of the deadly Virus.

Witness Nathaniel and Nigel's romance bloom into something more tangible and passionate as they start to question and explore the nature of their intense relationship all while fighting to stay alive and...human.

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