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"What you got there?" Eddy asked as he took a seat on the floor beside me next to the fire. It was raining outside. I loved the sound, the grey. And it was the only way we really got a chance to use the fireplace. "Agh, not much of anything really. Was trying to sketch a manticore, but I just can't get the face right." I huffed, handing him the notebook. "Oh wow. That looks sick." He complimented as he studied my work. "You're just saying that..." I scoffed.

"No seriously, it looks amazing." I turned to him with a premeditated pout on my lip. "Oh no, don't make that lip." He urged, reaching out and cupping my face in his hands. "Only a kiss can fix it." I mumbled, eliciting a loving chuckle from him. "Mmh raspberry?" He asked as he licked his lips clean of my chap-stick. "You like it?" I asked with a devilish grin. He nodded before pulling me in for a more passionate kiss. The sound of the wood cracking beneath the flames intensified as we melted into each other.

A loud snap made my eyes shoot open. I blinked, trying to make sense of the dancing figures the flames and shadows created. I could make out...tree branches. A star speckled sky shone from between the leaves. I tried to sit but was immediately pulled back down by a heavy dizziness. I couldn't help but groan, calling Nigel's attention. He sat by the campfire, stirring the contents from a can of chicken noodle soup.

"Nathan!? Thank goodness you're awake."  I gave him a wide smile as he crawled towards me. His face filled me with an unexplainable warmth. The way the fire flickered across his features caused Nostalgia to roll through me as I remembered my dream. "Heh. You didn't think you could get rid of me that easily, did you?" I joked, before trying to sit up again.

A sharp sting along my temple caused me to flinch. "Take it easy! You bonked your head really hard back there..." Nigel scolded as he reached out, fingers loose and parted as if he wanted touch my head; He stopped halfway. I blinked, saddened by the lack of contact. 

The younger male cleared his throat before running that hand through his hair. It was getting shaggy. "I'm really glad you're okay." Nigel admitted, his expression soft but worried all the same. "I'm fine. It's just a scratch. I'm indestructible." I boasted, causing him to smile. This time I managed to sit up all the way, the action caused my back and neck to scream in pain. "Ugh, I'm so fucking sore. I could really use a warm bath right now." I muttered as I rolled my shoulders, trying to ease my tired muscles. I was stiff from laying down for so long, though I'm certain the beating that Krusher gave me also had a big part in that.

"Well, I can't guarantee you a warm bath, but there is a small river just a few yards down between those trees. I cleaned myself up there earlier." He informed. "Awesome, heat me up some soup while I go bathe, yeah? I'm starving." I enthused before getting slowly to my feet and walking over to my bag which sat on a boulder on the other side of the campfire. "Wait, are you sure that's a good idea?" Nigel asked fretfully. "What if you get dizzy again and fall? I should go with you." He said firmly standing beside my sleeping bag. 

I could feel my face turn red. Nigel helping me bathe? I shook my head, trying desperately to clear the images from my mind before they could even manifest. "N-no that's ok! Heh, I got it. I promise if I get dizzy, I'll sit or something." I assured the other as I dug through the pack for some clothes.

"What if you get attacked by something again? I'm sure there's coyotes around here and snakes too." He countered. "I'll take my machete. Don't worry, I highly doubt there's any krushers out here." I gave him a reassuring smile as I draped my sweats and t-shirt over my shoulder.

"Is that what that thing was?" He asked, beside me now. "Yeah. Just a super powered roid-head. Somethin' about those chemicals they eat and drink, messes with the virus. Not sure why though." I admitted as he handed me one of his towels. "Here, you might need one. Don't want any birds to mistake you for an early morning worm."

My face turned dark red. "Shut up!" I snapped, my bottom lip sticking out as I puffed out my cheeks. Nigel burst out laughing, my expression amusing to him. "You look cute when you stick out your lip that way." He admitted, still laughing. My heart...nearly stopped with the compliment. 

Still, I couldn't let him see me that flustered. I turned away from him, facing the darkness in between the trees before gripping my towel and stomping away. "Scream if anything happens!"

"I will dad!" I shot back before flipping him the bird. Nigel shook his head but didn't follow. Instead, he took a seat and readied the bowl he would use for my portion of soup.

My mind was...a mess. Memories of the day before mixed with memories from my past. More snippets of the krusher beating me would cut in, causing my head to hurt. I definitely had a concussion. "Get it together." I scolded myself as I peeled off my crusty, dead-smelling clothes. All that rotted blood had pooled in my shoes and permeated my socks.

Once I'd taken off everything except my boxers, I dunked the garments in the river. "Nope. Definitely no saving these..." I muttered once I realized they were torn as well. "Ugh. Looks like I'm gonna have to go shopping when we hit the next town." I mumbled as I took off the last remaining garment and waded into the chilly river.

It wasn't as cold as other bodies of water I'd bathed in before. Especially since this spring had been hotter than most. I cleaned myself throughly. Using my favorite bar of soap. I inhaled deeply, happy to finally be rid of that putrid stench. The only thing I kept dry was my head.

Once I was done bathing, I took a few seconds to look up and observe the moon. It was rather large. Nearly full and extra bright, it lit up the ripples in an enchanting way.

"You're cute when you stick out your lip like that..." Nigel's voice resonated in my ears, followed by the memory of his smile.

I felt heat rise to my face again. "I'm in trouble fair maiden...heh. Real trouble..." I told the celestial body before walking back to shore.
I was half dressed when I heard a twig snap behind me. I swung my machete, driving the sharp blade into the bark of an old tree, just inches away from Roland's face. "Woah there, might wanna watch where you swing that piece. Wouldn't want to cause any accidents." The southerner remarked as he took a drag of his cigar.

"Don't you have anything better to do besides spy on people?" I grumbled as I reached over for my tank which I'd draped on a branch above his head. "Move Roland. I need to get my shirt." I huffed. "Make me." He dared, baring his stained teeth. When I saw he wasn't moving, I tip-toed and stretched my arm over his head.

I didn't even get to touch the cotton fabric before he gripped my face between his thumb and forefinger. He spun me around with ease, shoving me against the same trunk I'd cut into. "You know, I'm getting really tired of putting up with your lip, princess. Keep at it and I might have to remind you who's the one wearing the pants out here..." he sneered, his face inches from mine.

I swallowed thickly but didn't allow my scowl to falter as he leaned in even closer. His breath stunk of cheap whisky and ash. Shivers of disgust rolled up my spine as he inhaled deeply, sniffing me like some animal would its prey. I held his glare, catching on to that crazy glint beneath his intoxication.

"Fuck off!" I growled clenching my jaw. The grip he had on my face tightened to an unpleasant degree. "I'm gonna make you eat your words you fagg—"

A wave of relief washed over me when I heard his voice. "Nigel, over here!" I called, causing Roland to take a step back and release me. "There you are. I was getting worried. Do you need help?" He asked, his hands in his pockets. What an odd gesture, especially for him. "I'll leave you ladies to it." Roland spoke gruffly before shooting me a menacing look, then disappearing between the trees.

I shuddered, the sentiment that whatever just happened wasn't over, filled my chest. "You okay? Are you cold?" Nigel asked, putting a hand on my shoulder and pulling me out of my thoughts. "Ugh...yeah." I admitted, finally feeling the breeze that ruffled the leaves. "Here." Nigel said as he reached for my shirt and effortlessly pulled it down from the branch. He draped it over my head and held the edges in place to make a sort of bonnet.

"Get dressed dummy. You're gonna catch a cold." He chuckled before tugging on the fabric to pull me in. My face...all the blood in my body rushed to my face when I felt his warm lips against my forehead. I didn't even have time to appreciate the gesture before it was over. "I'm really glad you're okay..." He admitted before pulling me into a tight and secure embrace. "Let's get you back to camp so you can eat some soup."

He urged a few seconds later. "Heh ok." I agreed, all my worries melted by his warmth. "And what are my chances of being spoon-fed?" I asked cheekily as I slipped on my shirt and followed behind. "Not very high." He chuckled as he led the way back to camp.

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