*Zombie Bastards*

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"Die, Die zombie bastards! Pew, Pew!" I growled as I fired my virtual weapon at the oncoming hoard. "Ow! Acid spit! Noooo!" I shouted as a charger tackled me into a tree. "Louis no, don't!" A furious succession of mouse clicks filled the room as I tried shooting the Jocky that was now riding him. And just like that, one by one my team-mates fell. I sighed loudly, yanking the head-set off and allowing it to hang from my neck.

"Winning like always, I see." Eddy made fun from the doorway, his arms crossed as he laughed.

I flipped him a double bird, causing him to laugh even louder. I turned back to the screen, restarting from the last checkpoint as he approached and placed his hands on my shoulders. "What time we leaving tomorrow?" He asked massaging my aching muscles. "Mmm..." I let out a sigh as I lit a Molotov and aimed for the Tank that was barreling towards us. "Ooo! Get some!" I cheered as the fucker caught fire but backed up when he began throwing rocks. I shrugged. "How about around nine? I really want to come home early." Ed admitted. I pouted.

"Fine, but you have to face me in air hockey before we leave." I challenged just as the helicopter touched down. "Ahh!" I let out a war cry as it became an every man for themselves situation. I sprinted ahead, dodging two tanks, a smoker's tongue and a boomer's explosion. Covered in it's vomit, I made it onto the aircraft just in time to avoid a deadly rock throw that claimed the lives of my last two team-mates.

"Fuck yeah!" I cheered as I tossed my headset carelessly onto my keyboard. "I'm proud of you." Eddy whispered, blowing air against my neck as he curled his arms around me. I shivered, my skin immediately covered in goosebumps as trumpets blared from my headphones. "Nah, it was a piece of cake." I assured as I turned around and coiled my arms around him. Ethereal piano music echoed through my head-phones as I pushed him onto the bed.

"Just please help me put on sun screen." I urged, remembering every single sunburn I'd ever received. "It's alright, if you get burned we just won't let your back touch the bed." He quipped. "If there's no avoiding it, I'll allow it..." I grinned, leaning in for a kiss, as sweet victory blared through those tiny speakers.


"Edward!" I screamed as he held back the door to our garage. Pounding and snarls filled the air. "Nate, get out of here. I'll hold them off!" He urged, his body jerking forward with each push our ravenous neighbors gave. "I don't understand what's happening! Why is everyone going insane!?" I cried, eyes wide as I saw the hinges begin to give. The cooler we had taken to the beach that morning had toppled over, spilling a river of ice water and cola onto the ground. "Ah, fuck!" Ed screamed as another bang drove splinters into his back. 

"Nathan, go. I'll find you. I promise, but you need to go right now!" He begged as I fought to push back the doors. "No, I'm not leaving without you!" I protested just as a bloody hand pulled me from between the doors.  "I can't hold it anymore! Run!" Eddy screamed just as the wooden bolt cracked and gave way, allowing the sea of rabid neighbors to pour through the doors and into the garage. "Ed!" I screamed when I saw the crossing guard sink his teeth into my boyfriend's neck. He screamed in agony, but managed to pry him off and launch him into the others. 

"Go, go! upstairs! I'll catch up!" He promised as he picked up the metal bat we kept by the workbench and began swinging. Nasty squelches and crunches could be heard as he kept them back. I did as he ordered and ran up the stairs of our house, taking each step two at a time  before locking myself in the master bedroom. Eddy followed soon after, his stripped shirt stained with blood as it dripped from the nasty bite near his neck.

 "Fucking crazies." He grumbled before sliding down to the floor, his back to the door. Without a moment of hesitation I was beside him, applying alcohol and gauze to stop the bleeding. "The news said this variant was causing symptoms similar to rabies. I just wasn't expecting it to be this severe." He admitted.

"Here, make sure you take these antibiotics. They'll prevent infection while we wait this stupid variant out." I instructed, my voice shaking with anxiety. Once I was done, Eddy grabbed ahold of my hand, preventing me from leaving his side. "I love you." He admitted for the first time ever. I could feel my eyes water with emotion. "Really? You choose to tell me now?" I asked with an incredulous scoff, as tears threatened to over-flow. "Better late than never." Edward retorted with that same crooked smirk before sweeping me off my feet and tossing me onto the bed.

We wasted the rest of the day away beneath the covers, loving each other again and again until neither of us had the strength to move. I passed out in his arms, the beating of his heart lulling me to sleep. The following morning I awoke at dawn. The sun's early rays poured in through the open curtains, warming my naked skin. I opened my eyes to see Eddy, sitting up at the edge of the bed, staring directly into the sun. I sat up and stretched, my body sore from our love-making session. "Good morning hot stuff." I cooed in his ear, wrapping my arms around his bare-shoulders. 

"You know you shouldn't stare into the light, you'll damage those pretty eyes..." I trailed off, placing kisses down his neck and shoulders. Edward growled, causing me to pull away in amusement. "Damn ok, someone woke up on the wrong side of the mattress." I teased as I got out of bed and made my way to our closet to find some fresh boxers. "Any breakfast suggestions? I can see what I have after I check if that crazy mob is gone." I enticed but received no response. I smiled when I saw his shadow tower over me from behind, the creaking floorboards gave away his proximity. "Maybe, pancakes?" I asked as I turned to face him, just as he lunged forward, aiming to bite. 

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